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§ 9-5.5201-3

Consolidated purchase of new vehicles by General Services Administration.

(a) Vehicles for use by AEC or AEC cost-type contractors. New vehicles for use by AEC and AEC cost-type contractors shall be procured in accordance with FPMR 101-26.501.

(b) Submission of purchase orders. Except as determined necessary for internal accounting needs or purchasing records, orders should be made using GSA Form 1781 for vehicles covered by Federal Standard 122. AEC Form 103 or contractors' purchase order forms should be used for vehicles not covered by Federal Standard 122.

(c) Schedule of dates for submission of orders. Generally, Managers of Field Offices shall consolidate and submit directly to GSA their requirements for vehicles not included in volume procurements.

(d) Replacement of used vehicles. Managers of Field Offices and the Director, Division of Headquarters Services may arrange to sell used motor vehicles being replaced and to apply the proceeds on the purchase of similar new vehicles. However, in the event personnel are not available to make such sales, or it is in the best interest of a particular office, GSA may be requested to sell the used vehicles.

§ 9-5.5201-4 Direct purchase.

Vehicles may be procured by Field Offices from other sources where specific clearance has been granted by GSA or where procurement through the Federal Supply Service, GSA, would impair or adversely affect the program. The purchase price shall not exceed any statutory limitation in effect at the time the purchase is made.

§ 9-5.5201-5 Used vehicles.

Normally AEC does not purchase or authorize cost-type contractors to purchase used vehicles. However, Managers of Field Offices may authorize the purchase of used vehicles where justified by special cricumstances, e.g., when new vehicles are in short supply or the vehicles are to be used for experimental or test purposes. (The passenger vehicle allocation requirements for AEC shall apply to any purchase of used vehicles except in the case of those to be used exclusively for experimental or test purposes.)

§ 9-5.5201-6 Forfeited or abandoned vehicles.

Vehicles which have been abandoned to, or seized by and forfeited to, the Government are available for transfer to Federal agencies by the Federal Supply Service, GSA, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of August 27, 1935 (40 U.S.C. sections 304f-304m). Whenever forfeited or abandoned vehicles are available for transfer to AEC, the Utilization and Disposal Service, Personal Property Division, Region 3, GSA,

Washington, D.C., 20407, will notify the Office of the Controller, Headquarters, of such availability and allow AEC approximately three days to determine whether the vehicles can be utilized. Within that time, the Office of the Controller will make the necessary arrangements with GSA for the release of any required vehicles. (See FPMR 101-43.4.)

§ 9-5.5202 Typewriters.

§ 9-5.5202-1 Scope.

This section covers the purchase, for use by either AEC and cost-type contractors, of (a) typewriters whether to fill initial requirements or for replacement purposes and (b) typewriter repair and reconditioning services.

§ 9-5.5202-2 Definition.

"Typewriters" are manually and electrically operated machines having standard or special keyboards, designed to produce printed characters by impression of type upon paper through the medium of an inked ribbon. The term includes the varityper, hektowriter, proportional spacer, flexowriter, justowriter, and portable typewriting machines but does not include bookkeeping, billing or teletypewriting machines. § 9-5.5202-3

Replacement standards.

Typewriters shall be purchased for replacement purposes in accordance with the standards established by GSA. § 9-5.5202-4 Purchase procedures and requirements.

(a) Orders. Purchase orders for typewriters, whether for replacement or otherwise, shall be prepared and transmitted to the appropriate Federal Supply Schedule Contractor. AEC contracting officers shall use Form AEC-103 for such purchases. When cost-type contractors are authorized to make purchases under Federal Supply Schedules, Managers of Field Offices may authorize them to use their own purchase order forms properly identified according to FPR 1-5.9.

(b) Electric typewriters. Electric typewriters for use by AEC and its costtype contractors may be purchased only when the AEC standards are met.

(c) Regulations. The procurement of typewriters that will be used for printing shall comply with the approval

requirements of the Joint Committee on Printing.

9-5.5203 Printing equipment and printing services.

§ 9–5.5203–1 Regulations.

The Joint Committee on Printing, Congress of the United States, periodcally publishes "Government Printing and Binding Regulations." These regulations govern the acquisition, use and disposal of printing equipment and the procurement of printing services. When cost-type contractors operate field printing plants, Managers of Field Offices shall require such contractors to comply with those portions of the regulations covering the operation of field printing plants.

