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*THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. The action of this play (which was at first printed under this title, The True Tragedy of and the

Richard duke of Yorks good King Henry the Sixth; or

The Second Part of the Contention of York and Lancaster) opens just after the first battle at Saint Albans, [May 23,1455, wherein the York faction carried the day; and closes with the murder of King Henry VI. and the birth of Prince Edward, afterwards King Edward V. (November 4, 1471.] So that this history takes in the space of full sixteen years. TS. THEOBALD.

I have never seen the quarto copy of the Second part of THE WHOLE CONTENTION &coprinted by Valentine Simmes for Thomas for Thomas Millington, 1600, is now before me; and it is not precisely the same with that described by Mr. Pope and Mr Theobald, nor does the undated edition (printed, in fact, in 1619, J correspond with their description. The title of the piece printed in 1600, by W. W. is as follows: The True Tragedie of Richarde Duke of Yorke, and the Death of good King Henrie the Sit With the whole Contention between the two Houses Lancaster and Yorke as it was sundry Times acted by the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke his Servants. Printed at London by W. W. for Thomas Millington, and are to be sold at his Shoppe under St. Peter's Church in Cornewall, 1600. On this piece Shakespeare, as I conceive, in 1591, formed the dramhlbefore us. MALONE. brofista bro

Thomas M600; but the copy printed by W.

The present historical drama was altered by Crowne, and brought on the stage in the year 1680, under the title of The Miseries of Civil War. Surely the works of Shakspeare could have been little read at that period; for Crowne, in his Prologue, I declares the play to be entirely his own composition viЯ brel "For by his feeble skill 'tis built alone,

The divine Shakspeare did not lay one stone." It whereas the very first scene is that of Jack Cade copied almost verbatim from The Second Part of King Henry VI. and several others from this third part, with as little variation. STEEVENS

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King Henry the Sixth:
Edward, Prince of Wales, his Son.
Lewis XI. King of France.

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Duke of Somerset. Duke of Exeter
Earlof Oxford. Earl of Northum
berland. Earl of Westmoreland.
Lord Clifford.


Lords on K.

Henry's side,

Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York
Edward, Earl of March, afterwards
King Edward IV.

Edmund, Earl of Rutland,

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George, afterwards Duke of Clarence,
Richard, afterwards Duke of Glocester,

Duke of Norfolk,

Marquis of Montague,

his Sons.

Earl of Warwick,

of the Duke of York's

Earl of Pembroke,


Lord Hastings, :)

Lord Stafford,

Sir John Mortimer,

Sir Hugh Mortimer, S

Uncles to the Duke of York.

Henry, Earl of Richmond, a Youth.

Lord Rivers, Brother to Lady Grey. Sir William Stanley. Sir John Montgomery. Sir John Somerville. Tutor to Rutland. Mayor of York. Lieutenant of the Tower. A Nobleman. Two Keepers. A Huntsman. A Son that has killed his Father. A Father that has killed his Son. Queen Margaret.

Lady Grey, afterwards Queen to Edward IV.
Bona, Sister to the French Queen.

Soldiers, and other Attendants on King Henry and
King Edward, Messengers, Watchmen, &c.
SCENE, during part of the third Act, in France;
during all the rest of the Play, in England.

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Drums. Some Soldiers of York's Party break in. Then, Enter the Duke of YORK, EDWARD, RICHARD, NORFOLK, MONTAGUE, WARWICK, and Others, with white Roses in their Hats.

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War. I wonder, how the king escap'd our hands. York. While we pursu'd the horsemen of the north,

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He slily stole away, and left his men: Whereat the great lord of Northumberland, Whose warlike ears could never brook retreat, Cheer'd up the drooping army; and himself, 'Lord Clifford, and lord Stafford, all a-breast, 'Charg'd our main battle's front, and, breaking in, "Were by the swords of common soldiers slain. Edw. Lord Stafford's father, duke of Buckingham, ❝Is either slain, or wounded dangerous...

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I cleft his beaver with a downright blow;
That this is true, father, behold his blood.

[Showing his bloody Sword.

Third Part of King Henry VI.] This play is only divided from the former for the convenience of exhibition; for the series of action is continued without interruption, nor are any two scenes of any play more closely connected than the first scene. of this play with the last of the former. JOHNSON.

Mont. And, brother, here's the earl of Wiltshire's blood, [To YORK, showing his. Whom I encounter'd as the battles join'd.

Rich. Speak thou for me, and tell them what I did. [Throwing down the Duke of SOMERSET'S Head. *York. Richard hath best deserv'd of all my


What, is your grace dead, my lord of Somerset ?
Norf. Such hope have all the line of John of

Rich. Thus do I hope to shake king Henry's head.

Before I And so do 1.-Victorious

prince of York,

see seated in that throne

Which now the house of Lancaster usurps, C
I vow by heaven, these eyes shall never close.
This is the palace of the fearful king,

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And this the regal seat: possess it, York O For this is thine, and not king Henry's heirs'. York. Assist me then, sweet Warwick, and I will; For hither we have broken in by force. Norf. We'll all assist you; he, that flies, shall die. York. Thanks, gentle Norfolk,-Stay by me, my

lords 10 10 brolis

And, soldiers,


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and by night. long me this War. And, when the king comes, offer him no aviolence, of BRI DUS DICH DO

• Unless he seek to thrust you out by force

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ale zorblos normos to abrow. They retire. * York. The queen, this day, here holds her par


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* But little thinks we shall be of her council

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* By words, or blows, here let us win our right.
Rich. Arm'd as we are, let's stay within this house.
War. The bloody parliament shall this be call'd,
Unless Plantagenet, duke of York, be king;
And bashful Henry depos'd, whose cowardice
Hath made us by words to our sus

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