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Salt crystals used in IR spectrocopy required they be preserved in areas that are not dehumidified. If moisture forms on the crystal, etching results which destroys the effectiveness of the crystal. This invention contemplates coating the crystal with a perfluorinated polymer which not only prevents attack by moisture, but often has the added advantage of acting as an anti-reflective coating so that transmission is increased in nearly all regions of the IR spectrum.

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Although there are many critical loads that must not be exceeded on an aircraft, in the past no attempt has been made to measure all of these loads during flight. In a piloted aircraft, the pilot is subject to the same acceleration loads as the aircraft, and he automatically attempts to regulate them. However, in a remotely-piloted vehicle, the remote pilot is unable to sense the acceleration loads being experienced by the aircraft, and can inadvertently cause the aircraft to exceed its g-load limits thereby causing severe damage and even destruction of the airframe.

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This invention is an Optical Radiation Frequency Converter employing metal vapor which is useful in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. The invention comprises a cell for retaining the metal vapor or gas which is surrounded by an oven. Monochromatic radiation passes through windows in the cell and oven. In the preferred embodiment, the metal vapor for accomplishing third harmonics is one which has its fundamental harmonic frequencies resonance in the spectral region between the fundamental frequencies and the third harmonic. The metal vapor must have a suitable refractive index to provide for phase matching.

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The invention illustrates and describes a method and apparatus for eliminating the noise and debris of explosive welding techniques. This is accomplished by placing the explosive in a complete enclosure so that both the sound and debris of the explosion are contained in the enclosure. The welding is accomplished by the explosive pressure applied through the wall of the enclosure to the pieces to be joined.

The novelty of the invention is in eliminating the safety hazards and detrimental psychological effects of the loud noises and scattering of debris which result from use of unconfined explosive welding while maintaining the inherent simplicity of the technique.

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NASA Case No. GSC-11092-2

Great Britain, France, Canada,
West Germany, Japan

Address inquiries to:

Goddard Space Flight Center
Attn: Patent Counsel

Mail Code: 204

Greenbelt, MD 20771

[Corresponding U.S. Patent-Application Pending]

A method is provided for determining bacterial levels in urine samples, which method depends on the quantitative determination of bacterial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the presence of non-bacterial adenosine triphosphate. After the removal of nonbacterial ATP, the bacterial ATP is released by cell rupture and is measured by an enzymatic bioluminescent assay using an enzyme obtained from the firefly.

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