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The placement of a firm or individual on the list will be for the purpose of protecting the interest of the Government and not for punishment.

(b) In taking any action to debar or suspend a firm or an individual, the Director of Procurement will refer the proposed action to the Director, Inspections Division, NASA Headquarters, for comment and any necessary investigation. In addition, such action will be coordinated with the General Counsel and other staff offices or divisions, as appropriate.

[35 F.R. 18803, Dec. 11, 1970, as amended at 36 F.R. 21455, Nov. 10, 1971]

[blocks in formation]

No firm or individual will be included on the NASA list for causes or conditions other than those set forth in this subpart. § 18-1.603 Grounds for listing and treat

ment to be accorded listed concerns. (a) A firm or individual may be listed for any of several reasons. The particular reason for listing determines the consequences thereof. The various types of listing and the treatment to be accorded each type are set forth below:

(1) Type A includes debarments in any of the following categories:

(i) Those listed by the Comptroller General pursuant to section 3 of the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (41 U.S.C. 37) for violating the requirements of that Act;

(ii) Those listed by the Comptroller General pursuant to section 3 of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-2(a)) for violating the requirements of that Act; and

(iii) Those whom the Administrator or his authorized representative has determined to debar for any of the causes and under all of the conditions set forth in § 18-1.604.

Bids or proposals shall not be solicited from, nor invitations for bids or requests for proposals furnished to, nor contracts awarded to, firms or individuals who are listed as Type A and who are debarred because of Walsh-Healey or Davis-Bacon violations (subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of this paragraph). The same rules apply with respect to Type A list

ings within category (iii) above, except as set forth in paragraph (d) of this section, or unless the listing indicates that the debarment is not to apply to procurement contracts or sales contracts (see § 18-1.606).

(2) Type B includes firms or individuals whom the Secretary of Labor has determined to be ineligible because they do not qualify as "manufacturers" or "regular dealers" within the meaning of section 1(a) of the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (41 U.S.C. 35(a)). Under that Act, procurement contracts in excess of $10,000 shall not be awarded to firms or individuals under Type B listings for those materials, articles, or equipment with respect to which the firm or individual has been found to be ineligible. NASA, as a matter of policy, applies the same rule to contracts of $10,000 or less. However, bids or proposals may be solicited, and contracts in any amount may be awarded, for commodities with respect to which the firm or individual has not been declared ineligible. In connection with ineligibility under the Walsh-Healey Act (Type B listings only), the name of an individual may be listed as affiliated with an ineligible firm. This listing is intended only to prevent such individuals from evading ineligibility merely by changing their business names and addresses. It does not prohibit other firms in which such individuals have an interest, and which are qualified manufacturers or regular dealers, from receiving contracts subject to the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act.

(3) Type C includes firms or individuals whom the Administrator, pursuant to section 3 (b) of the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10b (b)), has found to have failed to comply with the Buy American Act clause required for construction contracts (see § 18-6.205). Bids or proposals for the construction, alteration, or repair of public buildings or public works in the United States or elsewhere shall not be solicited from firms or individuals under Type C listings; nor shall contracts for such work be awarded to such firms or individuals. However, firms or individuals under Type C listings may be solicited for bids or proposals and may be awarded contracts for other than the construction, alteration, or repair of public buildings or public works.

(4) Type D includes firms or individuals whom the Administrator or his authorized representative has determined to suspend for any of the causes and un

der all of the conditions set forth in §18-1.605. Firms or individuals under Type D listings shall not be solicited for bids or proposals, nor awarded contracts, except as set forth in paragraph (d) of this section, or where the listing indicates that the suspension does not apply to procurement contracts or sales contracts (see § 18-1.606).

(5) Type E includes firms or individuals who have been reported by the Secretary of Labor to have violated labor standards provisions of any of the following statutes:

(i) Anti-Kickback Act (48 Stat. 948) as amended (40 U.S.C. 276(c));

(ii) Contract Work Hours Standards

Act (76 Stat. 357-360);

shall be withheld when such action is determined to be in the best interest of the Government by the Administrator or his authorized representative. When it appears necessary to withhold payments to protect the interests of the Government, action to withhold payment under the contract shall be initiated promptly by the contracting officer and the matter shall be referred to the Procurement Office, NASA Headquarters (Code KDP1) for decision. No payments shall be made pending this decision.

