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order to accept delivery of molybdenum concentrates as permitted in this order and that his receipt of the shipment in the amount requested, during the month of the specified delivery, will not bring his total receipts of molybdenum concentrates during that month above 200 pounds.

SEC. 7. Restrictions on use by producers. No person producing molybdenum concentrates shall use or consume molybdenum concentrates in any calendar month except in accordance with the written authorization of the Defense Minerals Administration. Applicants for such authorization shall comply with the informational requirements and filing procedure set forth in section 3 of this order.

SEC. 8. Records and audits. Each person participating in any transaction corered by this order shall retain in his possession for at least 2 years records of receipts and deliveries in sufficient detail to permit inspection and audit by representatives of the Defense Minerals Administration to determine that the provsions of this order have been met. This does not specify any particular account. ing method and does not require alteration of the system of records customarily maintained provided such records supply an adequate basis for audit. Records may be retained in the form of microfilm or other photographic copies instead of the originals.

SEC. 9 Applications for adjustments or exceptions. Any person affected by any provision of this order may file a request for adjustment or exemption upon the ground that such provision works an undue or exceptional hardship upon him not suffered generally by others in the same trade or industry, or that its enforce ment against him would not be in the interest of national defense or in the publi interest. In considering requests for adjustment claiming that the public interest is prejudiced by the application of any provision of this order consideration wi be given to the requirements of public health and safety, civilian defense, and dislocation of labor and resulting unemployment that would impair the defens program. Each request shall be in writing and shall set forth all pertinent facts and the nature of the relief sought, and shall state the justification therefor. SEC. 10. Communications. All communications concerning this order shall be addressed to the Defense Minerals Administration, Department of the Interior Washington 25, D. C.

SEC. 11. Violations. Any person who willfully violates any provision of this order, or who furnishes false information or conceals any material fact in the course of operation under it, is guilty of a crime and, upon conviction, may be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both. In addition, administrative actos may be taken against any such person to suspend his privilege of making or re ceiving further deliveries of materials or using facilities under priority or alloca tion control, and to deprive him of further priorities assistance.

This order shall take effect upon publication in the Federal Register. JAMES BOYD,

Administrator, Defense Minerals Administratios.

Term MF-100 (March 1951)




Form approved.

Budget Bureau No. 42-R1026.



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. This form is to be filed with Defense Minerals Adminisernment assistance that might arise under the Act. Subtration, Department of the Interior, Washington 25, D. C. mit four (4) signed copies of the form and accompanying It should be accompanied by appropriate application form papers. Name and address should be stamped or typed when a specific type of Government assistance is requested, on each sheet of this form and all accompanying papers. in the form of (1) loan, (2) purchase contract (3) Gov- When a question is inapplicable it should be so stated on ernment guarantee of a private loan, (4) XXXXXXXXXX the form. Additional sheets may be attached in answering XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXany questions or in supplying additional information. (IF XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX pri- YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, SO STATE.) orities or allocation of mining equipment, and maintenance, If a question is answered elsewhere indicate where anrepair and operating supplies, and other forms of Gov- swered. It is not necessary to answer it again. GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA

Supply the following information on separate sheets, arranged, numbered, and lettered as indicated:

1. Materials produced:

(a) What are the chief mine, mill, or smelter products?

(b) What are the byproducts, if any?

2. Name(s) and type (s) of mine (s), mill(s), smelter(s), refinery (ies), pit(s), quarry (ies), drilling operation (s). Include old names of property, if any. Show extent of workings, including the following:

(a) Linear feet of shafts.

(b) Linear feet of drifts and crosscuts.

(c) Linear feet of tunnels cr adits.

(d) Linear feet of other mine openings (explain briefly).

Indicate whether mine is flooded or not. Describe any pumping problems. Give size or productive capacity.

3. For each operation listed above supply the following:

(a) Distance and direction from nearest towr. and shipping point.

(b) Mining district.

(c) Township, Section, Range.

(d) County, State.

4(a) State whether or not property is now in operation and if in operation, by whom operated.

(b) Are you operating this property as:


5. Number of years in production

If not in production or operation, estimated date when production will begin

6. Experience of operators:

Describe the mining and general business experience of (a) the applicant, and (b) the person or persons who manage the project.

7. History:

(a) Give a statement, as complete as possible, of previous exploration, development, operation, and production of property, with reasons for suspension of operation.

(b) State briefly the known history and production of adjoining and neighboring properties.

(e) Furnish any available (private) reports that may apply to this application, including results of mine examinations, recommended exploration and development, and metallurgical investigations.


