ment may correct or require the contractor to correct the article in place at its location, at the contractor's expense. (g) Where it is determined that a warranty for the entire item is not advisable, a warranty may be required for a particular aspect of the item which may need special protection (e.g., installation, components, accessories, parts, sub-assemblies and preservation, packaging and packing, etc.) § 18-1.324-6 Pricing aspects of fixedprice incentive contract warranty provisions. In fixed-price incentive contracts, consideration should be given to the pricing aspects of the contract as they relate to a warranty. When it is determined to include a warranty clause, the estimated costs for the warranty shall normally be considered in establishing the incentive target price. Prior to the establishment of the total final price, all costs incurred or to be incurred by the contractor in complying with the warranty clause shall be considered when negotiating the final total negotiated cost. After the establishment of the total final price, contractor compliance with the warranty clause shall be at his expense and at no increase in the total final price. § 18-1.324-7 Example of warranty clause for fixed-price supply con tracts. (a) The following clause is an example which is authorized for insertion in fixed-price type supply contracts in accordance with §§ 18-1.324-2 and 18-1.324-3. WARRANTY OF SUPPLIES (APRIL 1968) (a) Notwithstanding inspection and acceptance by the Government of supplies furnished under the contract or any provision of this contract concerning the conclusiveness thereof, the Contractor warrants that: 1 (i) all supplies furnished under this contract will be free from defects in material or workmanship and will conform with the specifications and all other requirements of this contract; and (ii) the preservation, packaging, packing, and marking, and the preparation for, and method of, shipment of such supplies will 1 State in the blank the specific warranty period, e.g., "at the time of delivery"; "for (insert period of time) after delivery" or the specified event whose occurrence will terminate the warranty period, e.g., the number of miles or hours of use, or combination of any applicable events or periods of time, as appropriate (see § 18-1.324-5(a)). conform with the requiremen contract. (b) The Contracting Officer written notice to the Contract breach of the warranties in par of this clause__ (c) Within a reasonable time notice, the Contracting Officer n (1) By written notice require t correction or replacement of any part thereof (including preservat aging, packing, and marking) th conform with the requirements o tract within the meaning of para of this clause; or (ii) Retain such supplies, wher contract price thereof shall be red amount equitable under the circ and the Contractor shall prom] appropriate repayment. If the contract provides for ins supplies by sampling procedures, tracting Officer may, at his option, the quantity of supplies or par which are subject to this paragra cordance with such sampling p (d) When return, correction, o ment is required, the Contracting O return the supplies and tran charges and responsibility for suc] while in transit shall be borne by tractor. However, the Contractor' for such transportation charges exceed an amount equal to the cost portation by the usual commercia of shipment between the designatec tion point under this contract Contractor's plant, and return. (e) If the Contractor fails or r correct or replace the nonconforming within a period to ten (10) days longer period as the Contracting O authorize in writing) after receipt from the Contracting Officer specify failure or refusal, the Contractin may, by contract or otherwise, corre place them with similar supplies an to the Contractor the cost occasion Government thereby. In addition, if tractor fails to furnish timely di instructions, the Contracting Officer pose of the nonconforming supplies Contractor's account in a reasonable in which case the Government is er reimbursement from the Contractor the proceeds for the reasonable exp the care and disposition of the nonc ing supplies, as well as for exce incurred or to be incurred. (f) Any supplies or parts thereof c or furnished in replacement pursuan 2 Insert in the blank the specific p time in which notice shall be given contractor, e.g., "within (insert pe time) after delivery of the noncon supplies"; "within (insert period of t the last delivery under this contr appropriate (see § 18-1.324-5(b)). clause shall also be subject to all the provisions of this clause to the same extent as supplies initially delivered. (g) Failure to agree upon any determination to be made under this clause shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the "Disputes" clause of this contract. (h) The word "supplies" as used herein Includes related services. (1) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause are in addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to the Government by any other clause of the contract. (b) When the contractor's design is to be used rather than a Government design, insert the word "design," before "material" in paragraph (a) (i) of the clause in paragraph (a) of this section. (c) The following paragraph (c) may be substituted for the paragraph (c) of the clause in paragraph (a) of this section when the contract provides for inspection of supplies by sampling procedures: (c) Conformance of supplies or parts thereof subject to warranty action shall be determined in accordance with the applicable sampling procedures contained in the contract except as provided herein. For sampling purposes, the Contracting Officer may group any supplies delivered under this contract. The size of the sample shall be that required by sampling procedures specified in the contract for the quantity of supplies on which warranty action is proposed. Warranty sampling results may be projected over supplies in the same shipment or other supplies contained in other