§ 9-5.5203-2

Purchase, exchange or transfer of printing equipment.

All purchases of new printing equipment (including replacements for existing equipment), transfers of equipment from one field plant to another, or disposals of equipment as excess property must be approved by the Joint Committee on Printing, whether such actions are to be taken by AEC or by cost-type contractors. Requests for approval shall be submitted through the Publications and Visual Aids Branch, Division of Headquarters Services. When approval to purchase is granted, printing equipment should be purchased either by AEC or cost-type contractors in accordance with regular procurement procedures. § 9-5.5204


§ 9-5.5204-1 Scope.

This section covers (a) Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Department, alcohol regulations applicable to AEC, (b) delegations of authority to submit applications to purchase tax-free alcohol or specially denatured alcohol, and (c) purchases of alcohol by AEC or cost-type contractors. To the fullest extent practicable, alcohol for use by AEC or its cost-type contractors shall be procured on a tax-free basis.

§ 9-5.5204-2 Regulations.

Internal Revenue Service regulations relating to the procurement and use of alcohol free of tax, by Government agencies, are set forth in 26 CFR 213.141— 213.146. Copies of excerpts from these regulations may be secured from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, In

ternal Revenue Service, Treasury Department, Washington, D.C., 20224. These regulations will be followed in the procurement of alcohol.

§ 9-5.5204-3 Application forms and permits. Treasury Department Form 1486, "Specially Denatured Spirits for Use of United States," and Treasury Department Form 1444, "Tax Free Spirits for Use of United States," shall be used for procurements of specially denatured alcohol and ethyl alcohol, respectively. Part I of each form is the application for permission to procure and Part II is the permit. If procurement from more than one warehouse is desirable, separate applications must be made for withdrawals from each warehouse. When permits are no longer required, they should be forwarded to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, Internal Revenue Service for cancellation. Alcohol procured by use of the Treasury Department forms referred to in this subsection shall be used exclusively on AEC work.

§ 9-5.5204-4 Authority to sign applications.

Specific AEC personnel have been authorized to execute Part I of Forms 1444 and 1486 by letters to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service without power of redelegation. Copies of such letters have been furnished to Field Offices. In addition, the Director, Division of Contracts, has been authorized to sign and delegate to others authority to sign applications under Internal Revenue Regulations relating to the procurement and use of alcohol free of tax. Only the individuals so authorized shall execute Part I of these forms. Requests by Field Offices for new authorizations or discontinuance of existing authorizations shall be submitted by letter to the Division of Contracts, Headquarters. Requests for new authorizations shall be accompanied in each case by a 3" x 5" plain card with the following information typed thereon:

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§ 9-5.5204-5 Filing applications.

Applications shall be executed in duplicate by the authorized AEC official and mailed directly to the Director, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C., 20224. No transmittal letter is required. Where alcohol or specially denatured alcohol is for use directly by AEC, the form shall indicate that shipment shall be made to the appropriate AEC Field Office. Where a cost-type contractor will be the user, the form shall indicate that shipment shall be made to the Atomic Energy Commission in care of the cost-type contractor. § 9-5.5204-6 plants.

Forms and authorized

Periodically, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, Internal Revenue Service, publishes printed lists of Distilled Spirits Plants, Bonded Warehouses and Denaturing Plants Authorized to Operate. These lists are supplied to officials authorized to submit applications. Extra copies of these lists and supplies of Forms 1444 and 1486 may be secured by written request to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C., 20224.

§ 9-5.5204-7 Placing the order.

A signed copy of the permit shall accompany the original purchase order issued to the plant or warehouse, where it will be retained. Subsequent orders shall refer to the permit on file in the plant or warehouse. Order Form AEC103 shall be issued by AEC for cost-type contractors' requirements, except as provided in § 9-5.5204-9.

§ 9-5.5204-8 Notice of shipment.

When alcohol is shipped, the shipper prepares the required forms as specified by Internal Revenue Service Regulations and forwards them to the consignee. Upon receipt of the receiving report covering the shipment, the officer who signed the purchase order shall execute the certificate of receipt and forward it to the appropriate District Supervisor, Internal Revenue Service. The carrier transporting the alcohol shall also be given a receipt as specified by Internal Revenue Service Regulations.

§ 9-5.5204-9 Orders placed by costtype contractors.

