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(c) NASA-Defense Purchase Request (NASA Form 523).

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10. THIS REQUEST □ IS □ IS NOT SUBJECT TO SECTION 308 OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ACT OF 1988. (Soo special instructions on reverse side.)

[blocks in formation]


(d) Instructions__For_Completing NASA_FOR_523.__The NASA-Defense Purchase Request is to be used by NASA to request the procurement of supplies or services by any activity of the Department of Defense. The se instructions pertain to preparation and use of the fora by NASA activities.

Block__5__The original and 5 copies of the purchase request, each complete with all attachments, shall be forwarded to the DoD activity shown in this block.

Block__7b: Describe the required services or supplies accurately and in sufficient detail to enable the purchasing activity to understand the requirement. When applicable, the particular NASA program and/or project to which the request or amendment pertains shall be indicated. Attachments may be used as required. For items of hardware stocked by the DOD, the item identification of the Army, Navy, or Air Force and the federal stock number shall be entered if known. When applicable, give the specification number, manufacturer's part number, and other descriptive data, such as the desired grade, style, type, color, size, rating, etc.

Block 8 Attachments should be prepared in sufficient quantity so that each copy of a request is complete with a copy of every attachment listed therein.

SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: When names and addresses of consignees of all supplies to be delivered are not contained herein, or otherwise furnished, request for the issuance of shipping instructions shall be made to the appropriate NASA originating office not less than 30 days prior to date on which any of the articles is to be ready for shipment. Three copies of shipping documents shall be forwarded to the NASA originating office and each consignee.

PROPERTY: Include the clause in 5.1002-2 whenever property will be furnished or acquired.

PRIORITY RATING: Include applicable priority rating and claimant program identification (example: Priority Rating DO-A2). In procurement for DX programs, identification shall also include the unclassified

program name.

Block 10: If this request or any part of the supplies or services covered by this request is subject to Section 305 of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (42 U.S. C. 2457), a copy of the New Technology clause, as appropriate, together with instructions for the inclusion of the

appropriate clause in



contracts shall be furnished the purchasing activity in accordance with 9.107-9.

Block__12: Cite appropriation symbol, cost coding, or any other accounting data to be included in the ensuing documentation.

Security__Classification:If the purchase request or any part thereof is classified, DD Form 254, "Security Requirements Check List," or other written notice of security requirements shall be prepared.

Changes: All changes that affect the contents of the purchase request must be processed as a purchase request amendment. This includes such changes as a decrease in quantity, increase or decrease in funds, change in the specifications or in the part, stock or drawing numbers, etc. Such changes may be made initially by expeditious Deans such as telegraph or telephone communication, but each change shall be confirmed by a purchase request amendment. The original and 5 copies of purchase request amendments shall be forwarded to the DOD recipient of the original purchase request. In preparing an amendment, Blocks 1 through 6 must always be completed. Only those remaining blocks of the form that are applicable to the change or revision of the data in the purchase request or prior amendments thereto need be filled in. The unused blocks, however, should have "N/C" inserted to reflect no change.

5.1002=2_-_Property.___In preparing a NASA-Defense Purchase Request, consideration shall be given to NASA's subsequent need for any property furnished or acquired. When it is determined that property will be involved, the following clause shall be incorporated in the purchase request:

All property acquired for, and reimbursed by, NASA or transferred by NASA for use under this NASA-Defense Purchase Request will be controlled and accounted for in accordance with the Military Department's normal procedures. All excess itens, however, costing $500 or more and in condition R-2 or bet ter (GSA Condition Codes) will be reported to the NASA originating office for possible reutilization prior to disposition. (March 1979)

5.1002-3 Acceptance_BY_Military_Department.

(a) Except as provided in (c) below, within 30 days after receipt of a NASA-Defense Purchase Request, the Military Department concerned will forward to the



initiator of the request an Acceptance of MIPR form, DD For 448-2, in quadruplicate. Each DD Acceptance Form will show the action being taken or to be taken to fill the requirement and the name and complete address of the Department of Defense procurement activity for future direct contact by the initiator.

(b) To the extent feasible, all documents including acceptances, contracts, correspondence, shipping documents, work or project orders, and Standard Form 1080 (Voucher for Transfer between Appropriations and/or Funds) billings will reference the NASA-Defense Purchase Request number and the ite number when appropriate.

(c) Acceptance by the Military Department is not required for NASA-Defense Purchase Requests covering deliveries of common-use standard stock items which the supplying department has on hand or on order for prompt delivery at published prices.

5.1003 Changes in Estimated Total Prices. When a Military Department determines that the estimated total price (Block 9, NASA Form 523) of the items to be procured for NASA is not sufficient to cover the required reimbursement, or is in excess of the amount required, a request for an amendment will be forwarded to the NASA originating office. The request will indicate a specific dollar amount, rather than a percentage, and will include justification for any upward adjustment requested. Upon approval of the request, an amendment to the NASA Defense Purchase Request shall be forwarded by the NASA procurement office concerned to the DOD procuring activity.

5.1004 [Reserved]

5.1005 Payments. Except when agreements provide that reimbursement is not required, payments to the Military Departments for supplies and services furnished to or procured for NASA shall be effected on the basis of Standard Form 1080 billings submitted to the NASA office designated in Block 11 of the NASA-Defense Purchase Request. Billings shall be supported in the same manner as billings between Military Departments.

80-137 0-81--46


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