shipments even though all of such supplies are not present at the point of reinspection, provided, the supplies remaining are reasonably representative of the quantity on which warranty action is proposed. The original inspection lots need not be reconstituted nor shall the Contracting Officer be required to use the same lot size as on original inspection. Within a reasonable time after notice of any breach of warranties in paragraph (a) of this clause determined herein, the Contracting Officer may exercise one or more of the following options: as (1) Require an equitable adjustment in the contract price for any group of supplies; (ii) Screen the supplies grouped under this clause at Contractor's expense and return all nonconforming supplies to the Contractor for correction or replacement; (iii) Require the Contractor to screen the supplies at depots designated by the Government within the continental United States and to correct or replace all nonconforming supplies; (iv) Return the supplies grouped under this clause to the Contractor for screening and correction or replacement. (d) The following paragraph (d) may be substituted for paragraph (d) of the clause in paragraph (a) of this section when it is desirable to provide that necessary transportation incident to correction or replacement will be at the Government's expense. This may be appropriate, for instance, when the cost of a warranty would otherwise be prohibitive. (d) When correction or replacement is required, and transportation of supplies in connection with such correction or replacement is necessary, transportation charges and responsibility for such supplies while in transit shall be borne by the Government. (e) The following paragraph (e) may be substituted for paragraph (e) of the clause in paragraph (a) of this section when the supplies cannot be obtained from another source. (e) If the Contractor does not agree as to his responsibility to correct or replace the supplies delivered, he shall nevertheless proceed in accordance with the written request issued by the Contracting Officer under paragraph (c) to correct or replace the defective or nonconforming supplies. In the event it is later determined that such supplies were not defective or nonconforming within the provisions of this clause, the contract price will be equitably adjusted. Failure to agree to such an equitable adjustment of price shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes". (f) The following paragraph should be added when the clause in paragraph (a) of this section is included in a fixed-price incentive contract. (j) Prior to the establishment of the total final price, all costs incurred, or to be incurred by the Contractor in complying with this clause shall be considered when negotiating the final total negotiated cost under the Incentive Price Revision clause of this contract. After the establishment of the total final price, Contractor compliance with this clause shall be at the Contractor's expense and at no increase in the total final price. § 18-1.324-8 Example of warranty clause for fixed-price services contracts. (a) The following clause is an example which is authorized for insertion in fixed-price type services contracts in accordance with §§ 18-1.324-2 and 18-1.324-3. WARRANTY OF SERVICES (APRIL 1968) Notwithstanding inspection and acceptance by the Government or any provision concerning the conclusiveness thereof, the Contractor warrants that all services performed under this contract will be free from defects in workmanship and will conform to the requirements of this contract at time of acceptance. The Contracting Officer shall give written notice of any such defect or nonconformance to the Contractor 1 Such notice shall state either (1) that the Contractor shall correct or reperform any defective or nonconforming services, or (ii) that the Government does not require correction or replacement. If the Contractor is required to correct or reperform, it shall be at no cost to the Government, and any services corrected or reperformed by the Contractor pursuant to this clause shall be subject to all provisions of this clause to the same extent as work initially performed. If the Contractor fails or refuses to correct or reperform, the Contracting Officer may, by contract or otherwise, correct or replace with similar services and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned to the Government thereby or obtain an equitable adjustment in the contract price. If the Government does not require correction or reperformance, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the contract price. Failure to agree upon any determination to be made under this clause shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the "disputes" clause of this contract. (b) When the contractor's design is to be used rather than a Government design, insert the words "design and" before "workmanship" in the first sentence of the clause in paragraph (a) of this section. § 18-1.324-9 Another example of warranty clause for fixed-price supply or services or research and development contracts (correction of deficiencies clause). (a) The following clause is an example which is authorized for insertion (in accordance with §§ 18-1.324-2 and 181.324-3) in fixed-price type supply and service and research and development contracts for systems and equipment where performance specifications design are of major importance. or CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES (APRIL 1968) (a) Definitions. As used in this clause: (i) "Deficiency" means any condition or characteristic in any supplies (which term 1 Insert in the blank the specific period of time in which notice shall be given to the contractor, e.g., "within (insert period of time) from the date of acceptance by the Government"; "within (insert number of hours) of use by the Government"; or other specified event whose occurrence will terminate the period of notice, or combination of any applicable events or periods of time, as appropriate. shall