(c) When a listed firm or an individual is proposed as a subcontractor, the contracting officer shall decline to consent to subcontracting with such firm or individual in any instance in which con

(iii) National Housing Act (53 Stat. sent is required of the Government be

804) as amended (12 U.S.C. 1703);

(iv) Hospital Survey and Construction Act (60 Stat. 1040);

(v) Federal Airport Act (60 Stat. 170) as amended (49 U.S.C. 1101);

(vi) Housing Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 413) (42 U.S.C. 1441);

(vii) School Survey and Construction Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 967) (20 U.S.C. 251);

(viii) Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 1245) as amended (50 U.S.C. 1245);

(ix) Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951 (65 Stat. 293) as amended (42 U.S.C. 1591); and

(x) Area Redevelopment Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 47) (42 U.S.C. 2501).

Concerns under Type E listings shall not be awarded contracts which are subject to any of the foregoing statutes.

(6) Type F includes firms or individuals who have been reported by the Secretary of Labor as ineligible for Government contracts for noncompliance with (i) the Equal Opportunity clause set forth in § 18-12.802-1, or (ii) the Equal Opportunity in Federally Assisted Construction Contracts clause set forth in § 18-12.802-2. Firms or individuals under Type F listings shall not be awarded contracts or be solicited for bids (see § 18-12.806-8).

(b) Administration of current contracts in all phases may be continued with a firm or individual, notwithstanding the listing of such firm or individual, unless otherwise prescribed by the Administrator or his authorized representative. However, payment of all or any part of funds due to or to become due


fore the subcontract is made. If award of a subcontract to a listed firm or individual is considered in the best interest of the Government, the contracting officer, prior to approving such award, shall submit a written recommendation to the Office of Procurement, citing complete and detailed justification for the award. Based on such justification, the Director of Procurement may authorize an exception to the restrictions imposed by the listings. In the case of subcontracts already in effect, prime contractors may not be required to terminate subcontracts with a listed firm or individual unless provisions of the prime contract reserve to the Government such control over subcontracting permitting the Government to require their termination. If the Government has such control, the contracting officer shall decide whether such subcontracts should be continued or terminated and forward his recommendations to the procurement officer (see § 181.226) for an appropriate determination. The procurement officer shall decide whether it is in the best interests of the Government to continue or terminate such subcontracts, unless otherwise prescribed by the Director of Procurement. (d) The Administrator or his authorized representative authorize exceptions to the restrictions imposed by Type A(iii) listings and Type D listings, including Type A(iii) listings and Type D listings contained in the Joint Consolidated List, when it is determined that such action is in the best interest of the Government. In such cases, when it is considered necessary or advisable to solicit bids or proposals from, or to award a contract to, a listed firm or indi


vidual, the contracting officer shall submit a written recommendation to the Procurement Office, NASA Headquarters (Code KDP-1), citing complete and detailed justification for the proposed action. The recommendation will be based on such factors as (1) urgent delivery or performance schedules, or (2) inability to secure the supplies or services from other sources due to lead time, proprietary data, or lack of procurement data.

§ 18-1.604 Debarment of bidders.

§ 18-1.604-1 Authority in NASA to debar firms and individuals.

(a) The Administrator may, in the public interest, debar a firm or individual for any of the causes set forth in § 181.604-2.

(b) The Director of Procurement, as an authorized representative of the Administrator, is authorized to debar in the public interest a firm or an individual for any of the causes set forth in § 18-1.604-2, except for paragraph (c) thereof, in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Subpart 18-16. § 18-1.604-2 Causes for debarment.

(a) Conviction by or a judgment obtained in a court of competent jurisdiction for:

(1) Commission of fraud or a criminal offense as an incident to obtaining, attempting to obtain, or in the performance of a public contract;

(2) Violation of the Federal antitrust statutes arising out of the submission of bids or proposals; or


(3) Commission of theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty, which seriously and directly affects the question of present responsibility as a Government contractor.

If the conviction or judgement is reversed on appeal, the debarment shall be removed upon receipt of notification thereof. The foregoing does not necessarily require that a firm or individual be debarred. The decision to debar is discretionary; the seriousness of the offense, and all mitigating factors, shall be considered in making the decision to debar.

