| George Fox - 1694 - 508 pages
...when some came to pervert them with another gospel, and said, " The gospel which I received is not of man, neither was I taught it: but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." Gal. i. 12. So here was a judgment to distinguish the gospel of Christ from all other... | |
 | Bible - 1737 - 470 pages
...n But I certifie you, brethren, that the gofpel which was preached of me, is not after man. 12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jefus Chrift. , , , . ,.,ii, 12. And as to their difparagement of my Apoftolical Commij/iofi, or my... | |
 | John Cennick - 1742 - 92 pages
...before in few Words, Ephcf. iii. 3. A.llo in another Place he faith, I neither received the Gofpel of Man, neither .was I taught it, but by the Revelation of Jefus Chrift, Gal. i. i 2. And again, Our Gofpel came not unto you in Word only, but alfo in Power,... | |
 | Thomas Sherlock - Sermons, English - 1758 - 410 pages
...2th Verfes, / certify you, Brethren, that the Gofpel which was preached of me is not after Man ; for I neither received it of Man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelation of Jefus Chrift. This Revelation to St. Paul extended not merely to Points of Doctrine, but conveyed to... | |
 | Thomas Sherlock - Sermons, English - 1758 - 414 pages
...2th Verfes, / certify you, Brethren, that the Gofpel "which was preached of me is not after Man ; for I neither received it of Man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelation tfJefusChrijl. This Revelation to St, Paul extended not merely to Points of Doctrine, but conveyed... | |
 | Ordination sermons - 1759 - 314 pages
...affure you, "brethren, that the.gofpel which I preached " among you, was not after men -f for I cc neither received it of man, neither was I " taught it, but by the revelation of Jefus «c Chrift §." And he exprefsly exhorteth Archippus : " Take heed to the miniftry, which f thou... | |
 | John Shute Barrington Barrington (Viscount) - Apostles - 1770 - 380 pages
...But I " certify you, brethren, that the Gofpel which ** was preached of me is not after man. For " I neither received it of man, neither was I " taught it, but by the revelation of Jefus " Chrift." And as to Barnabas, he was not only one of the feventy, but alfo, in all likelihood,... | |
 | Robert Riccaltoun - 1772 - 496 pages
...But I certify you, brethren, that the go/pel -which -was preached of me, is net after man. 12. For I neither received it of man, neither -was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jefus Chrift. 13. For ye have heard of my converfation in time pajl, in the Jews religion, how that... | |
 | William Burgh - Theology, Doctrinal - 1779 - 302 pages
...authority; and he declares farther, that " the gofpcl which was preached of me, is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jefus Chrift," Gal. i. 11, 12. Who then is Jefus Chrift whp has thus revealed the gofpel to Paul, and... | |
 | Samuel Ogden - 1780 - 380 pages
...underftanding. The great Apoftle might boaft, Gofpel which was preached of me is tiot after man. For I neither received it of man ; neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jefus Chrijt. When it pleafed God who ft•parated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace... | |
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