Appendix A-NASA management instructions 5154.2. Appendix B-Control of Government property in possession of com tractors. Appendix C-Control of property in possession of nonprofit research an development contractors. Appendix D-[Reserved] Appendix E-Contract financing. Appendices F-H-[Reserved] Part Appendix I-Preparation, reproduction, and distribution of inspection and receiving report (MIRR) (DD Forms 250 an Appendix J-[Reserved] Appendix K-Preaward survey procedures. Appendix L-[Reserved] Appendix M-Retention requirements for contractor and subco records. Supplement 1-[Reserved] Supplement 2-Contract file maintenance, closeout, and dispos PART 18-1—GENERAL PROVISIONS Subpart 18-1.1-Introduction Sec. 18-1.216 Includes. 18-1.217 Installation. Sec. 18-1.219 May. Example of warranty clause for fixed-price supply contracts. Example of warranty clause for fixed-price services contracts. Another example of warranty clause for fixed-price supply or services or research and development contracts (correction of deficiencies clause). 18-1.504 18-1.505 18-1.505-1 18-1.505-2 18-1.505-3 18-1.505-4 Modification of authority. tracting officers. Subpart 18-1.5-Contingent or Other Fees Scope of subpart. Applicability. Covenant against contingen fees clause. Improper influence. General principles and stane ards applicable to the cov nant. Contingent character of the fe Exceptions to the prohibition the covenant. Bona fide employee. Bona fide established comme cial or selling agency main tained by the contractor f the purpose of securing bus 18-1.324-7 18-1.324-8 18-1.324-9 18-1.324-10 Example of warranty clause for fixed-price construction con- 18-1.327 Use of excess aluminum in 18-1.505-5 ness. Fees for information. Assignment of duties to con 18-1.1002-4 Displaying in public place. papers and trade journals. 18-1.1003 Synopses of proposed procure 18-1.1302-1 specifications, plans, and 18-1.1302-2 18-1.1002-5 Information releases to news 18-1.1302-3 18-1.1803 ments. 18-1.1304 Subpart 18-1.12-Specifications, Plans, and Drawings General. Mandatory specifications. Availability of specification standards, plans, and dra Packaging requirements. Purchase descriptions. General. Brand name or equal purcha descriptions. Invitation for name or equal" purchase c scriptions. Bid evaluation and award "brand name or equal" pu chase descriptions. Procedure for negotiated pr Alternate articles or qualiti Procurement of used and conditioned former Government surpl property. 18-1.13-Transportation Scope of subpart. General. Place of delivery. Shipments within the Unit States. Shipments from the Unit Quantity analysis. bids-"bra material a 7 |