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relating to depredations upon the mails and losses therein; with the treatment of all inquiries addressed to the United States Post Office Department by foreign postal administrations or by persons interested, or reported by postal officials and others, concerning losses and irregularities in the international mails; with the treatment of all cases involving international mail where some form of return receipt is required which has not been received; with the consideration of matters arising from the application of the private express statutes (Government monopoly of carrying letters); with the consideration of complaints and correspondence relative to criminal offenses against the Postal Service; with the treatment of claims for rewards and correspondence relative to the Department's interest in the prosecution of offenders against the postal laws; and with the performance of such other duties as may from time to time be required by the Postmaster General.

(2) The Assistant Chief Inspector shall perform such duties as may be delegated to him by the Chief Inspector and in the absence of the latter shall act in his stead.

(3) The Division of Post Office Inspectors, under the supervision of the Superintendent, is charged with performing the clerical work pertaining to the business of the Chief Inspector and such other duties in connection therewith as may be delegated by him.*t [Sec. 10, as amended by P.M.G. Orders 4620, Dec. 6, 1933; 6071, Aug. 17, 1934; 6906, Mar. 20, 1935; 8831, May 2, 1936]

1.5 Office of the First Assistant Postmaster General-(a) Matters assigned. The First Assistant Postmaster General is charged with the duty of handling for the Postmaster General all matters relating to the selection and nomination of postmasters at post offices of the first, second, and third classes, and the appointment of postmasters at offices of the fourth class; the bonding and commissioning of postmasters; the general management of post offices and the instruction of postmasters, except as otherwise provided; the establishment, discontinuance, and changes of sites and names of post offices; the authorization of allowances for clerk and city and village carrier hire, and other expenses connected with post offices; and the conduct of the City Delivery, Village Delivery, and Special Delivery Services; and the treatment of all unmailable and undeliverable mail


(b) Division of Post Office Service. The Division of Post Office Service, under the supervision of the superintendent, is charged with the annual adjustment of salaries of postmasters at presidential offices; the organization and management of post offices of the first and second classes; the establishment of contract stations; the appointment, disciplining, and fixing of salaries of assistant postmasters, supervisory officers, clerks, special clerks, watchmen, messengers, laborers, printers, mechanics, and skilled laborers, and of city and village letter carriers; the establishment, maintenance, supervision, and extension of city and village delivery and collection service; allowances for clerk hire at first, second, and third class offices, for mail separations and "unusual conditions" at fourth-class offices, and for miscellaneous service items at first and second class

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*For statutory citation, see note to § 1.2.

offices, such as telephone and water rentals, laundry, towel service, and all matters concerning the special-delivery service, and the hours of business at presidential offices.

(c) Division of Postmasters. The Division of Postmasters, under the supervision of the superintendent, is charged with the preparation of cases for the establishment, change of name, and discontinuance of post offices; the keeping of a record of the appointment of postmasters; the obtaining, recording, and filing of bonds and oaths of office and issuance of postmasters' commissions; the consideration of charges and complaints against postmasters; all service matters in connection with fourth-class post offices; and the regulation of hours of business and changes of sites of post offices of the fourth class.

(d) Division of Dead Letters and Dead Parcel Post. The Division of Dead Letters and Dead Parcel Post, under the supervision of the superintendent, is charged with the treatment of all unmailable and undelivered mail matter sent to it, and the general supervision of the treatment of all such matter sent to its branches for disposition; the enforcement of the prompt sending of such matter according to the regulations, the correcting of errors of postmasters connected with the nondelivery of mail matter sent to the Division of Dead Letters and Dead Parcel Post or its branches, and the investigation, by correspondence, of complaints made with reference thereto; the verification and allowance of claims for credit by postmasters for postage-due stamps affixed to undelivered matter; the examination and forwarding or return of all letters which have failed of delivery; the inspection and return to the country of origin of undelivered foreign matter; recording and restoration to owners of letters and parcels which contain valuable inclosures; care and disposition of all money, negotiable paper, and other valuable articles found in undelivered matter; and correspondence, both foreign and domestic, relating to these subjects.*t [Sec. 11, as amended by P.M.G. Order 6071, Aug. 17, 1934]

CROSS REFERENCES: For regulations relating to undeliverable matter, see §§ 21.49, 21.50. For regulations relating to unmailable matter, see Part 7. For regulations relating to dead mail matter, see Part 13. For special delivery regulations, see Part 15. For regulations of the Civil Service Commission relating to Post Office Department employees in the classified service, see 5 CFR Chapter I.

