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(2) The running of the ba limit may be delayed or tolle plained in §2.20 (f), (g) and (h quester

(i) Has not stated a willingn fees as high as are anticipate not sought and been granted waiver, or

(ii) Has not made a require payment.

(c) Extensions of time. In the unusual circumstances, the t for acting on an initial reque extended to the extent reaso essary to the proper process request, but in no case may limit be extended for mor working days:

(1) The need to search for: the requested records from 1 ties or other establishment separate from the installa essing the request;

(2) The need to search fo and appropriately examine nous amount of separate a records demanded in a sing


(3) The need for consultat shall be conducted with all i speed, with another agency substantial interest in the tion of the request or amo more components of the D having substantial subject-n terest therein.

(d) Notice of extension. A shall be notified in writing of sion under paragraph (c) of tion. The notice shall state t for the extension and the date a determination on the requ pected to be made.

(e) Treatment of delay as der determination has been reach end of the 10 working day peri ciding an initial request, or sion thereof under paragraph ( section, the requester may request denied and may ex right of appeal in accorda §2.18.

(f) Notice of delay. When a de tion cannot be reached within limit, or extension thereof, quester shall be notified of th for the delay, of the date on determination may be expecte

the right to treat the delay as



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remote and at- have a positive impact on the

spec oude of public understanding of the op

♪ PE Ned to or or activities involved that exist the Department may re- to the disclosure. In particula beper and activities of nificant contribution is not ative arise from disclosure of inform

Ang out its ready in the public domain - procarement has, for example, previously that_volve private lished or is routinely avail general public in a publi

acers the oper- room.

the government (3) Factors to be consider

tribute to mining whether disclosur these operations marily in the commercial ...ood of a con- the requester" are the foll erstanding will (1) Does the requester h

of the content cial interest that would be

tity of the re- the requested disclosure servationship be- cial interest is a commer there a logical con- profit interest as these Sextent of the re- monly understood. An en and the operations or not determinative. No the requester is in- making corporations, 1.sable contents als or other organimat **nformative a commercial interest

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Kt.vities? Is the disclosure, depending

contribution cumstances involved

rather than (ii) If the requester Doerstanding of the interest, will disclos that interest? The

- CARTON BEEment of inter

***w the requester have

sect area and the

cial interest is the

the magnitude of th

et to disseminate er than the public the ceneral public by disclosure. Wh the formation in a representative of Pater that combate to public nation seeking vernment oper- the news gather is the requested presumed that by the requester weighs the org bformative on gov- interest.

activities or be (4) Notice

value of the in- statutory fee
pest of the light that nied, the rege
ment operations writing. The
(1) A state
her to be a con- the waiver
aderstanding, will nied
bent. A con- (h) is
nderstanding will or position

the formation dis- for the de
*** supports public (1)
Department operations be appe
... of Department retary

-fact of policy and tration

health and safe dures

The Date of

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s or clarifies ( operations of wise bation will disc 2.sure will not volv



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and the Mineral Leasing Act for Ac-
quired Lands, as amended (30 U.S.C. 351
et seq.)

(2) Exploration license means a license
issued by the Secretary of the Interior
to conduct coal exploration operations
on land subject to the Act pursuant to
the authority in section 2(b) of the Act,
as amended (30 U.S.C. 201(b)).

(3) Fair-market value of coal to be
leased means the minimum amount of a
bid the Secretary has determined he is
willing to accept in leasing coal within
leasing tracts offered in general lease
sales or reserved and offered for lease
to public bodies, including Federal
agencies, rural electric cooperatives, or
non-profit corporations, controlled by

day. The fine any of such entities pursuant to sec-
peal may lead it ion 2(a) of the Act (30 U.S.C. 201(a)(1)).

(4) Information means data, statistics,
mples and other facts, whether ana-
zed or processed or not, pertaining to
deral coal resources, which fit with-
at an exemption to the Freedom of In-

the date to a nation Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b). in to the appel à pet) Applicability. This section applies

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he following categories of informa

Category A. Information provided
obtained by a bureau under sec-
b)(3) of the Act from the holder
xploration license;

tegory B. Information acquired

stic count ma ommercial or other sources

rvice contract with Geological
ursuant to section 8A(b) of the
information developed by the

the applicable time bit g Survey under an explorOn expiation of the tect;

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gram authorized by section

ory C. Information obtained
nercial sources which the

source acquired while not
act with the United States

D. Information provided ary by a federal departcy pursuant to section t; and

1. The fair-market value ased and comments recretary with respect to

[blocks in formation]



'5, unless

ulations rior imPrivacy describe

the Delance of the Act. cribe the uals may f records cords reare under > existing h 2.77 dehich indindment of elating to is systems >m certain

s subpart, he Privacy

of this subtituent burtment, incretary and .ce.

n this suba citizen of ien lawfully idence.

his subpart, ludes mainnate.

his subpart, , collection, about an ind by the Dereof, includducation, fiical history, nent history individual's number, symparticular assuch as a finotograph.

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or activities of the government, (3) Factors to be considere disclosurely to contribute to mining whether disclosure public understanding of these operations marily in the commercial and activities The likelihood of a con- the requester" are the follo (1) Does the requester ha cial interest that would be the requested disclosure poster, and the interrelationship be- cial interest is a commen tween the two. Is there a logical con- profit interest as these te action between the content of the re- monly understood. An ent goted record and the operations or not determinative. Not activities in which the requester is in- making corporations, b terested? Are the disclosable contents uals or other organizat of the record meaningfully informative a commercial interest on the operations or activities? Is the disclosure, depending focus of the requester on contribution cumstances involved to public understanding, rather than

titution to public understanding will depend on consideration of the content of the record the identity of the re

the individual understanding of the
ter or a narrow segment of inter-
ested persons? Does the requester have
expertise in the subject area and the
hity and tatention to disseminate
the information to the general public by disclosure. Whe
or otherwise use the information in a representative of a

mer that will contribute to public sation seeking in
understanding of government oper- the news gatherin
ations or activities? Is the requested presumed that th
Information sought by the requester weighs the orga
because it may be informative on gov- interest.
ment operations or activities or be- (4) Notice of
of the intrinsic value of the in- statutory fee
mation Independent of the light that nied, the reque
(1) A statem
may shed on government operations writing. The

there is likely to be a con- the waiver o
tribution to public understanding, will nied
that contribution be aguificant? A con- () A list
tribution to public understanding will or positions
significant if the information dis- for the deni
ted is new, clearly supports public (i) Ast

sight of Department operations, be appea
Including the quality of Department retary-
Activities and the effect of policy and tration

lations on public health and safe dures in

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or otherwise confirms or clarifies (b) Dr Sy

tan past or present operations of wise de

the Department & contribution will discre

at be significant if disclosure will not volver

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