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Under Resolve of February 6th, 1822

Under Resolve of February 25th, 1828, on the Treasurer's

Note, dated November, 25th, 1828

Total amount of State Debt, December 31, 1828

$40,000 00

5,000 00

$45,000 00

The interest on the same is $2,250 per annum, and payable semi-annually at the Treasury Office.


An Abstract from the Returns of the Directors of the several incorporated Banks within this State, made to the Office of the Secretary of State, June, 1829.

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Dolls. 1,867 78

6,291 14



5,538 41 7,653 07 3 19,738 85 28,792 32 2

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2,157 36 5,000 00 3

1,997 68

2,513 02 79 49 4

2,773 01

13,277 69 12,001 55 24

6,771 41

22,943 34 13,824 60 3

200,000 35,682 41,879 65

14,625 54

32,181 79 53,425 30 3

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100,000 31,762 7,186 12

1,143 11

2,975 15 5,274 72 3

100,000 37,784 14,461 48

2,405 78

2,394 75 22,583 60 2


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No return.

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Winthrop . No return.

* Including $5,000 deposited in the State Bank, Boston.

Aggregate Amount of the Bills of the several Banks of Maine, in Circula

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LIST OF ACADEMIES, with the Date of their Incorporation, Amount of their Endowments by the Legislature, and a Statement of the actual Funds belonging to them, from Official Returns.

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Common Schools.

By a law of the state, every town, however large or small, is required to raise annually, for the support of schools, a sum equal at least to forty cents for each person in the town, and to distribute this sum among the several schools or districts, in proportion to the number of scholars in each. The expenditure of the sum is left principally to the discretion of the town, and its committee or agents, appointed for that purpose. In the year 1825 the legislature required a report from each town in the state, respecting the situation of the schools. From these reports, made in the winter of 1826, Mr. Greenleaf has drawn the following summary.

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This institution was founded by Robert H. Gardiner, Esq., in 1821, principally for the purpose of affording to the operative and productive classes of the community, such scientific education as may be most useful in their respective arts and occupations.

The Officers, in Jan. 1829, consisted of

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A workshop, fitted up with circular saws, lathes, and other machinery, and under the superintendence of Mr. P. C.

Holmes, enables many of the Students to meet a part or all of

their expenses.

A farm is about being added, which will enable those who prefer agricultural pursuits to do the like.

Officers and their Salaries.





Supreme Court.-Prentiss Mellen, Chief Justice,
Nathan Weston, jun., Associate Justice,



Albion K. Parris,

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LEGISLATURE. The members of the Senate and House of Representatives receive each $2 a day; the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, $4.

Cumberland and Oxford Canal.

This will unite the waters of Sebago Pond with those of Portland Harbour. Company incorporated in 1821. Canal commenced in May, 1828; to be completed in Sept. 1829. Length of artificial canal, 201⁄2 miles; whole extent of water communication will exceed 40 miles, Sebago Pond being connected with Long Pond by a dam and lock. Estimated expense, from $190,000 to $200,000. Descent, about 250 feet, made by 25 locks. Articles of transportation; timber of various kinds, wood, stone, ashes, sand to make glass, and produce of the country, down the canal. In return, salt, plaster, fish, merchandise. The water communication may be extended to the Androscoggin, and eyen it is said, to the Chaudiere.

State Prison at Thomaston.

Aggregate amount of the expenditures in the purchase, erection, and repairs of the state prison at Thomaston, from the commencement, in 1823, to the 30th Nov. 1826.

Purchase of the site for the prison, $3,000. Amount expended in erecting the prison in 1823, $23,910-55. In 1824, $4,331 52. In 1825, £2,007-08. In 1826, $619-31; making an aggregate of $33,768-46. In 1828, the Legislature made further appropriations, amounting to $7,109-09.

The expenses of the prison, convicts, officers' salaries, &c. for the year 1824, were $4,443.81. Net earnings of the convicts for the same period, $1,755.83; stock remaining on hand at the close of the year, $1,404-36; leaving a balance against the state, of $1,283-62.

Expenses for the year 1825, $7,758.09; net earnings, $4,925-08; stock on hand, rents, &c. $2,479-84; balance against the state, $353·17.

Expenses for the year 1826, were $11,194-30; net earnings, $6,177.33; stock on hand, rents, &c. $2,605.52; balance against the state, $2,411.05.

The expenditures of the succeeding years cannot be yet accurately ascertained.

The number of convicts, Nov. 30, 1827, was 71. Received from Nov. 30, 1827, to Sept. 1, 1828, 32. Total, 103. Discharged during the same time, 15; pardoned, 8. Number of convicts, Sept. 1, 1828, 80. Received from Sept. 1, to Nov. 30, 1828, 23; discharged in the same time, 3; escaped, 1. Remaining, Nov. 30, 1828, 99. Whole number committed since July 2, 1824, 274. Discharged, 139. Pardoned, 29. Escaped, 2. Died, 5. Remaining, 99.

Of the whole number discharged, there have been returned on a second commitment, 22. Of the 99 now in prison, 14 are Irish, 3 are English, 3 are French, and 1 Portuguese


The employments of the convicts, Dec. 1, 1828, were the following. Quarrying lime-stone, 28. Stone-cutters, 29. Blacksmiths, 5. Shoe-makers and cobblers, 8. Shoe-binders, 1, female. Carpenters, 2. Chair and cabinet makers, 2. Painters, 1. Barbers, 1. Tailors, 5. Washers, 2, females. Waiters, 2. Cooks, 2. Oakum-pickers and invalids, 6. In the hospital, 5.

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