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15 A/7

Circular No. 20-A


Pertaining to

Agricultural Short Term and Intermediate Credit, as
Compiled in Chapter 7, Title 12 of the
United States Code

As Amended to February 1, 1934

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This circular contains all general provisions, by acts of Congress and Executive Order, relating to the establishment and operation of the Farm Credit Administration.

This circular also contains all provisions of law relative to the organization and operation of the Federal intermediate credit banks, production credit corporations, production credit associations, and banks for cooperatives, together with certain miscellaneous provisions of law relative to short term and intermediate credit.

The provisions of the acts of Congress and of the Executive Order contained herein are set forth in accordance with the codification thereof in chapter 7 of Title 12 of the official Code of Laws of the United States of America in Force December 26, 1926, and supplements thereto. Through the courtesy of the editor in charge of the Code, it has been possible to include herein the provisions of an act of January 31, 1934, in the form which will be used in the supplement to Title 12 of the Code.

In the right margin of this circular, throughout Subchapter III, opposite each section which was incorporated in Title II of the Federal Farm Loan Act, either originally or by amendment to that title, is printed the number of the Federal Farm Loan Act section in which the provisions are contained.

The sections and subchapters into which this circular is divided are numbered to correspond with the same material in the 7th chapter of Title 12 of the Code. At the end of each section is a parenthetical reference to the act of Congress from which the provisions were derived, and to any subsequent amendatory acts. Wherever a section has been affected by the Executive Order which is set forth at the beginning of this circular, reference to the Order is made in the parenthetical statement at the end of the section.



Executive Order Reorganizing Agricultural Credit Agencies of the United

General Administrative Provisions:

Farm Credit Administration; provisions relating to organization----
Land Bank Commissioner; functions under Executive Orders------
Commissioners in Farm Credit Administration; designation; appoint-
ment; salaries and expenses -

Governor of Farm Credit Administration; supplementary grant of

Seal of Farm Credit Administration



TITLE 12, U.S.C.)

Number, names, and charters of banks..

Location; directors, officers, and employees.

Corporate powers; suits by or against

Fiscal agents for United States.

Insolvency; receivership

Application for charter.

Discounts and Loans:

Lending powers; purchase and sale of debentures of intermediate
credit banks; loans to cooperative associations_

Purchase or discount of paper from or for national banks, State banks,
trust companies, savings institutions, or corporations making loans
for agricultural or livestock purposes; limitations upon amount---
Maturity and sale of loans, advances, or discounts_
Interest rates or discount charges; rediscount of paper of other inter-
mediate credit banks_

Issue of Debentures:

Collateral trust debentures or similar obligations; security for; matur-
ity; limitation respecting amount---

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Applicability of provisions of subchapter I; regulations governing
collateral and handling thereof; interest rates__.
Assumption of liability by Government prohibited; recital necessary


to be included_


Discount Rates:




Establishment and approval of; limitation on...
Limitation on interest rate charged original borrower on paper dis-
counted with bank_

Purchase by bank of debentures issued by it------

Capital Stock:

Amount, shares; subscriptions to by United States; assessments
against other banks to restore capital impairment of one bank;
subscriptions to capital and surplus by Governor of Farm Credit

Application of Earnings:

Salaries and expenses of Federal Farm Loan Bureau; assessment
against banks for proportionate share.

Net earnings; surplus fund; franchise tax; disposition by United
States of sums received from net earnings of banks and from sur-
plus remaining after liquidation of banks---

Liability on Debentures or Other Such Obligations:

Liability of one bank for debentures issued by other banks; agreements by banks for transfer of funds for debenture payments-----

Examinations and Reports:

Reports of condition of banks and other lending institutions rediscounting with credit banks; examinations and audits of credit banks....

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exchange of class B stock

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