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NOTE: This part was amended by deleting the words "Bureau of Agricultural Economics" wherever they appear and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Agricultural Marketing Service", July 6, 1939; 4 F.R. 2850. The order of July 6, 1939 further provides that this part shall continue in effect and be administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service.



§§ 31.1-31.12 [Superseded in part] NOTE: Paragraphs (b) of §§ 31.1-31.12, inclusive, were superseded by §§ 31.10131.103 and §§ 31.105-31.113, respectively. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF PRACTICAL FORMS OF WOOL STANDARDS

§ 31.51 Enumeration of standards; method of obtaining; conditions.

NOTE: Paragraph (a) of this section was amended by the deletion of the words "and wool top" in the first sentence and by the deletion of the last sentence, and paragraph (b) was amended by the deletion of the words "or wool top" in the first sentence, as a result of the adoption of § 31.151.

§ 31.52 Issuance of standards (practical forms) without charge.

NOTE: Paragraph (a) of this section was amended by the deletion of the words "or wool top", and paragraph (d) by the deletion of the words "and wool top", as a result of the adoption of § 31.153.


§ 31.101 Grade 80's wool top—(a) Standard. Wool top of grade 80's shall be top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 18.1 microns to 19.5 microns, inclusive, and the fiber diameter dispersion of which shall meet the following requirements:

10 microns to 20 microns, inclusive: Not less than 60 percent.

10 microns to 25 microns, inclusive: Not less than 92 percent.

25.1 microns to 30 microns, inclusive: Not more than 8 percent.

30.1 microns and over: Permissible, Not more than 0.25 percent.

(b) Substandard. Wool top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 18.1 microns to 19.5 microns, inclusive, and which has more than 0.25 percent and not more than 0.5 percent of fibers of 30.1 microns and over, and which otherwise is within the fiber diameter dispersion requirements of paragraph (a) as adjusted for such excess, shall be wool top of grade 80's, substandard.*†

*§§ 31.101 to 31.113, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in sec. 19, 39 Stat. 489, secs. 2, 3, 45 Stat. 593, 594, 52 Stat. 739; 7 U.S.C. 257, 415c, 415d, 415a.

The source of §§ 31.101 to 31.113, inclu

§ 31.53 Cost of standards (practical sive, is Official standards of the United States forms).

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for grades of wool top, Secretary of Agriculture, Mar. 11, 1939, effective Jan. 1, 1940; 4 F.R. 1195. § 31.102 Standard.

Grade 70's wool top-(a) Wool top of grade 70's shall be top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 19.6 microns to 21 microns, inclusive, and the fiber

diameter dispersion of which shall meet Not less than 27 percent. the following requirements:

10 microns to 20 microns, inclusive: Not less than 50 percent.

10 microns to 25 microns, inclusive: Not less than 84 percent.

25.1 microns to 40 microns, inclusive: Not more than 16 percent.

10 microns to 30 microns, inclusive: Not less than 88 percent.

30.1 microns to 40 microns, inclusive: Not more than 12 percent.

40.1 microns and over: Permissible, Not more than 0.5 percent.

(b) Substandard. Wool top, the av

30.1 microns to 40 microns, inclusive: erage fiber diameter of which is within Not more than 2 percent.

40.1 microns and over: Permissible, Not more than 0.25 percent.

the range of 22.6 microns to 24 microns, inclusive, and which has more than 0.5 percent and not more than 1.0 percent of fibers of 40.1 microns and over, and which otherwise is within the fiber diameter dispersion requirements of paragraph (a) as adjusted for such excess, shall be wool top of grade 62's, substandard.*†

(b) Substandard. Wool top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 19.6 microns to 21 microns, inclusive, and which has more than 0.25 percent and not more than 0.5 percent of § 31.105 Grade 60 wool top-(a) fibers of 40.1 microns and over, and which otherwise is within the fiber diam- Standard. Wool top of grade 60's shall eter dispersion requirements of para- which is within the range of 24.1 mibe top, the average fiber diameter of graph (a) as adjusted for such excess, shall be wool top of grade 70's, substand-fiber diameter dispersion of which shall crons to 25.5 microns, inclusive, and the meet the following requirements:


§ 31.103 Grade 64's wool top-(a) Standard. Wool top of grade 64's shall be top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 21.1 microns to 22.5 microns, inclusive, and the fiber diameter dispersion of which shall meet the following requirements:

10 microns to 20 microns, inclusive: Not less than 36 percent.

