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Object. I still fear I have not had so thorough a ight of my sin and misery as the Lord gives to many whom he effectually calls, especially to great transgressors, such as I am.

Answ. It is true, the Lord discovers to some, strong impressions of their sin and misery, and they are thereby put under great legal terrors; but as all are not brought in by that sensible preparatory work of the law, as we showed before, so even those who are dealt with after that way are very differently and variously exercised, in regard of the degrees of terror, and of the continuance of that work. The jailer had a violent work, of very short continuance; Paul had a work continuing three days; some persons are in bondage, through fear of death, all their days." So that we must not limit the Lord to one way of working here. The main thing we are to look to, in these legal awakenings and convictions of sin and misery, is, if the Lord reach those ends in us, for which usually these stirrings and convictions are sent into the soul; and if those ends are reached, it is well; we are not to vex ourselves about any preparatory work further. Now, those ends which God seeks to accomplish with sinners, by these legal terrors and awakenings of conscience, are four.

First, The Lord discovers a sight of men's sin and misery to them, to drive them out of themselves, and to put them out of conceit with their own righteousness. Men naturally have high thoughts of themselves, and do incline much to the covenant of works: the Lord therefore dis

covers to them so much of their sin and corruption, even in their best things, that they are made to loathe themselves, and to despair of relief in themselves; and so they are forced to flee out of themselves, and from the covenant of works, to seek refuge elsewhere: "They become dead to themselves and the law," as to the point of justification. Then "have they no more confidence in the flesh.” This is supposed in the offers of Christ, "coming to seek and save that which is lost," and "to be a physician to those who are sick."

The second great end is, to commend Christ Jesus to men's hearts above all things, that so they may fall in love with him, and betake themselves to that treasure and jewel which only enricheth, and, by so doing, may serve the Lord's design in the contrivance of the gospel, which was the manifestation of his free grace through Christ Jesus in the salvation of men. The view of a man's own misery and perishing condition by nature is a ready way to make him prize Christ highly, who alone can set such a wretch at liberty: yea, it not only leads a man to a high esteem of Christ, but also of all things that relate to that way of salvation, as grace, the new covenant, faith, &c. and makes him carefully gather and treasure up his Michtams or golden Scriptures, for the confirmation of his interest in these things.

The third great end is, to deter and scare people from sin, and to make them quarrel with it, and consent to put their neck under all his yoke. God kindles some sparks of hell in men's bosoms by the discovery of their sin, as a ready means to make them

henceforth stand in awe, knowing how bitter a thing it is to depart from the Lord." So we find rest offered to the weary, upon condition they will take on Christ's yoke: "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls." And God offereth to own men as their God and Father, upon condition they will allow no peaceable abode to Belial: "What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? and what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

The fourth great end is, to work up men to a patient and thankful submission to all the Master's pleasure. This is a singular piece of work: "Then shalt thou remember, and be confounded, and never open thy mouth any more, because of thy shame, when I am pacified towards thee, for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord." The sight of a man's own vileness and deserving makes him silent, and to lay his hand on his mouth, whatsoever God does unto him: "I was dumb, and opened not my mouth, because thou didst it." "God hath punished us "I will bear the indig

less than our iniquities." nation of the Lord, because I have sinned." The man careth not what God doth to him, or how he deal with him, if he save him from the deserved

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wrath to come: also, any mercy is a great mercy, to him who hath seen such a view of himself; he is "less than the least of mercies;" any crumb falling from the Master's table, is welcome;" he thinks it rich "mercy that he is not consumed." This is the thing that marvellously maketh God's poor afflicted people so silent under, and satisfied with, their lot; nay, they think he deserves hell, who opens his mouth at any thing God does to him, since he hath pardoned his transgressions.

So, then, for satisfying the objection, I say, if the Lord hath driven thee out of thyself, and commended Christ to thy heart above all things, and made thee resolve, in his strength, to wage war with every known transgression, and thou art in some measure as a weaned child, acquiescing in what he doth to thee, desiring to lay thy hand on thy mouth thankfully; then thy convictions of sin and misery, and whatsoever thou dost plead as a preparatory work, is sufficient, and thou art to debate no more concerning it. Only be advised so to study new discoveries of the sense of thy lost condition every day, because of thy old and new sins; and also to seek fresh help in Christ, who is a priest for ever to make intercession; and to have the work of sanctification and patience, with thankfulness, renewed and quickened often; for somewhat of that work which abaseth thee, exalteth Christ, and con forms to his will, must accompany thee throughout all thy lifetime in this world.


SECT. I.-Of Faith.

WE come now to speak of some more clear and sure marks, by which men may discover their gracious state and interest in Christ. The first thing by which men may know it is, their closing with Christ in the gospel, wherein he is held forth. This is believing, or faith, which is the condition of the covenant: "It is of faith, that it might be by grace." "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Now, although, in propriety of speech, it is hard to prove an interest by faith, it being our very interest in him; yet the heart's closing with Christ Jesus, is so discernible in itself, that we may well place it amongst the marks of a gracious state: and if a man can make out this, that he believeth on and in Christ Jesus, he thereby proves a very true interest in him.

Many do scare at this as a mark, upon one of these three grounds:

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1. Some conceive faith to be a difficult mysterious thing, hardly attainable. To these I say, Do not mistake; faith is not so difficult as many apprehend it to be. I grant true faith, in the least degree, is the gift of God, and above the power of flesh and blood; for God must "draw men to Christ." "No man can come to me, except the Father, who hath sent me, draw him." " Unto

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