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Leyes de los Estados Unidos, ni sus costumbres, usos y prácticas; deben estudiar tambien á sus hombres de Estado, sus teorías y los medios que emplearon para ponerlas en práctica; el espíritu que informa el gobierno americano, su organizacion en Estados, Territorios, Provincias y Municipios, su administración y su sistema contributivo; en fin, todo aquello que pueda dar á conocer, por que série de procedimientos ó circunstancias se há llegado al resultado de que el pueblo americano sea rico y feliz, amante de su libertad y respetuoso para con la de los demás; un pueblo donde no se conocen las insurrecciones, motines ni pronunciamientos, ni há habido necesidad de establecer en sus Códigos castigos para semejantes delitos; donde el Estado no tiene Deuda, á diferencia de los demas Estados del Mundo; un pueblo, en fín, donde sus políticos, al decir del Representante Mr. Cochran, hán sabido resolver los más dificiles problemas, dejando atónita á toda la humanidad.

Tal es mí consejo, queridos jóvenes. Si lo practicais, habreis ganado mucho, y con vosotros, vuestros país.


The Philippine Question

Will surely be of paramount importance among those
other great issues that confront the American people
from Time to Time and like other living issues, this
one should be approached intelligently, considered care-
fully, and decided righteously. How much better it
will be if you are well informed upon this question-
if you have some knowledge of the people, their
progress, history, and temperament. We suggest that
an efficacious and interesting means to keep well in
touch with Phillippine matters, as they come up, is
to subscribe for

The Filipino

Which you may do by sending one dollar for a year's
subscription to



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is inconvenient to secure a postal money order.



1032 Seventeenth Street N. W.,

Washington, D. C.


Inclosed please find One Dollar, for which please send me THE FILIPINO for one year.

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Con la presente sírvanse Vds. encontrar un Peso oro, (ó dos pesos Filipinos) por el cual envíenme por un año THE TILIPINO.


Escriban con claridad

la dirección

Hágase la remesa en forma de giro postal. También podemos aceptar billetes de Banco, en oro ó Conant, en caso de dificultad en obtener un giro postal.

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The Filipino



No. 4-5

It's Your
Own Fault



E HAVE RECEIVED a number of complaints, mostly from pensionados, stating that they did not receive their last number of THE FILIPINO. In every case we have investigated and have found that the subscriber had changed his address from that at which he received his magazine formerly, without notifying us of the change or requesting that we change his address upon our books. You should remember that second-class mail matter is not forwardable without payment of postage, and also remember, please, that unless you notify us after every change of address, you haven't any kick coming if you do not get your magazine.



E PRINT elsewhere in this issue some excerpts from a speech delivered recently by Mr. Sumulong on the occasion of the organization of the Federal Committee of Sampaloc in the city of Manila. We quote the following remarks from the issue of the North American Review for December, 1904, in which appeared Mr. Sumulong's article entitled "A Filipino View of the Philippine Problem" "Juan Sumulong was born in Antipolo, Rizal, in 1870. At one time he was engaged in the profession of journalism in the capacity of manager of a paper called La Democracia, the organ of the Federal party, to the directory of which party he still belongs. He is a member of the Bar Association of Manila, in which city he practices law. He is also a professor in the Manila Law School. He is one of the Filipino Commissioners to the St. Louis Exposition. The article as printed has been approved by Sr. Sumulong as a faithful translation of his original."

Vicente Albert


E are going to express our opinion of this young man whether he likes it or not-but we won't take long to do it. He is generous, kindhearted, and a tireless worker. He is earnest, partiotic and ambitious, and he'll be heard from when he goes back to Filipinas as one of those who will help shape her future. He has helped THE FILIPINO since it was born and we thank him for it, and publish this paragraph without his knowledge or consent.

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