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Charter to a lodge in St. Louis as Missouri Lodge, No. 12, which is still in existence as No. 1.

That Grand Lodge also granted charters to the following lodges, viz.: October 6, 1819, to Joachim Lodge, No. 25, at Herculaneum, and on same date to St. Charles Lodge, No. 28, at St. Charles on the Missouri River.

February 23, 1821, by an invitation sent by Missouri Lodge, No. 12, to the several lodges in the State, the following lodges, by their representatives, met in St. Louis, and a committee having been appointed to draft a constitution and code of by-laws, they adjourned until April 23d following, to meet at the same place to organize a Grand Lodge.

Prior to this date (April 23, 1821), a convention of Masons met, pursuant to previous notice given by the convention of delegates, at the lodge-room of Missouri Lodge, No. 12, April 23d, Anno Lucis, Year of Light, 5821, for the purpose of organizing the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri.

Opened in the third degree in due form, with Wor. Edward Bates,1 Master, and others. After reading the proceedings of the convention held February 22d last, adjourned until 24th inst.

April 24, A. L. 5821. Present as before. An election for the officers for the ensuing year was held and resulted as follows:

Brother Thos. F. Riddick, M. W. G. M.

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May 4th A. L. 5821, Semi-Annual Convocation was held, a procession was formed and proceeded to the Baptist Church, where the solemn ceremony of consecration and installation was performed, in conformity with the ancient landmarks and customs of the Fraternity. The Grand Lodge then returned to the lodge-room and adjourned until next day."

The first annual communication was held October 1, 1821.

1 Hon. Edward Bates was Attorney-General in Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, 1861-64. Nearly every member of this Grand Lodge was personally known to the present writer in 1837. 2 Geo. F. Gouley, "History of Grand Lodge of Missouri."


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