10 microns to 30 microns, inclusive: Not less than 94 percent.

30.1 microns to 40 microns, inclusive: Not more than 6 percent.

40.1 microns and over: Permissible Not more than 0.333 percent.

(b) Substandard. Wool top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 21.1 microns to 22.5 microns, inclusive, and which has more than 0.33% percent and not more than 1.0 percent of fibers of 40.1 microns and over, and which otherwise is within the fiber diameter dispersion requirements of paragraph (a) as adjusted for such excess, shall be wool top of grade 64's, sub


§ 31.104 Grade 62's wool top-(a) Standard. Wool top of grade 62's shall be top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 22.6 microns to 24 microns, inclusive, and the fiber diameter dispersion of which shall meet the following requirements:

10 microns to 20 microns, inclusive: Not less than 18 percent.

10 microns to 30 microns, inclusive: Not less than 83 percent.

30.1 microns to 40 microns, inclusive: Not more than 17 percent.

40.1 microns and over: Permissible, Not more than 0.5 percent.

(b) Substandard. Wool top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 24.1 microns to 25.5 microns, inclusive, and which has more than 0.5 percent and not more than 1.0 percent of fibers of 40.1 microns and over, and which otherwise is within the fiber diameter dispersion requirements of paragraph (a) as adjusted for such excess, shall be wool top of grade 60's, substandard.*+

§ 31.106

Grade 58's wool top-(a) Standard. Wool top of grade 58's shall be top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 25.6 microns to 27 microns, inclusive, and the fiber diameter dispersion of which shall meet the following requirements:

10 microns to 20 microns, inclusive:

Not less than 16 percent.

10 microns to 30 microns, inclusive: Not less than 74 percent.

30.1 microns to 50 microns, inclusive:

10 microns to 20 microns, inclusive: Not more than 26 percent.

40.1 microns to 50 microns, inclusive: Not more than 2 percent.

50.1 microns and over: Permissible, Not more than 0.75 percent.

50.1 microns and over: Permissible, Not more than 1.25 percent.

(b) Substandard. Wool top, the average fiber diameter of which is within

(b) Substandard. Wool top, the aver-the range of 29.1 microns to 31.5 microns, age fiber diameter of which is within the range of 25.6 microns to 27 microns, inclusive, and which has more than 0.75 percent and not more than 1.5 percent of fibers of 50.1 microns and over, and which otherwise is within the fiber diameter dispersion requirements of paragraph (a) as adjusted for such excess, shall be wool top of grade 58's, substandard.*†

§ 31.107 Grade 56's wool top-(a) Standard. Wool top of grade 56's shall be top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 27.1 microns to 29 microns, inclusive, and the fiber diameter dispersion of which shall meet the following requirements:

inclusive, and which has more than 1.25 percent and not more than 2.5 percent of fibers of 50.1 microns and over, and which otherwise is within the fiber diameter dispersion requirements of paragraph (a) as adjusted for such excess, shall be wool top of grade 50's, substandard.*+

§ 31.109 Grade 48's wool top; standard. Wool top of grade 48's shall be top which in diameter of fiber is greater than an official sample marked "50's" and constituting the original representative of grade 50's wool top, but not greater than an official sample marked "48's" of a series of samples in the custody of the 10 microns to 20 microns, inclusive: United States Department of Agriculture Not less than 9 percent. in the District of Columbia in a container

10 microns to 30 microns, inclusive: marked "Original official standards of the United States for grades of wool Not less than 64 percent. top." **

30.1 microns to 50 microns, inclusive: Not more than 36 percent.

§ 31.110 Grade 46's wool top; stand

40.1 microns to 50 microns, inclusive: |ard. Wool top of grade 46's shall be top Not more than 5 percent.

50.1 microns and over: Permissible, Not more than 1.0 percent.

