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mination; mere old-fashioned stuff, fit only for the days of ghostly ignorance: we rather take him to be a methodist with horns on. an abject beast, to desire no liberty! Poor creature, he has been brought up in obscurity, and has heard nothing of the late improvements. We would advise him to consider in time that nature never designed him for an author, and that he is quite out of his element;-optat ephippia bos-we never wish to meet this gentleman any more in public.

"To the hog we are disposed to do as much justice as possible, but really his principles are too bad to be openly avowed, and it might have been better if he had kept them to himself. The true critic should preserve an inviolable neutrality, and therefore we do not pronounce that his principles are absolutely wrong in themselves, but we cannot proceed so far as to answer his wishes in recommending them to the world.

"The dog does not want sense, and is to be admired for some of his qualities, particularly that of playing about like a monkey when he is a puppy; but we are afraid his notions have a little tincture of passive obedience, which ought not to be encouraged. The language he uses towards the fox is such as no gentleman should


he is the dog of some tory master.

use towards another, and we rather suspect that If the If the story

he tells of men biting the heels of government be really true (but we are inclined to think it a ministerial fabrication), it was improper to tell it; as it may tend, in the eyes of bigoted ignorant people, to lessen freedom of speech in some great assemblies; and a few more such stories might expose mankind to the contempt of the brute creation.

"The sheep is, as we should expect, a poor silly animal, who knows little of the world, and is below the spirit of true enquiry. What an argument! that because it may be good for sheep to be under a shepherd, it is therefore good for all creatures to be under authority. Are monkeys, the free inhabitants of the woods, to be owned like a flock of sheep? A fine sight indeed! to see them driven bare a-d into a fold, to lay their tails upon a turnip-ground. But the sheep did not see far enough to be aware of this absurdity; and we suppose she would have wolves under a shepherd too. We must be so candid indeed as to allow, that she does not positively affirm this; but we shrewdly suspect it was intended: and then the wolves must first apply to a feit-monger to provide


themselves with sheep skins: thus we should reform backwards with a witness. But enough of this uninteresting and unentertaining performance.

"I have now surveyed the whole, and expect your Majesty's approbation. If your highness should be pleased to convene, or the friends of liberty should convene for themselves, in virtue of a prior right, an assembly of this kind once a month, I shall then be ready to write a Monthly Review.


On Monday, September 30, 1771, will be published,

(To be continued Monthly)






THE Editors of this work hope for a preference to other periodical publishers on the following considerations.

1. As they belong to no party of men who call themselves Christians, neither to the Socinians, Arians, Quakers, nor Cameronians, they arejess interested against the doctrines of the established church, than those who have some private system to contend for. They are sensible that the scheme of establishing Judaism in England would be absurd and desperate; therefore they shall make no advances toward it, but suffer the evidences of the Christian doctrines to stand as they are represented in the works of the learned.

2. As no Jew is in any danger of being called upon to subscribe the articles of the Church of England, no invidious remarks need be expected against that article of the present discipline. If the reasonings of any writer on the side of the church should be unanswerable, and the objections of the other party weak and frivolous, their language insolent and clamorouus, this is nothing to us; and therefore we shall have no temptation to depart from our impartiality.

3. As we shall never use any Christian liturgy, we shall not think it necessary to extol such pamphlets as recommend alterations in the Liturgy of the Church of England.

4. As we are known to be very sincere believers of the Old Testament, there will be no reason to suspect us of recommending Deism in opposition to Moses and the prophets.

We might insist on many other advantages, which fairly entitle us to the first place in the esteem of the public: but we think these are sufficient to recommend our projected Review to all such readers as have any concern for the interest of Revelation in general, and the faith of the Church of England in particular.

Printing-Office in Duke's-place,
July 19, 1771.

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