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THE following Biography has been compiled entirely from official records and other reliable data. I have to thank many kind friends for their assistance. E. H. LINDO, Secretary to the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, and Mr. LEWIS EMANUEL, Secretary to the Board of Deputies, opened to me the important archives committed to their care. Mr. J. B. MONTEFIORE, Mr. F. D. MOCATTA, Mr. H. GUEDALLA, Dr. L. LOEWE, Mr. EDWIN ARNOLD, and Signor CÉSAR OLIVETTI of Turin placed at my disposal a great deal of anecdotic and other information, and Mr. GUEDALLA most painstakingly revised the proof-sheets. Among the sources of information not acknowledged in the following pages, I must gratefully mention Mr. ISRAEL DAVIS' Biographical Sketch of Sir MOSES MONTEFIORE, reprinted from the Times; and the files of a large number of Jewish newspapers, particularly the Jewish World and Jewish Chronicle of London.

L. W.


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