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-umpul and entertaining)


Selected for the Improvement

of Youngersons

being similar in Desion to

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Printed for B.Law, L.Johnson, C.Dilly.G.G.J.Robinson, T. Cadell, W. Richardson,
Sewell, F.Rivington, R.Baldwin, J.Edwards, R.Eaulder, Ogilvy se Son, J. Cuthdl.
Clarke & Son, W.Lowndes, B.s: White, GT. Wilkie. J.Walker, E.Wingrave, P. Wynne,
INJangman, T.Cadell. Jun. & W.Davies, J.Scatcherd, W.Bent.IKay: Vorner &
Hood, D Walker, SAnderson, Lackington se Allen, G.Kearsley: TBoosey W. Millar:
Lee & Thurst, Murray Highley. S. Bagster, J.Hamilton & G.lawthorne... 17,97

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THERE cannot be a doubt but that a Book, like this, purposely adapted to the use of young persons of both sexes, copious beyond former examples, fingularly various in its contents, selected from writers whose characters are established without controversy, abounding with entertainment and useful information, inculcating the purest principles of morality and religion, and displaying excellent models of style and language, must effectually contribute to the improvement of the RISING GENERATION in knowledge, taste, and virtue. The Public have, indeed, already felt and acknowledged by the least fallible proof, their general reception of it, its great utility. It has been adopted in all the most respectable places of education, and has fown the feeds of excellence, which may one day arrive at maturity, and add to the happiness both of the community and of human nature.

What ENGLISH book fimilar to this volume, calculated entirely for the use of young students at schools, and under private tuition, was to be found in the days of our fathers? None certainly. The confequence was, that the ENGLISH PART of education (to many the most important part) was defective even in places most celebrated for classic difcipline; and boys were often enabled to read Latin perfectly, and write it tolerably, who, from the disuse, or the want of models for practice, were wretchedly qualified to do either in their native language. From this unhappy circumstance, classical education was brought into some degree of disgrace; and preposterous it certainly was, to study during many of the best years of life, foreign and dead lan guages, with the most scrupulous accuracy, and at the same time entirely to neglect that mother tongue, which is in daily and hourly requifition; to be well read in Tully, and a total stranger to ADDISON; to have Homer and HORACE by heart, and to know little more than the names of MILTON and POPE.

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