(b) Clear and convincing evidence of violation of contract provisions, as set forth below, when the violation is of a

character so serious as to justify debarment action:

(1) Willful failure to perform in accordance with the specifications or delivery requirements in a contract;

(2) A history of failure to perform, or of unsatisfactory performance, in accordance with the terms of one or more contracts: Provided, That such failure or unsatisfactory performance is within a reasonable period of time preceding the determination to debar (failure to perform or unsatisfactory performance caused by acts beyond the control of the contractor shall not be considered as a basis for debarment); or

(3) Violation of the contractual provision against contingent fees.

(c) Any other causes affecting responsibility as a Government contractor of such serious and compelling nature as may be determined by the Administrator to justify debarment: Provided, That no firm or individual shall be debarred for failure to comply with (1) the Equal Opportunity clause set forth in § 1812.802-1, or (2) the Equal Opportunity in Federally Assisted Construction Contracts clause set forth in § 18-12.802-2, except as prescribed under § 18-12.806-7.

(d) Debarment for any of the above causes by some other executive agency of the Government. Such debarment may be based entirely upon the record of facts obtained by the original debarring agency, or upon a combination of additional facts with the record of facts of the original debarring agency. § 18-1.604-3


Period and scope of de

(a) Period of debarment. All debarments by NASA shall be for a reasonable, specified period of time, commensurate with the seriousness of the cause therefor. As a general rule, a period of debarment will not exceed 3 years. In the event debarment is preceded by suspension, consideration shall be given to such period of suspension in determining the period of debarment. Prior to the expiration of the debarment period of any firm or individual who has been debarred by NASA for any of the causes set forth in § 18-1.604-2, the Director of Procurement will cause all of the facts and circumstances relating to the debarment to be reviewed. The debarment shall be removed at the expiration of the specified period, unless, on the basis of an evaluation of newly developed facts, it is determined that debarment for an addi

tional period is required in order to protect the Government's interests. Where debarment for an additional period is considered necessary, notice of the proposed debarment shall be furnished the firm or individual in accordance with §18-1.604-4. The debarment of a firm or individual may be modified by reducing the period thereof when the circumstances justify such action. With respect to debarment for violation of the (1) Equal Opportunity clause set forth in §18-12.802-1, or (2) the Equal Opportunity in Federally Assisted Construction Contracts clause set forth in § 18-12.8022 (Type F), the names of such firms or individuals shall be removed from the NASA list (§ 18-1.601-1) upon receipt of notification from the Secretary of Labor that the eligibility of such firms or individuals has been reestablished.

(b) Scope of debarment. (1) Debarment may include all known affiliates of a firm or individual. For the definition of an affiliate, see § 18-1.600-2.

(2) An attempt shall be made to determine who are the affiliates of any firm or individual who is proposed to be debarred. Consideration shall be given to initiating debarment against such affiliates whenever the facts and circumstances justifying debarment of the firm or individual concerned would also justify debarment of such affiliates.

(3) The fraud or criminal conduct of an individual may be imputed to the business firm with which he is connected whenever the impropriety involved was performed in the course of official duty or with the knowledge or approval of the business firm.

§ 18-1.604-4 Notice of debarment.

(a) The firm or individual proposed for debarment shall be furnished with a written notice of the proposed debarment by the Director of Procurement, stating as a minimum:

(1) The fact that debarment is being considered;

(2) The reasons for the proposed debarment; and

tional time. When no additional time is requested, the debarment determination, including the notice to the firm or individual, shall be completed within 90 days. When additional time is requested and it is determined to grant such additional time, the 90-day period shall be adjusted accordingly. If the firm or individual is not under suspension, pursuant to § 18-1.605, the notice of proposed debarment will inform the firm or individual that no contracts shall be awarded to such firm or individual pending the debarment determination.

(b) If the firm or individual proposed for debarment has affiliates who are also proposed to be debarred, the procedures set forth in paragraph (a) of this section shall be applied to such affiliates.

(c) If debarment is effected, the firm or individual and the affiliates that have been debarred will be notified by the Director of Procurement, in writing, within 10 days after determination of debarment has been made. This notice will:

(1) Reference the earlier notice of proposed debarment;

(2) Specify the reasons for debar

ment; and

(3) State the period of debarment, including effective dates.

If, following the notice of proposed debarment, a determination is made that debarment will not be effected, the Director of Procurement will notify the firm or individual in writing accordingly.

