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Another for a Missionary Society.

and labor to extend the borders of the Redeemer's kingdom. Wilt thou rule their hearts, enlarge their means, bless them in their pious labors, and remember them for good.

We beseech thee, O God, to look down with thy favor and blessing upon us, who, through thy merciful goodness, are here assembled. Help us to know thy truth, to do thy will, and to live to thy glory. Direct us in our humble efforts to extend the knowledge of thy truth, and the ministrations of thy gospel to those who need them. [Accept, O Lord, our alms and oblations.] Grant that what is cast into thy treasury may be so disposed of and applied, as to aid in extending the knowledge of thy salvation, and increasing the practice of pure and undefiled religion. May all we do be by us designed, and by thee directed, to the setting forth of thy praise, and to the salvation of ourselves and others. Ássist us mercifully, O Lord, with thy heavenly grace, and dispose all our ways towards the attainment of everlasting salvation; and in all the changes and perils of this mortal life, may we ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help, through Jesus Christ our Lord. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us evermore. Amen.

Another for a Missionary Society.

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and on this occasion, with thankful hearts and holy affections, come before thee with prayer and praise. We bless thy holy name that thou hast given thine only Son

Another for a Missionary Society.

Jesus Christ to be the Savior of the world, and that thou hast commanded the good tidings of pardon and life, through him, to be proclaimed and taught to all mankind. Praised be thy name that thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee. We bless thee, O God, that we live in a land where the gospel is preached and thy word is known. Make us, we beseech thee, duly thankful for these and for all thy mercies; and give us grace to show forth thy praise, by a holy zeal for enlarging the borders of the Redeemer's kingdom, and imparting the light of thy holy word to those who are in spiritual darkness, and in the ignorance of unbelief. Be gracious unto thy church; grant that every member of it may serve thee faithfully. May it be so guided by thy good Spirit, that all who profess and call themselves Christians may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith, once delivered to the saints, in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Send down, we beseech thee, upon our bishops and other clergy, and upon the congregations committed to their charge, the healthful spirit of thy grace; and that they may truly please thee, pour upon them the continual dew of thy blessing. Bless thy word wherever it is spoken, and send it to those places where it is not heard. Inspire with heavenly wisdom and holy zeal all the ministers of thy gospel, and those especially who, as missionaries and evangelists, labor to extend the borders of the Redeemer's kingdom.

And we implore thy blessing upon those who associate and who contribute of their substance to support and to extend the preaching of thy word and the ministrations of the Savior's gospel; and especially upon thy people who are now, by thy gracious permission, here assembled. Accept, Ó Lord, our alms and oblations; and grant that what

Another Prayer suitable for Clerical or Missionary Associations. has been and shall be cast into thy treasury, or given for missionary purposes, and other pious use, may be so disposed of and applied, as to be the means of extending the knowledge of thy saving truth, and of turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. And vouchsafe, O Lord, so to rule the hearts and bless the labors of all thy people, that the comfortable gospel of Christ may be truly preached, truly received and truly followed, till all the ends of the earth shall rejoice in thy salvation.

Awaken within us a prudent, godly zeal, in promoting our own and others' salvation. Give thy blessing to all Bible and Missionary societies. May we never be weary in well doing, but ever rejoice to be instrumental in extending to others those religious privileges which through thy blessing we enjoy. Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works and all our efforts, we may seek thy glory and do thy will; and finally obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Another Prayer suitable for Clerical or Missionary Associations.

O HOLY, just and merciful God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, mercifully incline thine ears to the prayers and supplications which we desire. humbly to ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Behold us in mercy; forgive our sins; sanctify our hearts, and renew a right spirit within us. Impress upon us a just and deep sense of thy goodness to us and to all men. Make us duly thankful for the inestimable gift of a divine Savior, and for the

Another Prayer suitable for Clerical or Missionary Associations.

knowledge of thy grace and faith in him. Make us thankful that our lot has fallen in a Christian land; that the Holy Scriptures, containing a revelation of thy will, are in our hands; that the gospel of salvation is preached in our ears; that means, and ordinances, and opportunities are given to teach the doctrines of life, and build us up in thy holy faith and fear. Make us thankful, O Lord, for these great blessings, and give us grace to make a right use of them. May we love the things which thou commandest, and desire those which thou dost promise; and among the manifold changes of this world, may our hearts be surely fixed where true joys are to be found.

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May the light of thy gospel shine throughout the world, and they who have received it live as becomes it. Revive, O Lord, thy work amongst us, and extend the light of thy truth to all who are still living in sin and in the darkness of unbelief. Inspire with holy zeal the ministers of the gospel; give them such knowledge and utterance, and so bless thy word spoken by their mouth, that the saving doctrines of the cross may be truly preached, truly received, and truly followed, and the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.

Awaken in the hearts of thy people an earnest desire to hold up the hands of thy ministers, and help them in fulfilling their Master's command, to preach the gospel to every creature. Give thy blessing, we beseech thee, to all those who associate for this purpose, and by their substance, their counsel, and their prayers, endeavor to aid in this pious work. May they never be weary in well doing. Pour upon them the abundance of thy blessings: may they never want the consolations of the faith and hope which in love they would extend to others.

Be merciful, O Lord, to all mankind. May sin


Another Prayer suitable for Clerical or Missionary Associations. ners be awakened to righteousness, and turn to thee with penitence and prayer. May they who are seeking thy love, find thee in a time accepted. Wilt thou, O Lord, reveal thyself to them, as thou dost not to the world. Direct their hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ. Comfort and encourage them by thy gracious promises of pardon and acceptance. Those who come to thee in faith thou wilt not reject. O give unto them who ask; let them who seek, find; open the door of thy blessed kingdom to those who knock, that they may find pardon and peace and rest for their souls.

Keep, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy church with thy perpetual mercy. Grant that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by thy governance, that thy people may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness. Being hurt by no persecutions and discouraged by no trials, may we evermore give thanks unto thee in thy holy church. And because the frailty of man without thee cannot but fall, keep us ever, by thy help, from all things hurtful, and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation.

Do thou, O merciful God, who hast permitted us at this time to unite in supplications unto thee, and dost promise that when two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou wilt grant their requests; graciously hear and fulfil these our desires and petitions, which we ask and present in the name and through the mediation of Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and Savior. Amen.

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