(b) Substandard. Wool top the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 27.1 microns to 29 microns, inclusive, and which has more than 1.0 percent and not more than 2.0 percent of fibers of 50.1 microns and over, and which otherwise is within the fiber diameter dispersion requirements of paragraph (a) as adjusted for such excess, shall be wool top of grade 56's, substandard.*†

§ 31.108 Grade 50's wool top-(a) Standard. Wool top of grade 50's shall be top, the average fiber diameter of which is within the range of 29.1 microns to 31.5 microns, inclusive, and the fiber diameter dispersion of which shall meet the following requirements:

which in diameter of fiber is greater than an official sample marked "48's" but not greater than an official sample marked "46's" of a series of samples in the custody of the United States Department of Agriculture in the District of Columbia in a container marked "Original official standards of the United States for grades of wool top." *†

§ 31.111 Grade 44's wool top; standard. Wool top of grade 44's shall be top which in diameter of fiber is greater than an official sample marked "46's" but not greater than an official sample marked "44's" of a series of samples in the custody of the United States Department of Agriculture in the District of Columbia in a container marked "Original official standards of the United States for grades of wool top." *†

§ 31.112 Grade 40's wool top; stand10 microns to 20 microns, inclusive: ard. Wool top of grade 40's shall be top Not less than 4 percent.

10 microns to 30 microns, inclusive: Not less than 45 percent.

which in diameter of fiber is greater than an official sample marked "44's" but not greater than an official sample marked

30.1 microns to 50 microns, inclusive: "40's" of a series of samples in the cusNot more than 55 percent.

tody of the United States Department of

40.1 microns to 50 microns, inclusive: Agriculture in the District of Columbia Not more than 10 percent. in a container marked "Original official

standards of the United States for grades | ance with this section, or after the expiof wool top.” *† ration of 3 years following date of certi§ 31.113 Grade 36's wool top; stand-fication, or after any subsequent revision ard. Wool top of grade 36's shall be top of such standards: Provided, That pracwhich in diameter of fiber is greater than tical forms stored, protected, and prean official sample marked "40's" but not served for official purposes may be used greater than an official sample marked on such occasions and for such periods as "36's" of a series of samples in the cus- the circumstances may require. tody of the United States Department of Agriculture in the District of Columbia in a container marked "Original official standards of the United States for grades of wool top." *†

(2) That the said practical forms shall be subject to inspection on any business day, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. by the Secretary or by an officer or agent of the Department of Agriculture authorized either by him or by the RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE DISTRI- Chief of the Agricultural Marketing



(3) That the certificate to any practical form may be revoked and canceled if it is found, upon such inspection, that the said form is not representative of the official standards. (Sec. 19, 39 Stat. 489, secs. 2, 3, 45 Stat. 593, 594, 52 Stat. 739; 7 U.S.C. 257, 415c, 415d, 415a) [R. & Regs., Mar. 11, 1939, effective Jan. 1, 1940; 4 F.R. 1197]

§ 31.151 Practical forms; method of obtaining; conditions. (a) Practical forms of the official standards of the United States for grades of wool top enumerated in this paragraph, certified under the seal of the United States Department of Agriculture and under the § 31.152 Cost of practical forms. signature of the Secretary of AgriculSets: $10 each, f. o. b. Washington, D. C., ture, thereto affixed by himself or by some other official or employee of United States, and $12 each, delivered for shipment within the continental the Department thereunto duly author-to destination, for shipment outside the ized by him, will be furnished to any person, upon prepayment of the cost thereof as determined by the Secretary, subject to other conditions of this section:

Sets: Grades 80's to 36's, inclusive, complete series, mounted specimens. Demonstrator types: Grades 80's to 50's, inclusive, individual, approximately 4 ounces in weight.

Balls: Grades 80's to 50's, inclusive, individual, approximately 9 pounds in weight.

(b) Each application for practical forms of the official wool top standards shall be upon a blank furnished or approved by the Chief of the Agricultural Marketing Service, shall be signed by the applicant, and shall be accompanied by certified check, draft, post-office money order, or express money order, payable to the "Treasurer of the United States," in an amount to cover the cost of the forms requested, and shall incorporate the following conditions:

continental United States.

Demonstrator types: $1 each, delivered to destination, for shipment within the continental United States, and

$1.25 each, delivered to destination, for shipment outside the continental United States.