1.6 Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General-(a) Matters assigned. To the Second Assistant Postmaster General are assigned the authorization and management of the transportation of the domestic and international mails by means of railroads, electric and cable cars, steamships, steamboats, rural routes, mail messengers, star routes, and airplanes; the preparation of advertisements for mail lettings for the transportation of mail by steamboats, airplanes, and star routes; the preparation of orders of awards thereon and the execution of contracts accordingly; the authorization of changes in schedules on steamboat routes, star routes, and airplane routes where they are fixed by orders; the receipt and examination of reports from postmasters and others as to the performance of such service and the

*For statutory citation, see note to § 1.2. For source citation, see note to § 1.1.

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preparation of orders for the Postmaster General making deductions for nonperformance and imposing fines for delinquencies, the issuance of statements of amounts found upon administrative examination to be due the various companies, contractors, and others for performance of such service, and the forwarding of such statements to the General Accounting Office for payment; the authorization of payment of salaries to railway postal clerks and making allowances for their travel expenses; the distribution of pouches, sacks, and pouch locks used in the transportation of the mails; the designation and supervision of mail-bag depositories; the direction of the mail distribution and the course of the mails; the supervision of the Railway Mail Service, Rural Delivery Service, International Postal Service (including the sea post, Navy mail, and international registry, insurance, and collect-on-delivery services), air-mail service, and other classes of transportation mentioned above; and the general supervision of the divisions of the Bureau.

The divisions of this bureau shall perform duties as follows:

(b) Division of Railway Adjustments. The Division of Railway Adjustments, under the supervision of the superintendent, is charged with the preparation of cases authorizing the transportation of mails on railroad, electric and cable car, mail messenger, steamboat, and Alaska star routes, and changing authorizations on such routes; passing upon claims of railroads for side and transfer service required of them in connection with the transportation of the mails; examining evidence of the performance of those services, and passing upon the application of the requirements and rates fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission governing service on railroad and electric car routes, and preparing statements of accounts of the carriers for payment (except for mail messenger service), and the consideration of cases of delinquency in service and preparation of orders thereon of fines or deductions.

(c) Division of International Postal Service. (1) The Division of International Postal Service, under the supervision of the director, is charged with the arrangement of all details connected with the exchange of mails with foreign countries, including the ocean transportation of mails from the United States; the preparation of postal conventions and agreements (except those relating to the money-order system) and the regulations for their execution; the preparation of instructions to postmasters in regard to the International Postal Service; the preparation of the general correspondence with foreign countries (except that assigned to the Third Assistant Postmaster General and the Chief Inspector); the consideration of and preparation of replies to inquiries relating to the international postal and parcel-post services (except those intended for the Chief Inspector); the consideration and disposal of applications for the return to senders of, or change of address on, articles contained in the mails exchanged with foreign countries; compilation of statistics of international mails; the translation of letters and documents in foreign languages received by the department (except those intended for the Third Assistant Postmaster General or the Chief Inspector); the

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administrative preparation of the accounts of each vessel or line carrying mails from the United States to foreign countries; the administrative preparation of parcel-post accounts with foreign countries covering terminal, transit, and other charges, and the administrative preparation of accounts with foreign countries for the transmission of mail by air; administrative determination of the balances due from or to foreign countries on account of intermediary maritime and land transit of international mails, as well as the preparation of instructions to govern the collection of the transit statistics on which these balances are based; the management of the international registry, insurance, and collect-on-delivery services, and all instructions and correspondence in relation thereto, except that assigned to the Third Assistant Postmaster General (Division of Money Orders) and that assigned to the Chief Inspector; the adjustment of indemnity claims for international mail; and the supervision of the sea post service, Navy mail service, and international parcel-post service, as well as the authorization of refunds of postage on foreign mail (ordinary, registered, insured, and collect-ondelivery).