(a) Specially denatured alcohol. Managers of Field Offices may authorize costtype contractors to apply for permits to purchase specially denatured alcohol, subject to restrictions of Internal Revenue Service as to end use. In order to qualify, cost-type contractors must be bonded, must submit reports, and are subject to inspection by Internal Revenue Service.

(b) Tax-free alcohol. Under Internal Revenue Service regulations, costtype contractors performing scientific or research work or operating hospitals are permitted to procure alcohol tax-free. These regulations require bonding under certain circumstances, submission of reports, and inspection by Internal Revenue Service.

(c) AEC vs. cost-type contractor alcohol procurement. Purchase may be made by either AEC or cost-type contractors, whichever is in the best interests of the Government, taking into consideration administrative costs and any other pertinent factors that may be applicable to individual situations. On purchases for recurring requirements, one of the factors to consider is that for purchases by AEC, the bonding, reporting and inspection requirements do not apply.

§ 9-5.5204-10 Abandoned and forfeited alcohol.

Abandoned and forfeited alcohol which has come into the custody or control of any Federal agency may be obtained by following the procedure set forth in FPMR 101-43.4.

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9-5.5205-3 Method of shipment.

The usual methods of shipment are: (a) In Government-owned helium ank cars operated from a central Govrnment pool. The capacity of a car s approximately 275,000 cu. ft. of helium, neasured at standard conditions;

(b) In standard-type cylinders which hold approximately 237 cu. ft. under nornal conditions; and

(c) In specially built helium semirailers with a capacity of approximately 15,000 cu. ft. of helium, measured at standard conditions.

9-5.5205-4 Relative shipping costs. Shipments of helium in standard-type ylinders are approximately three times is costly as shipments in tank cars because, (a) freight costs must be paid both ways on the cylinders and only one way on tank cars, and (b) cylinder weights are greater in relation to the helium carried. It may, therefore, be nore economical to obtain small quantiies of helium from local distributors or nearby Government installations. Shipment of cylinders by truck may be nore economical than by rail under some circumstances, depending on location and the existence of special freight rates.

9-5.5205-5 Methods of purchases.

Purchases from the Secretary of the Interior for either AEC or cost-type contractors' requirements for helium is made by using Form AEC-103 (or the cost-type contractor purchase order properly identified as in the use of Government Sources of Supply) and forwarding it in duplicate to the Helium Activity, Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior, Amarillo, Tex. Local orders may be placed either by AEC or the cost-type contractor as administratively determined by Field Offices. § 9-5.5206 Miscellaneous items. § 9-5.5206-1


(a) This section sets forth the procedures and requirements for the purchase of various miscellaneous items for use by either AEC or cost-type contractors.

(b) Except as otherwise indicated, Managers of Field Offices shall issue necessary instructions to cost-type contractors to effect control of procurement of these miscellaneous items, and shall require cost-type contractors to procure these items from Government sources of supply, in accordance with 9-1.5203, when they are so available.

§ 9-5.5206-2 Aircraft.

The purchase of all aircraft, whether for AEC or cost-type contractors' use, shall be approved in advance by the Controller.

§ 9-5.5206-3 AEC forms.

(a) Definition. AEC forms are those approved by the Office of the Controller, Headquarters, for use throughout AEC. (b) Ordering AEC forms.

(1) AEC offices shall consolidate their requirements for each form for all installations under their jurisdiction for minimum periods of six months and submit them to the Publications and Visual Aids Branch, Division of Headquarters Services, as requested during February and August of each year. Forms may be requisitioned in units of ten (10) or five hundred (500).

(2) Additional requisitions within the six-month period shall be submitted only in unusual circumstances. Such requisitions shall be submitted on Form AEC 205 to the Publications and Visual Aids Branch, Division of Headquarters Services.

§ 9-5.5206-4

Standard, optional and other agency forms.

(a) Source of supply. The General Services Administration stocks for issue to agencies standard forms approved by the Bureau of the Budget or the General Accounting Office and other common-use forms, such as Treasury forms, Civil Service forms, and optional forms. The Federal Supply Stores Catalog lists forms carried in stock.

(b) Ordering forms from Federal Supply Service. AEC offices shall submit purchase orders for standard forms, except as specified in (c) below, directly to the appropriate Federal Supply Stores Depot. Orders for forms may include

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