Mutual Security Act of 1957: Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, First Session, on the Mututal Security Program for Fiscal Year 1958 ...

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Page 109 - The financial transactions of the Corporation for any fiscal year during which Federal funds are available to finance any portion of its operations may be audited by the General Accounting Office in accordance with the principles and procedures applicable to commercial corporate transactions and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States.
Page 291 - States under guaranty provisions of section 1011 of the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, as amended...
Page 739 - State law, and (B) Lawful income received from domestic subsidiary corporations (of which stock possessing at least 80 percent of the voting power of all classes of stock...
Page 797 - America in these commodities, or materially impair trade relations among the countries of the free world. 3. In carrying out this agreement the two Governments will seek to assure conditions of commerce permitting private traders to function effectively and will use their best endeavors to develop and expand continuous market demand for agricultural commodities. 4. The Government of...
Page 291 - Secretary is authorized to provide for assistance to schools, libraries, and community centers abroad, founded or sponsored by citizens of the United States, and serving as demonstration centers for methods and practices employed in the United States.
Page 781 - Act, in furtherance of any of the purposes of such Acts, when the President determines that such use is important to the security of the United States.
Page 222 - Labor such sums as may be necessary from time to time to carry out his functions under this chapter in connection with furnishing adjustment assistance to workers, which sums are authorized to be appropriated to remain available until expended.
Page 797 - Governments will, upon the request of either of them, consult regarding any matter relating to the application of this Agreement or to the operation of arrangements carried out pursuant to this Agreement. Article VI ENTRY INTO FORCE This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective representatives, duly authorized for the purpose, have signed the present Agreement. DONE...
Page 797 - CONSULTATION The two Governments will, upon the request of either of them consult regarding any matter relating to the application of this Agreement or to the •operation of arrangements carried out pursuant to this Agreement.
Page 599 - It is the policy of the Congress that the Bank in the exercise of its functions should supplement and encourage and not compete with private capital...

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