possibility of preparation. It was thus that the working shoemaker of Cork responded to the call of the chairman :— My dear friends, I will not trespass on your time by making excuses about inability, but will at once say, that I never felt so proud in my life as I do at this moment. I feel proud when I recollect the splendid spectacle of this day-I feel proud of my present companions, and I feel proud when I think that I have been one of the humblest instruments of raising my fallen country to that proud position intended for her by nature and by nature's God. Is there anyone, I ask, who possesses a spark of true feeling, who thinks with the mind of an Irishman or a Catholic, that will not lend his every energy to advance this cause, until all Ireland shall stand up in the ranks of regeneration? I hope that the pride which animates me this evening will continue to animate me until the close of my earthly existence. On the hill which overlooks the City Jail, a trifling delay caused the procession to halt. I looked over the dark and massive walls of that prison, and then gazed on the countless thousands who filed beneath me in grand array, and I thought if it had not been for Father Mathew, and the noble work of his hands, how many of those whom I then saw before me in happiness, in virtue, and independence, would be solitary mourners in the cells of that prison! I thought how many deserted wives and children would crowd around its door, weeping in bitterness and despair. I reflected that, were it not for temperance, how many would have been guilty inmates of its dungeons--how many would have rattled the convict's chain, or fallen victims to the offended laws of their country. I thought this, and I asked myself-was there man, woman, or child, who would put forth a hand to check this great work, that will eventually lessen the inmates of the prison and the workhouse, banish the convict hulks, and close up our penal settlements? My friends, if you see such a person, mark him as an enemy to his country and his kind-one who, like a second Nero, would stab the womb that gave him birth! On the following evening an interesting meeting took place, at which Father Mathew was present. It was held in the Church Street Room, on the occasion of a number of emigrants-240 in all-being entertained previous to their departure for New Brunswick, in the ship' Clyde.' Father Mathew was surrounded, as he frequently was, by many of the leading citizens, and supported by his most zealous and eloquent assistants. Whether it was from weariness, or the necessity for reserve, he appeared reluctant to speak; and in answer to his own name, which was mentioned in glowing terms, and received with more than ordinary enthusiasm, he said but a few words, which are given principally to show how he had been employed during the whole of that day :— It is unnecessary for me to allude to the encomiums that have been made upon me; I know that the speakers have drawn them from their own hearts, pure and unrestrained. There are many here who have witnessed the progress of the temperance cause, from the time I planted the grain of mustard-seed, until it has grown into the mighty tree under which so many thousands have found repose. But if I allude to the progress of the cause, I am so identified with it that anything I may say may be considered egotism. I will leave it then to other persons. I do not lay any claim to eloquence, nor have I had time to write a speech, for A STRANGER'S EVIDENCE. 155 since half-past six o'clock this morning I have been occupied in administering the pledge, and whatever pleasure you might have enjoyed from listening to a prepared speech from me, I am certain that you would be better pleased to know that I had been so occupied. William Martin came out with peculiar force on that occasion, and added the camel to his list of illustrious water-drinkers, which already included the race-horse, the lion, and the elephant. He again alluded to the feeling of personal relief which he experienced in April 1838, when he felt the load of the temperance cause lifted from off his shoulders and placed on those of 'his friend the Apostle'—for William, sober Quaker as he was, fell into the habit of the day, and called Father Mathew the 'Apostle,' just as others did. William declared that there was not a circumstance which happened on the previous day that could offend the most fastidious. The health of Captain PENTREATH, of the good ship 'Clyde,' was pledged in flowing cups-of tea; and his speech, short and sailor-like, is valuable as the testimony of a disinterested and unprejudiced witness: He could not (he said) allow himself to be seated without offering his opinion on the temperance movement. He came to the port of Cork, after being four years absent from it, and was not prepared to meet the change that had taken place. On coming into the harbour, he was boarded by a pilot, whom he invited to dinner; during