| William Jones - 1752 - 116 pages
...of that Word being, he who "was, is, and is to come, or as IJaiah explains it, when he introduced! the Lord the King of Ifrael, and his Redeemer the Lord of Hofts, faying, Chap. xliv. 6. / am the Jirft, and I am the laft, and bejides me there is no God. ;... | |
 | 1752 - 90 pages
...Signification of that Word being, he who was, is, and is to come, or as Ifaiah explains it, when he introduced! the Lord the King of Ifrael, and his Redeemer the Lord of Hofts, faying, Chap. xliv. 6. / am the Jirft, and I am the laft, and bejides me there is no God. <... | |
 | John WITHERSPOON (President of Princeton College.), William Shenstone - Sermons, English - 1768 - 342 pages
...not pafs over it.' The very fame thing he doth to encourage the trufl of his own people, Ifa. xliv. 6. ' Thus faith the ' Lord, the King of Ifrael, and his Redeemer, the' Lord of hofts, I am the firft, and I am the laftK ' and befides me there is no God,' When he would make usfenfible,... | |
 | Assembly of divines confess. and catech, Church of Scotland - Church of Scotland - 1773 - 570 pages
...fiellowmip with the unfruitful works of darknefs, but rather reprove them. 101. d Exod. xx. 2. e If. xliv. 6. Thus faith the Lord the King of Ifrael, and his redeemer the Lord of h'oils. I am the firft, and I am the laft, and befides me there is no God. /"Exod iii. 14. And God... | |
 | Jacques Abbadie - Socinianism - 1777 - 378 pages
...with the Laft, I am He." Sometimes it is joined with the characters of his grandeur and majefty, " Thus faith the Lord " the king of Ifrael, and his redeemer the Lord " of hofts ; I am the Firft, and I am the Laft, " and befides me there is no God." Here it is obfervable>... | |
 | John Gill - Sermons - 1778 - 648 pages
...was no God formed, neither ftiall " there be after me." And in chap. xliv. 6, " Thus faith the Lord, the '* Lord, the King of Ifrael, and his redeemer, the Lord of hofts ; I am the " firft, and I am the laft, and befides me there is no God." And in ver. 8. the latter... | |
 | William Burgh - Theology, Doctrinal - 1779 - 302 pages
...Wonderful, Counfellor, the mighty God, the everlafting Father, the Prince of Peace," Ifaiah ix. 6. in. " Thus faith the Lord the King of Ifrael, and his Redeemer the Lord of Hofts, I am the firft, and I am the the laft, and befides me there is no God," Ifai. xliv. 6. This... | |
 | Bible - 1788 - 598 pages
...Japob ; and another fhall fubfcribe with his hand unto the Lord, and furname himthe name of Ifrael. 6 Thus faith the Lord the king of Ifrael, and his redeemer the Lord of hofts, I am the firft, and I am the laft, and befides me there is no God. 7 And who, as I, fhall call,... | |
 | Daniel Bellamy - Apologetics - 1789 - 512 pages
...in the fhips. I am the Lord your holy one, the creator of Ifrael, your king, Ifaiah xliii. 14, 15. Thus faith the Lord, the king of Ifrael, and his Redeemer, the Lord of hofts, I am the firft, and I am the laft ; and befides me there is no God. Ifaiah xliv. 6. As for our... | |
 | John Fletcher - Apologetics - 1790 - 464 pages
...God t If the Lord God fays (by his Prophet) Behold 'the Lord will come, his reward is with him; &c. Thus faith the Lord, the King of Ifrael, an'd his Redeemer, the Lord of hafts, / am the Firfl, and the Laji, and bejides me, there is no God, Ifai. xl. 10. and xliv. 6. Our... | |
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