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Part 1261


Processing of monetary claims (general)



Equal Access to Justice Act in agency proceedings. 293

[blocks in formation]

It is the purpose of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Act to carry out the declared policy of the United States that aeronautical and space activities sponsored by the United States shall be the responsibility of, shall be directed by, and shall be under the control of a civilian agency, except to the extent that aeronautical and space activities are determined by the President to be peculiar to or primarily associated with the development of weapons systems, military operations, or the defense of the United States, which activities shall be the responsibility of the Department of Defense.

[blocks in formation]

(a) NASA is headed by an Administrator, who is appointed from civilian life by the President by and with the consent of the Senate. The Administrator is responsible, under the supervision and direction of the President, for exercising all powers and discharging all duties of NASA.

(b) The Deputy Administrator of NASA is also appointed by the President from civilian life by and with the consent of the Senate. The Deputy Administrator acts with or for the Administrator within the full scope of the Administrator's responsibilities. In the Administrator's absence, the Deputy Administrator serves as Acting Administrator.

Subpart 2-Organization

§ 1201.200 General.

(a) Responsibility for overall planning, coordination, and control of NASA programs is vested in NASA Headquarters, located in Washington, DC. NASA Headquarters is comprised of:

(1) 5 Program Offices which are responsible for planning and directing agencywide research and development programs, and management and administrative processes;

(2) 7 Staff Offices which provide agencywide leadership in certain administrative and specialized areas;

(3) the Office of the Associate Deputy Administrator; and

(4) the Office of the Chief Engineer.

All of these offices report directly to the Administrator. Directors of NASA Field Installations and other component installations are responsible for execution of NASA's programs, largely through contracts with research, development, and manufacturing enterprises. Certain types of research and development activities are conducted at NASA field installations and other component installations by Government-employed scientists, engineers, and technicians. NASA's basic organization consists of the Headquarters, 8 field installations, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (a Government-owned, contractor-operated facility), and several component installations which report to heads of field installations, NASA's 8 field installations have different and broad capabilities. Although these field installations have a primary program responsibility to the program office to which they report, they also conduct work for the other program offices. (NASA Management Instruction 1132.2.)

(b) The NASA field installations are as follows:

(1) Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035.

(2) Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771.

(3) John F. Kennedy Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899.

(4) Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, VA 23665.

(5) Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH 44135.

(6) Lyndon B. Johnson Center, Houston, TX 77058.


(7) George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812.

(8) National Space Technology Laboratories, NSTL Station, MS 39520. For more detailed description of the organization and functions of the Headquarters and field installations, see the "U.S. Government Manual."

Subpart 3-Boards and Committees

§ 1201.300 Boards and committees.

Various boards and committees have been established as part of the permanent organization structure of NASA. These include:

(a) Board of Contract Appeals. (1) The Board is established in accordance with the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 601-613). The function of the Board is to decide any appeal from a decision of a contracting officer relating to a contract made by NASA.

(2) The charter of the Board is set forth in Subpart 1 of Part 1209 of this Chapter. The Board's rules of procedure are set forth in 14 CFR Part 1241.

(3) The texts of decisions of the Board are published by Commerce Clearing House, Inc., in Board of Contract Appeals Decisions, and are hereby incorporated by reference. All decisions and orders are available for inspection and for purchase from the Recorder of the Board at NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. Decisions and orders issued after July 4, 1967, are available for inspection and for purchase at NASA Information Centers. An Index/Digest of Decisions is issued periodically with supplements published as appropriate. These are available for inspection or purchase at the NASA Information Centers (see Subpart 4 of Part 1206 of this chapter) and from the Recorder of the NASA Board of Contract Appeals.

(b) Contract Adjustment Board. (1) The function of the Board is to consider and dispose of requests by NASA contractors for extraordinary contractual adjustments pursuant to Pub. L. 85-804 (50 U.S.C. 1431-35) and Executive Order 10789 dated November 14, 1958 (23 FR 8397).

(2) The charter of the Board is set forth at Subpart 3 of Part 1209 of this chapter. The Board's rules of procedure are set forth at 41 CFR Chapter 18, Part 17.

(3) Indexes of and texts of decisions of the Board are available for inspection and for purchase from the Chairperson of the Board, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC 20546, and from the NASA Information Centers.

(c) Inventions and Contributions Board. (1) The function of the Board is to consider and recommend to the Administrator the action to be taken with respect to:

(i) Petitions for waiver of rights to any invention or class of inventions

made during the performance of NASA contracts, and

(ii) Applications for award for scientific and technical contributions determined to have significant value in the conduct of aeronautical and space activities, pursuant to the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2457 (f) and (g), 2458), and the Government Employees Incentive Awards Act (5 U.S.C. 212123), respectively.

(2) The charter of the Board is set forth at Subpart 4 of Part 1209 of this chapter. The Board's rules of procedure are set forth at 14 CFR Parts 1240 and 1245.

(3) The texts of key decisions and an index of all decisions of the Board on requests for waiver are published in Petitions for Patent Waiver (NASA Handbook 5500.1) and are hereby incorporated by reference. These are available for inspection and for purchase at NASA Information Centers.

Subpart 4-General Information

§ 1201.400 NASA procurement program. (a) The Office of Procurement, headed by the Assistant Administrator for Procurement, serves as a central point of control and contact for NASA procurements. Although the procurements may be made by the field installations, selected contracts and contracts of special types are required to be approved by the Assistant Administrator for Procurement prior to their execution. The Office of Procurement is also responsible for formulation of NASA procurement policies and provides overall assistance and guidance to NASA field installations to achieve uniformity in NASA procurement processes.

(b) The NASA procurement program is carried out principally at the NASA field installations listed in the "U.S. Government Organization Manual," and in Subpart 2 of this part. The Headquarters Contracts and Grants Division is responsible for contracts with foreign governments and foreign commercial organizations, grants and cooperative agreements, and the procurement of materials and services required by Headquarters offices except

for minor office supplies and services procured locally.

(c) All procurements are made in accordance with the NASA Procurement Regulation (41 CFR Ch. 18). With minor exceptions, every proposed procurement in excess of $10,000 is publicized promptly in the Commerce Business Daily. Copies of this publication are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, on a subscription basis.

[47 FR 20571, May 13, 1982, as amended at 47 FR 38868, Sept. 3, 1982]

§ 1201.401 Special document depositories.

NASA distributes its technical documents and bibliographic tools in 10 special regional libraries located in the organizations listed below. Each library is prepared to furnish the public such services as reference assistance, interlibrary loans, photocopy service, and assistance in obtaining copies of NASA documents for retention.

(a) California: University of California Library, Berkeley.

(b) Colorado: University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder.

(c) District of Columbia: Library of Congress.

(d) Georgia: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.

(e) Illinois: The John Crerar Library, Chicago.

(f) Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.

(g) Missouri: Linda Hall Library, Kansas City.

(h) New York: Columbia University, New York.

(i) Pennsylvania: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

(j) Washington: University of Washington Libra. y, Seattle.

NASA provides the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22161, with copies of NASA or NASA-sponsored unclassified unlimited documents to provide availability to the public. These documents may be reproduced by NTIS and sold at prices established by NTIS.

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