include related technical da ices furnished hereunder, which compliance with the requireme contract; and (11) "Correction" means any a tions necessary to eliminate an deficiencies. (b) General. (1) The rights and remedie Government provided in this claus (1) Shall not be affected in a any other provisions under thi concerning the conclusiveness of and acceptance; and (ii) Are in addition to and do no rights afforded to the Governme other clause of this contract. (2) This clause shall apply onl deficiencies discovered by either th ment or the Contractor within.... (3) The Contractor shall not sible under this clause for the col deficiencies in Government furnis erty, except for deficiencies in in unless the Contractor performs c gated to perform any modification work on such property. In that ( Contractor shall be responsible for of deficiencies to the extent of such tions or other work. (4) The Contractor shall not b sible under this clause for the cor deficiencies caused by the Governm (c) Deficiencies in Accepted Su Services. (1) Notice to Contractor; His Re dation for Correction. If the Contra ficer determines that a deficiency any of the supplies or services acc the Government under this contract promptly notify the Contractor of ficiency, in writing, within Upon timely notification of the exi such a deficiency, or if the Contrac pendently discovers a deficiency in supplies or services, the Contract promptly submit to the Contractin his recommendation for corrective together with supporting informatio ficient detail for the Contracting C determine what corrective action, if a be undertaken. 1 Insert a specific period of time, a cify acceptance or another vent from the time is to be computed, or that t refers to hours of use. 2 Insert a specific period of time. • Insert the locations where correct be directed. (3) Correction of Deficiencies by Contractor. The Contractor shall promptly comply with any timely written direction by the Contracting Officer to correct or partially correct a deficiency, at no increase in the contract price. The Contractor shall also prepare and furnish to the Government data and reports applicable to any correction required under this clause (including revision and updating of all other affected data called for under this contract) at no increase in the contract price. (4) Modification of Contract With Respect to Uncorrected Deficiencies. In the event of timely notice of a decision not to correct or only to partially correct, the Contractor shall promptly submit a technical and cost proposal to amend the contract to permit acceptance of the affected supplies or services in accordance with the revised requirements, and an equitable reduction in contract price shall promptly be negotiated by the parties and reflected in a supplemental agreement to this contract. (d) Deficiencies in Supplies or Services Not Yet Accepted. If the Contractor becomes aware at any time before acceptance by the Government (whether before or after tender to the Government) that a deficiency exists in any supplies or services, he shall promptly correct the deficiency or, if he elects to invoke the procedures in (c) above, he shall promptly communicate information concerning the deficiency to the Contracting Officer in writing, together with his detailed recommendation for corrective action. (e) No Extension in Time for Performance, No Increase in Contract Price. (1) In no event shall the Government be responsible for extension or delays in the scheduled deliveries or periods of performance under this contract as a result of the Contractor's obligations to correct deficiencies, nor shall there by any adjustment of the delivery schedule or period of performance as a result of such correction of deficiencies, except as may be agreed to by the Government in a supplemental agreement with adequate consideration. (2) It is hereby specifically recognized and agreed by the parties hereto that this clause shall not be construed as obligating the Government to increase the contract price of this contract. (1) Transportation Charges. (1) When the Government returns supplies to the Contractor for correction or replacement pursuant to this clause, the Contractor shall be liable for transportation charges up to an amount equal to the cost of transportation by the usual commercial method of shipment from the designated destination point under this contract to the Contractor's plant, in addition to any charges provided for by (2) below. The Contractor shall also bear the responsibility for the supplies while in transit. (2) When compliance with the terms of this clause by the Contractor involves shipment of corrected or replacement supplies 39 from the Contractor to the Government, the Contractor shall be liable for transportation charges up to an amount equal to the cost of transportation by the usual commercial method of shipment from the Contractor's plant to the designated destination point under this contract, in addition to any charges provided for by (1) above. The Contractor shall also bear the responsibility for the supplies while in transit. (g) Failure To Correct. If the Contractor fails or refuses to (1) present a detailed recommendation for corrective action in accordance with (c) above, (11) correct deficiencies in accordance with (c) (3) above, or (iii) prepare and furnish data and reports in accordance with paragraph (e) (3) above, the Contracting Officer shall give the Contractor written notice specifying the failure or refusal and setting a period after receipt of the notice within which it must be cured. If the failure or refusal is not cured within the specified period, the Contracting Officer may, by contract or otherwise, as required: (1) Obtained detailed recommendations for corrective action; or (11) (A) Correct the supplies or services, (B) Replace the supplies or services-and if the Contractor fails to furnish timely disposition instructions, the Contracting Officer may dispose of nonconforming supplies for the Contractor's account