the dinner, he asked him to take a drink of ale, but he said, 'he could not, for he was a teetotal man, and one of Mr. Mathew's society.' He (the captain) asked him was it possible that a Cork pilot could be a Mathewite? and he was told by the pilot that he was one, and for fifty guineas he would not drink ale. Next came the boatmen, who said they would take me in for such and such a sum; and how different was their manner then, compared with when they used to drink the 'calamity water!' It was a pleasure to come into the port of Cork under the present circumstances. On his landing he was not prepared to witness the sight he did witness; for though he had been in the five quarters of the world, he never witnessed anything of such importance as the procession of the previous day. That procession was a costly one to Father Mathew. A considerable number of the societies and bands had come distances of 20, of 30, and even of 40 miles. As many as 700 people had walked in from Kinsale. Large numbers had also come from Dunmanway, from Milstreet, and from Mitchelstown. Now these people were almost exclusively of the class that lived by the labour of their hands; and the very effort which they made to dress for such an occasion, and to prepare for such a journey, was a severe drain upon their scanty resources. Humanity as well as policy would have suggested to anyone in Father Mathew's position that some consideration should be shown to these poor people; but the prompting of his own generous and thoughtful nature impelled him to a liberality towards them which might be fully termed munificent, but which, by those who did not thoroughly understand the man or appreciate his position, was designated as foolish and wanton extravagance. The temperance leader had in him much of the spirit of the knights of old. To him, as to them, money was the least of the goods of life; and no conqueror in the tournament ever scattered largess so profusely among the applauding commonalty as Father Mathew scattered silver and gold among his humble followers. Thus it was that these temperance demonstrations, which indicated the progress and the triumph of the cause, formed a serious item in his expenditure, and a heavy drain upon his exchequer. It was about this time that the following rather strange incident occurred. Father Mathew had been invited to preach for some charity, and afterwards administer the pledge in a certain locality. A gentleman residing in the neighbourhood, whose name has probably been since heard of in the Court of Encumbered Estates, invited him to his place, where he treated him with that hospitality and distinction which were alike honouring to the host and the guest. Father Mathew was to sleep at this gentleman's house, and to be driven next day in his carriage to the place of meeting. At the appointed time on the following day the carriage was at the door; and having taken his leave of the ladies of the family, he set out in company with his host. The two gentlemen passed the time agreeably, as the well-appointed carriage rolled smoothly along, drawn by a pair of fine and spirited horses. They had arrived within a mile or so of the appointed place, when there was a sudden stop. Father Mathew at once looked out, and saw two or three rather poor-looking men, one of them as if holding the horses' heads, and the others at the side of the carriage. Believing them to be enthusiastic followers, who desired to anticipate his arrival by coming to meet him on the road, or poor fellows who wished to take the pledge thus early, in order perhaps to make no delay in the village, he opened the door of the carriage, and leaned out eagerly towards them, saying, 'Good-morrow, boys! Glad to see you. I hope we shall have a fine meeting. You wish to take the pledge?' 'No, yer reverence, said a cunning-looking little man, with a peculiarly sharp eye, scratching the side of his head with an air of comical perplexity; 'we ar'n't going to be after taking the pledge now, an' I'm temperate myself these three years; 'tis on another little business we've come.' am delighted to meet a faithful teetotaller like you, my dear. And can I do anything for you or for your friends?' We're much obligated to yer reverence, and a fine warrant you are to be good an' kind; but 'tis with the masther there we've a word to say,'—and he indicated the owner of the hospitable mansion, and the occupant of the luxurious carriage, with a nod of his head, and a significant shrug of the shoulders. 'Oh! I beg your pardon, my dear sir,' said Father Mathew, drawing back, so as not to prevent free communication between his travelling CHARACTERISTIC INCIDENT. 