8. Names and addresses of Officers, Directors, or Partners, and in addition thereto, the five largest stockholders if applicant is a corporation.

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11. Do you contemplate a change in the present average monthly rate of production? If so, state estimated maximum monthly production and basis of change.

12. Ore or Mineral Reserves:

(a) Describe the ore or mineral deposit briefly. Accompany the application by any available report on the geology and

ore reserves.

(b) If deposit is other than placer:

(1) Submit assay plans and/or sections showing location and size of proved (measured) and probable (indicated) ore or mineral reserve.

(2) State the tonnage (indicate type of ton) and grade of each class of ore reserve, as above, and show how computed. Tabulated total ore reserve as follows:

[blocks in formation]

13. Access Roads:

(1) Give estimated total yardage and average marketable mineral content of each deposit.

(2) Submit map showing location of placer deposit and surrounding area, with all test holes or pits. Submit logs of each hole and test pit with depth and average value of each.

(3) Describe gravel, stating whether fine, medium or coarse; loose, tight, cemented, or frozen, and whether it contains stumps or boulders more than 1 foot in diameter; if so, how large, and in what proportion.

(4) Describe bedrock, giving type (granite, sandstone, shale, etc.) and state whether it is hard or soft, smooth, uneven or rough.

(5) Describe overburden, stating whether loose, tight, or cemented; fine or coarse textured; furnish estimate of average thickness and total amount.

(6) Tabulate the reserves using the form outlined above for ore or mineral reserves.

Give road distances to shipping, supply and residence points, stating kind and condition of roads.

14. Water Supply:

State source and quantity of water available for operations and whether sufficient for all seasons of year.

15. Power:

State amount of power used, rate per hour, and source thereof.

16. Labor:

State number and classes (miners, muckers, millmen, etc.) of men employed during a recent representative payroll period. 17. Equipment and Facilities:

Describe present equipment on the property, including buildings. (State condition.) List major pieces of equipment now owned or controlled and in serviceable condition available for this operation.

18. Are there any particular conditions or circumstances affecting your operations that are not described above? If so, explain.


The undersigned company, and the official executing this certification on its behalf, hereby certify that the information contained in this form and accompanying papers is correct and complete to the best of their knowledge and belief.

(Name of company)



(Signature of authorized official)


Title 18, U. S. Code (Crimes), Section 1001, makes it a criminal offense to make a willfully false statement or representation to any department or agency of the United States as to any matter within its jurisdiction.




Washington 25, D. C.

To Whom It May Concern:

Attached are copies of Form MF-100 which are needed by the Defense Minerals Administration to assist mines, mills, and smelters (other than solid fuels, petroleum, and natural gas) in obtaining machinery, equipment and supplies for operating purposes under systems of priorities and allocations that may be established. These forms will be used by DMA to give your property an identification or serial number for your use in obtaining priorities or allocations. No additional form need be filled for this serialization.

If priority assistance is required for capital equipment, application may be made by letter.

Form MF-100 is a basic technical data form and the information thereon will also be used in aiding persons requesting Government loans, accelerated tax amortization, Federal purchase contracts, or other forms of Government assistance. If filled out in full and filed with DMA once it need not be submitted again when such forms of assistance are desired.

Please mail four copies of this completed form for each of your properties to-
Defense Minerals Administration
Department of the Interior
Washington 25, D. C.







1. Insert company name and permanent mailing address in the bracketed space at the top of the form.

2. If the mine or mill is located at a different place from the mailing address, give this information in response to Question 3.

3. If you make regularly published financial statements, you may submit your last financial report in lieu of Questions 8, 9, and 12.

4. Each page attached to the MF-100 form should be headed with the following information in the upper left-hand corner :

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5. If you operate in divisions or groups of properties and your accounting and supplies are handled in such grouping, you may file one set of four MP-100 forms, with necessary addenda sheets, for each division or group operation. Attach to each of the four MF-100 forms, additional sheets, clearly identified with the group form, showing the name and location of each mine or mili, etc., in the division, and the current crude ore production.

6. Additional copies of the MF-100 form may be obtained from the field offices of the Bureau of Mines or from Defense Minerals Administration in Washington.

7. Answers to questions on the serialization order and the MF-100 form may be obtained by writing or telephoning to the Defense Minerals Administration, Interior Building, Washington 25, D. C. (telephone Republic 1820, extension 3764).

8. These forms must be mailed to the Defense Minerals Administration not later than June 1, 1951.

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