in a reasonable manner, in which case the Government is entitled to reimbursement from the Contractor or from the proceeds for the reasonable expenses of care and disposition, as well as for excess costs incurred or to be incurred; and (iii) Obtain applicable data and reports; and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned to the Government thereby. (h) Correction of Deficient Replacements and Reperformances. Any supplies or parts thereof corrected or furnished in replacement and any services reperformed pursuant to this clause shall also be subject to all the provisions of the clause to the same extent as supplies or services initially accepted. (b) Depending on the circumstances of the procurement, one or more of the alternate paragraphs in § 18-1.324-7(c), (d), or (e) above may be substituted for the appropriate paragraphs in the "Correction of Deficiencies" clause in (a) above. Similarly, the alternate paragraph in § 18-1.324-7 (f) above may be added to the clause. § 18-1.324-10 Example of warranty clause for fixed-price construction contracts. The following clause is an example which is authorized for insertion in fixed-price type construction contracts in accordance with §§ 18-1.324-2 and 18-1.324-3. WARRANTY OF CONSTRUCTION (APRIL 1968) (a) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this contract, the Contractor shall remedy at his own expense any failure of the work (including equipment) to conform to contract specifications and any defect of material, workmanship, or design in the workbut excluding any defect of any design furnished by the Government under the contract-Provided, That the Government gives the Contractor notice of any such failure or defect promptly after discovery but not later than 1 year after final acceptance of the work, except that in the case of defects or failures in a part of the work of which the Government takes possession prior to final acceptance, such notice shall be given not later than 1 year from the date the Government takes such possession. The Contractor, at his own expense, shall also remedy damage to equipment, the site, or the buildings or the contents thereof which is the result of any failure or defect, and restore any work damaged in fulfilling the terms of this clause. Should the Contractor fail to remedy any such failure or defect within a reasonable time after receipt of notice thereof, the Government shall have the right to replace, repair, or otherwise remedy such failure or defect at the Contractor's expense. This warranty shall not delay final acceptance of or final payment for the contract work. (b) All subcontractors', manufacturers' and suppliers' warranties and guaranties, express or implied, respecting any part of the work and any materials used therein shall be deemed obtained-and shall be enforced-by the Contractor as the agent and for the benefit of the Government without the necessity of separate transfer or assignment thereof: Provided, That, if directed by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall require such subcontractors, manufacturers, and suppliers to execute such warranties and guaranties in writing to the Government. (c) Any work repaired or replaced pursuant to this clause shall also be subject to the provisions of this clause to the same extent as work originally performed. The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause are in addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to the Government by any other clause of this contract. § 18-1.327 Use of excess aluminum in national stockpile. under Government contracts. In implementation of this program, all contracts in the categories listed below, shall contain the clause in $ 18-1.327-2, or, in the case of construction contracts, the clause as modified in § 18-1.327-3: (a) Purchases in the amount of $500 or more of aluminum products as defined in § 18-1.327-2. (b) Purchases of supplies of construction in the amount of $25,000 or more where the aluminum products used in the production of items delivered under the contract or in the production of items incorporated in construction performed under the contract are estimated by the contracting officer to approximate 10,000 pounds or more. These provisions do not apply to procurements of supplies or construction effected by purchasing activities located outside, for use outside, the United States, its possessions, and Puerto Rico. These provisions are applicable to new procurements that are effected by modifications to an existing contract. In such cases, only the new procurement portion of the total contract is considered in determining whether the clause is required and, if required, the extent of its applicability. [36 F.R. 25103, Dec. 29, 1971] § 18-1.327-2 Contract clause. REQUIRED SOURCE FOR ALUMINUM INGOT (OCTOBER 1971) (a) As used in this clause (1) the term "aluminum products" means aluminum or aluminum alloy in its last commercial form delivered by the producer, mill, or foundry as an end item under this contract, or used to produce an end item under this contract, such as by way of example (but not limited to) wrought aluminum products; forgings and castings; rolled bar, rod, structural shapes, and bare wire; aluminum conductor steel reinforced and bare aluminum cable; insulated or covered wire or cable; extruded bar, rod, shapes and tube (extruded, drawn and welded tube); sheet, strip and plate; pig or ingot; granular or shot; slab; foil; and powder, flake or paste; and (ii) the term "supplier" includes vendors, materialmen, warehousemen, distributors or manufacturers of aluminum products or other items containing aluminum in any form. (b) Except as provided in (c) below, the Contractor (or subcontractor or supplier, where applicable) shall purchase from the General Services Administration (GSA) a quantity of aluminum pig or ingot equal in weight to the gross weight of aluminum products constituting, or used in the production of, the items to be delivered under this contract. Such purchase shall be in ac |