157 companion and his tenants or workmen, as he supposed the three men to be. But, to his horror, he found that the cunning-looking little man was a bailiff, who had a writ to serve on his hospitable friend, and who was then and there about taking possession of his carriage and horses. The dismay and confusion of the unhappy gentleman at this unlucky mischance might possibly be imagined, but certainly could not be described; but the embarrassment and annoyance of Father Mathew, at witnessing the humiliation of a friend, was still greater. The amount, though not very large, was utterly beyond the capability of the gentleman to meet, at least on that occasion; but Father Mathew pressed his hand softly on the arm of his companion, saying, 'My dear sir, pardon the liberty I am going to take with you. Do allow me the gratification of relieving you from this annoyance.' And having ascertained the amount, he at once settled the debt, and added a douceur to the bailiff, such as, were he not a staunch teetotaller for three years an' more,' would have afforded him the means of enjoying a protracted 'batther,' as the man of law technically termed a systematic debauch or drinking-bout. Away rolled the liberated carriage, while Father Mathew employed every kindly art to soothe the feelings of his humiliated friend, and to distract his mind from dwelling on a circumstance so peculiarly unpleasant. 6 CHAPTER XVII. His Charity extends itself Abroad-He visits Glasgow-His Doings in HAVING now fully done his work in Ireland, he consented to think of other portions of the United Kingdom. His charity, while properly commencing at home, was now inclined to extend itself abroad. Besides, his own societies and his own country people were thickly scattered over the manufacturing districts of England and Scotland; and, from the Irish and their clergy the most pressing invitations had been constantly addressed to him for more than two years, praying that he would visit them even for a day, and representing the great and lasting benefit which he would thereby confer on the Irish populations of the Scotch and English towns, and the service he would thus render to religion and to the country. Father Mathew well knew to what temptations the working populations of those great towns were of necessity exposed, and how habits of intemperance not only degraded the poor impulsive Irish, but altogether obscured those virtues which had fair play whenever they were rescued from a brutalising and debasing vice. He longed, then, for the opportunity of coming to their rescue, and liberating them from a bondage which destroyed the individual, and dishonoured the country that gave them birth. To Glasgow, where there was a vast Irish population, he first turned his practical attention. His brief visit to Glasgow was most successful, not alone on account of the service which he rendered to many thousands of his own countrypeople in that great city, but of the influence which his presence and addresses had in breaking down prejudices and extending his popularity amongst those of other communions. He had received many and pressing invitations from various parts of Scotland, and from various bodies; but that which he had formally accepted was from his friend the Catholic Bishop of Glasgow. He arrived in Greenock on Saturday, the 13th of August 1842, and reached Glasgow the same evening. He was received with affectionate reverence by the good bishop and his clergy, many of whom had come from Ireland, and who on that account felt a deeper interest in their honoured guest. On the next day he preached in the new church of St. Mary, to an immense and overflowing congregation, and commenced, as soon after as possible, to administer the pledge, principally to those of his own country and faith. During the next day he was occupied for a considerable time in the duties of his mission; and the following day, Tuesday, his arrival in Scotland was formally celebrated by a public procession. The staid and sober Glasgow papers of that day indulged in glowing descriptions of the imposing splendour of this demonstration; which descriptions were read in Ireland with gratified pride, and tended, if possible, to elevate the illustrious leader of the temperance cause still higher in the esteem of his countrymen. When the carriage in which Father Mathew had joined the procession reached the hustings on the Green, it was found, to the disappointment of the vast assemblage, that he was not in it; the fact being that, to accommodate the people from Edinburgh, who should return by a certain train, he had slipped quietly away to the Cattle Market, and was there hard at work administering the pledge to thousands. At five o'clock a banquet was given to him in the City Hall, by the Committee of the Scottish Western Temperance Association, which, as the Chairman of the evening stated, embraced nearly all the teetotallers of the west of Scotland. He added, that they were met from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, to do honour to their guest, the most unwearied and devoted champion of temperance. An address, from the pen of Robert Kettle, was read to him by its author, amid the plaudits of an assembly consisting chiefly |