Balls: $20 each, delivered to destination, for shipment within the continental United States. (Sec. 19, 39 Stat. 489, secs. 2, 3, 45 Stat. 593, 594, 52 Stat. 739; 7 U.S.C. 257, 415c, 415d, 415a) [R. & Regs., Mar. 11, 1939, effective Jan. 1, 1940; 4 F.R. 1197]

§ 31.153 Loaning of practical forms. In the discretion of the Chief of the Agricultural Marketing Service, limited numbers of copies of the practical forms of the official standards or samples or specially prepared exhibits illustrating such standards, may be loaned to governmental agencies for official purposes or to educational and other institutions for demonstration purposes. (Sec. 19, 39 Stat. 489, secs. 2, 3, 45 Stat. 593, 594, 52 Stat. 739; 7 U.S.C. 257, 415c, 415d, 415a) [R. & Regs., Mar. 11, 1939, effective Jan.

(1) That no practical form of the official wool top standards shall be considered or used as representing such standards after cancelation in accord- 1, 1940; 4 F.R. 1197]

§ 31.154 Determination of conformity. | in lieu thereof the words "Agricultural MarThe determination of conformity of wool keting Service", and by deleting the word top with the official standards shall be by in lieu thereof the word "Service", July 6, "Bureau" wherever it appears and inserting (a) Comparison, for grades 80's to 36's, 1939; 4 F.R. 2850. The order of July 6, 1939 inclusive, or (b) Measurement, for grades further provides that this part shall con80's to 50's, inclusive, in accordance with tinue in effect and be administered by the methods prescribed by the Chief of the Agricultural Marketing Service. Agricultural Marketing Service. (Sec. 19, 39 Stat. 489, secs. 2, 3, 45 Stat. 593, 594, 52 Stat. 739; 7 U.S.C. 257, 415c, 415d, 415a) [R. & Regs., Mar. 11, 1939, effective Jan. 1, 1940; 4 F.R. 11981



NOTE: This part was amended by deleting the words "Bureau of Agricultural Economics" wherever they appear and inserting |


NOTE: This part was amended by deleting the words "Bureau of Agricultural Economics" wherever they appear and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Agricultural Marketing Service", and by deleting the word "Bureau" wherever it appears and inserting in lieu thereof the word "Service", July 6, 1939; 4 F.R. 2851. The order of July 6, 1939 further provides that this part shall continue in effect and be administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service.

Subchapter B-Marketing of Perishable Agricultural Produce


NOTE: This part was amended by deleting the words "Bureau of Agricultural Economics" wherever they appear and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Agricultural Marketing Service", and by deleting the word "Bureau" wherever it appears and inserting in lieu thereof the word "Service", July 6, 1939; 4 FR. 2851. The order of July 6, 1939 further provides that this part shall continue in effect and be administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service.

§ 46.3 Terms in regulations defined. NOTE: Paragraph (d) of this section was revoked Jan. 27, 1939; 4 F.R. 458.

§ 46.5 License required.

NOTE: Paragraph (b) of this section was revoked Jan. 27, 1939; 4 F.R. 458.


NOTE: This part was amended by deleting the words "Bureau of Agricultural Economics" wherever they appear and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Agricultural Marketing Service", and by deleting the word "Bureau" wherever it appears and inserting in lieu thereof the word "Service", July 6, 1939; 4 F.R. 2851. The order of July 6, 1939 further provides that this part shall continue in effect and be administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service.

Subchapter C-Regulations Under the Farm Products Inspection Act

PART 51-FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND | except that when an application covers OTHER PRODUCTS (INSPECTION a number of less-than-carload lots a single certificate may be issued to cover all such lots. ** * [As amended May 1, 1939; 4 F.R. 1764]


NOTE: This part was amended by deleting the words "Bureau of Agricultural Economics" wherever they appear and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Agricultural Marketing Service", and by deleting the word "Bureau" wherever it appears and inserting in lieu thereof the word "Service", July 6,

1939; 4 F.R. 2851. The order of July 6, 1939 further provides that this part shall continue in effect and be administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service.

§ 51.19 Certificates; issuance. The inspector shall sign and issue a separate certificate for each lot inspected by him,

NOTE: The first sentence of this section was amended by SRA 93, 2d Rev., Amdt. 3, May 1, 1939; 4 F.R. 1764.

51.19 Certificates; issuance. The inoriginal certificate and not to exceed four copies, if requested prior to issuance, shall be immediately delivered or mailed to the applicant or a person designated by him. One copy shall be filed in the office of the inspector, or of the cooperating agency, and one copy forwarded to

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