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Don't you remember the Secretary of State coming back and saying he was accepted like a football hero walking into the hotels in Cairo They cheered him on. That is why I was wondering when you said you could not get anybody in the UAR.

Mr. WELSH. We have been told by the State Department we cannot return that man there as yet.

Senator HOLLINGS. You might look into it and check with Mr. Fergis over there.

Mr. WELSH. We certainly will.


Senator HOLLINGS. For furniture and furnishings you are. requesting a total appropriation of $570,000, an increase of $220,000 over the fiscal year 1971 appropriation.

How much of this amount is required to meet the expansion of the Congressional Research Service?

Mr. ROSSITER. $135,000.

Senator HOLLINGS. Is this total or just first-year estimate?

Mr. ROSSITER. That is the first year estimate, sir. We have reduced our request to $70,000.

Senator HOLLINGS. The four 16-millimeter projectors, six viewing screens for the motion picture section here on page 318, will you explain that requirement?

Mr. CROXTON. I will be glad to, sir. Those are replacement equipments primarily. In the case of the four projectors, they are all replacement items for old DOD surplus equipment which is used to show films that are in our collections of motion picture films.

The screens, of course, go with the projectors when they are used, and in some cases we need to put a screen permanently in a particular location.

Senator HOLLINGS. You have increased demand from the Congress on this score?

Mr. CROXTON. Yes, we do, sir.

Senator HOLLINGS. What are some of them? Can you elaborate? Mr. CROXTON. Perhaps Mr. Berry can better than I in this case, since the motion picture section is in his department.

Mr. BERRY. I think, Mr. Chairman, these are a combination of requests from members and committees to show films in connection with their official duties. Oftentimes they want to either show to visiting groups or in connection with committee activity a certain film or to project charts and graphs.


Senator HOLLINGS. We will insert pages 310 through 312 in the record at this point.

(The justifications follow :)

[blocks in formation]

In 1972 this item is being requested in the budget of the Architect of the Capitol under the appropriation Library Buildings and Grounds, Structural and Mechanical Care. Total Decreases


[blocks in formation]



Repair to office machines and equipment

The increase of $6,000 is needed because of the large number of pieces of equipment in the Library and because the rates charged for repair of equipment have increased an average of 15 percent in the past year.

+ $ 6,000

[blocks in formation]


This increase of $8,000 is needed because of the increasing
price of such basic items as office furniture, including desks,
The increase if 8.9 percent of the base
chairs, lamps, etc.
of $90,000. The base has not been increased in two years.

Purchase of typewriters

This increase is needed because of the increased price of
typewriters used for new staff, and for replacement machines.
The average price of electric typewriters has increased
10 percent since 1970 when the last increase in the base
to $45,000 was approved.

4. Purchase of non-recurring furniture and equipment for a net increase of..

In 1971 a total of $150,000 was granted for items of nonrecurring furniture and equipment. In 1972 the Library is requesting $232,000 in this category, or an increase of $82,000. These are larger items of furniture and equipment, generally of a specialized nature which are needed to meet a

[blocks in formation]




Purchase of non-recurring furniture and equipment (continued) growing workload. Included are such things as catalog card cases, microfilm equipment, map cases, and duplicating equipment, which are too expensive to be purchased from the annual

furniture budget.

Furniture and equipment to support expansion of the Congressional
Research Service

This is a special request for funds to provide desks, tables
chairs, file cases, and other office furniture for the large
increase in staff requested in the Congressional Research
Service. It would not be added to the annual base for

furniture and equipment.

6. Typewriters to support expansion of the Congressional Research Service

This is a special request for funds to provide 58 electric
typewriters for the increase in staff requested in the

Congressional Research Service. It would not be added to

the annual base for typewriters.

[blocks in formation]



+ $ 28,000

+ $235,000

+ $220,000


Senator HOLLINGS. Dr. Mumford, that winds it up. The main thing is this Congressional Research Service.

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir. Did you wish anything to be said about the last two items in there, revision of the "Annotated Constitution" and the revision of "Hinds' and Cannon's precedent"?


Senator HOLLINGS. With respect to the items in the justifications, revision of the "Annotated Constitution" and revision of "Hinds' and Cannon's Precedents." I ask that pages 323 and 324 be inserted, to complete the hearing record.

(The justifications follow :)

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