(d) Copies of the notice of debarment and of any removals from such debarment will be furnished to the General Services Administration.

(e) All inquiries or correspondence from or in behalf of debarred contractors concerning their status, reasons for debarment action, etc., shall be forwarded to the Procurement Office, NASA Headquarters (Code KDP-1) for appropriate action.

§ 18–1.604-50 Reporting procedures.

(a) Procurement officers may submit reports recommending debarment of a firm or individual for any of the causes set forth in § 18-1.604-2. Such actions shall be coordinated with local counsel.

(3) The period of time to be afforded to present information for consideration.

Information in opposition to a proposed debarment may be presented in person, in writing, or through representation. The period of time to be afforded to present information for consideration shall be limited to 30 days unless the firm or individual requests and justifies addi

(b) Reports recommending debarment shall be submitted in triplicate to the Procurement Office, NASA Headquarters (Code KDP-1). Each such report shall contain a complete statement of the facts concerning the firm's or individual's dereliction, including affidavits, depositions, records of action, if applicable, and any other relevant data. Names and addresses of all persons having knowledge of the circumstances shall be included. Such reports shall include the names and addresses of all known affiliates of reported firms or individuals, together with the nature of such affiliation.

§ 18-1.605 Suspension of bidders. § 18-1.605-1 General.

Suspension of a firm or an individual is a drastic action which must be based upon adequate evidence rather than mere accusation. In assessing adequate evidence, consideration should be given to how much credible information is available, its reasonableness in view of surrounding circumstances, corroboration or lack thereof as to important allegations, and inferences which may be drawn from the existence or absence of affirmative facts. This assessment should include an examination of basic documents, such as contracts, inspection reports, and correspondence. The suspension of a firm or individual is an administrative determination which may be modified when determined to be in the interest of the Government.

§ 18-1.605-2 Authority in NASA to suspend firms or individuals.

(a) The Administrator may, in the interest of the Government, suspend a firm or individual for any of the causes set forth in § 18-1.605-3.

(b) The Director of Procurement, as an authorized representative of the Administrator, is authorized to suspend in the interest of the Government a firm or individual for any of the causes set forth in § 18-1.605-3, except for paragraph (b) thereof, in accordance with the procedures set forth in this subpart.

§ 18-1.605-3 Causes for suspension.

A firm or individual may be suspended, whenever such suspension is determined to be in the interest of the Government, for the following causes:

(a) Whenever the firm or individual is suspected of

(1) Commission of fraud or a criminal offense as an incident to obtaining, attempting to obtain, or in the performance of a public contract;

(2) Violation of the Federal antitrust statutes arising out of the submission of bids and proposals; or

(3) Commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen

property, or any other offense in a lack of business integrity or honesty which seriously and affects the question of present bility as a Government contract

(b) Any other causes of such and compelling nature as may mined to justify suspension: F That no firm or individual shal pended for failure to comply Equal Opportunity clause set § 18-12.802-1, or the Equal Opp in Federally Assisted Constructi tracts clause set forth in § 18-2 except as prescribed under § 18-1

§ 18-1.605-4 Period and scope pension.

(a) Period of suspension. All sions made by NASA shall be for porary period pending the compl investigations and such legal proc as may ensue.

(1) In the event a firm or indiv suspended for any cause set fo § 18-1.605-3(a) and prosecutive a not initiated by the Department tice within 12 months from the the notice of suspension, the s sion shall be terminated unless sistant Attorney General request tinuation of the suspension. If request is received, the suspensio be continued for an additional 6 m Notice of the proposed removal suspension shall be given to the L ment of Justice 30 days prior to t piration of the 12-month period. event shall suspension continue k 18 months unless prosecutive acti been initiated within that period. prosecutive action is initiated, th pension may continue until lega ceedings are completed.

(2) In the event a firm or an indi is suspended by the Administrator fo cause in accordance with § 18-1 (b), the period of suspension sha exceed 90 days. The period of suspe may be extended for additional pe of 90 days upon a determination b Administrator of the reasons and n sity therefor. However, in no event the total of any suspension under § 18-1.605-4 exceed 1 year or be in tion to any period of suspension i subparagraph (1) above.

(3) Upon the completion of the proceedings under subparagraph above or investigation under subr graph (2) above, the suspension sha removed and, if appropriate, change

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