(2) The Assistant Director, Division of International Postal Service, at New York, N. Y., shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him.

(d) Division of Railway Mail Service. The Division of Railway Mail Service, under the supervision of the general superintendent, is charged with the preparation of all regulations for the government of the Railway Mail Service, and of cases for the appointment, removal, transfer, promotion, and reduction of all officers of the service and railway postal clerks; the general conduct of the mail service on railroad and inland steamboat routes; the investigation and report of the necessity for the establishment of new or additional service on railroads; reporting as to necessary changes in car space; the instruction of postmasters relative to the distribution and dispatch of mails at post offices; the distribution of pouches, sacks, and pouch locks used in the transportation of the mails other than those used exclusively in the city and rural delivery services; the designation and supervision of mail-bag depositories; the preparation of statements of allowances for travel expenses of railway postal clerks; and preparation of cases for the authorization of miscellaneous expenditures and credits for the incidental needs of the Railway Mail Service; star-route contract service (except in Alaska), and the Governinent operated star-route service; the preparation of advertisements inviting proposals for the transportation of mails on star routes (except in Alaska), the drafting of orders awarding such service and the preparation of contracts therefor, the performance of service, the examination of monthly and special reports of postmasters, and the preparation of orders making deductions and imposing fines for nonperformance of service and other delinquencies on the part of contractors and carriers on star routes, and the preparation of monthly statements to the General Accounting Office of the amounts found upon administrative examination to be due contractors for the performance of such star-route service.

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(e) Division of Air Mail Service. The Division of Air Mail Service, under the supervision of the superintendent, is charged with consideration of all matters pertaining to the transportation of domestic air mail under contract; the preparation of advertisements inviting proposals for the carrying of air mails on domestic contract air mail routes; the drafting of orders awarding such service and the preparation of contracts therefor; the approval of equipment used or proposed to be used by contractors and the investigation as to pecuniary ability of contractors; the approval as to the fitness of pilots to operate aircraft in this service; the examination of regular and special reports covering the performance of contract service; the preparation of orders imposing fines and deductions for the nonperformance of service or other delinquencies on the part of contractors and carriers on air mail routes; the preparation of monthly statements to the General Accounting Office of the amounts found upon administrative examination to be due contractors for the performance of service on domestic contract air mail routes; and the supervision and conduct of the domestic contract service generally.

(f) Division of Rural Mails. The Division of Rural Mails, under the supervision of the superintendent, is charged with the consideration of all matters pertaining to the Rural Delivery Service, and the appointment and discipline of rural carriers.* [Sec. 12, as amended by P.M.G. Orders 3887, July 12, 1933; 6077, Aug. 23, 1934; 10386, May 12, 1937]

CROSS REFERENCES: For Bureau of Customs regulations relating to Navy mail service and Navy mail clerks, see 19 CFR 7.19. For Department of State provision regarding the International Postal Convention, see footnote, 22 CFR 97.59. For regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission relating to tariffs and schedules generally, see 49 CFR Parts 141-148, 186–189.

1.7 Office of the Third Assistant Postmaster General-(a) Matters assigned. To the Third Assistant Postmaster General are assigned the general supervision of the financial operations of the Postal Service; the supervision of the Postal Savings System; the general conduct of the money-order system; the classification of domestic mail matter; questions pertaining to the use of penalty envelopes and the franking privilege; the enforcement of the laws relative to the limit of weight and size of domestic mail; the granting of authority to refund postage charges on domestic mail in excess of the lawful amounts; the supervision, through the Government agencies, of the manufacture of all postage stamps, Federal migratory-bird hunting stamps, postal cards, stamped envelopes, and newspaper wrappers, and their distribution; the supervision and management of the domestic registry system as well as the domestic insurance and collect-on-delivery services; the determination in complicated cases of responsibility for shortages of any kind in postmasters' accounts; the work of ascertaining the revenues derived from and the cost of carrying and handling the several classes of mail matter and of performing the special services; general supervision of investigations of methods designed to improve the Parcel Post Service; and the preparation of the Postmaster General's reports to Congress in cases involving loss of Government funds or stamped paper through embezzlement or otherwise.

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*For statutory citation, see note to § 1.2.

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