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siderably below the adit level, and No. 6, on the same lode, to the east, is sinking rapidly.

The history of the first operations of this mine is quite instructive. It has been brought to its present advanced state of progress with great energy, with a tax upon the stockholders comparatively trifling. But we shall reserve a detailed account of the mine until a future number.

The Adventure raised during the month of June 26,656 lbs.-13 tons 656 lbs. of which about two tons was stamp work-with 13 underground men, and five at the stamps.

At the Ohio mine, works have been resumed on the tribute system, under the direction of M. Milton Mason, of the Adventure and Aztec mines.

Notice of the other mines mentioned above will be given in another number.

OFFICE OF THE ISLE ROYALE MINE, HOUGHTON, July 7th, 1856. Editor L. S. Miner, Dear Sir :-From recent remarks through the columns of your paper, I infer that you would like to have an occasional statement from the various mines throughout the Upper Peninsula in regard to work done, expenses, production, prospect, &c. Believing that the publication of reliable statements and statistics of the kind will have a beneficial effect upon the business of Mining and the methods of conducting it, I send you an abstract of the cost of the various kinds of work done and the production of mineral at our mine for the past six months, which if you see fit to publish are at your service. There has been,

Stoped 282 cubic fathoms, at an average cost per fathom of

Drove, 4644 feet, at an average cost per foot of

Shafts sunk, 743 feet, at an average cost per foot of

Winze sunk, 624 feet at an average cost per foot of

The last two items include all charges for windlassing.

$22 63 9.50 15 39

9 50

We have raised 119 tons, 293 lbs. of copper, or an average of 19 tons, 1715 lbs. per month.

The average amount of copper per fathom is 845 lbs. 3-282.
Average number of men employed has been 159.

Average expenditure of all kinds, monthly, $6,190 23.

Yours respectfully,

W. E. DICKINSON. At the Windsor we learn the stamp mill is in operation and working finely.

Norwich Mine.-The product for the month of June at this mine was 10 tons 500 lbs.-This, when we take into consideration the fact that they have no means at present of reducing their stamp work to copper (which averages from four to five tons per month of stamp copper), shows a handsome increase in the production of mineral. We are informed by the agent that the new stamp house is progressing rapidly, and that it will be ready for service within the next sixty days; when completed it will materially increase the production of the mine.

Cliff Mine.-We are indebted to the L. S. Journal for the following figures in regard to the workings and product of this mine for the months of April and May.

There was raised in April of

Mass copper

Stamp work

Barrel copper


No. of men employed-miners, 280; surface men and officers, 229; total, 459

[blocks in formation]

Stoped North on West Vein, 225 8-36 fathoms, and paid $22.50 per fathom.

Drifted 130 9-12 ft., and paid for the same $9.85 per ft.

The amount of copper raised and prepared for shipment in the month of

May, is as follows:

Mass copper

Barrel copper
Stamp work

169,078 lbs. 49.740 63,948



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No. of men employed-miners, 225; surface men and officers, 208; total, 428.

Stoped 168 10-36 fathoms, and paid $22.81 per fathom. Drifted 52 feet, and paid for the same $9.66 per foot.


Returning from a visit to the mines on the Minnesota Bluff, we stopped at the Nebraska, and devoted several hours to the examination of matters in that locality. We cannot but think that the present indications there are of a character quite interesting. The bluff upon which the mine is situated is cut off from the parallel ranges of the Minnesota location by the Flint Steel Gap-a broad valley, which sinks several hundred feet below the points of the spurs which confront it on either side, and carries the river of that name in its lowest depression. On the western side of this valley the hills of the Minnesota range lie with great regularity and symmetry, indicating that disturbances have not been frequent since their original upheaval. Their summits and sides are notched, in only one or two places, in such a manner as to indicate to the miner where he may expect to find a fault or heaving of the vein in the ground beneath. These superficial indications of regularity have been fully sustained in all the underground works of the great middle bluff, upon which the principal mines are located, wherever openings have been made.

From occasional cursory observations of the range lying to the east of this river, we have hitherto held the opinion that the country there was of a character widely different, being much disturbed and shaken up, and without regularity, though still bearing abundant surface evidence of copper. The gap through which the above-named stream flows, we have generally regarded as the boundary line between the region of regular veins, like those of the National, Minnesota, Rockland, &c., and that of the promiscuous metalliferous beds, such as characterize the Adventure and Aztec locations. We are not now prepared to say that this view of the character of the region in question is not just; but the late visit to the Nebraska disclosed to us some new facts which had escaped previous attention, or have been established by the recent workings on that location.

No very considerable amount of mine work has been done, but openings have been made on three several veins, two of which have certainly quite a promising appearance. The drift adit in the end of the bluff is much the larg est opening yet made. In pushing this on, it is probable that the vein had been lost for a considerable distance, the workmen having been led aside to the north by a cross vein or feeder, and by copper indications in the country. Hence the rich ground which was struck several weeks since, and which has already turned out considerable copper, was met with as soon as they got back upon the vein in its regular course, by curving the drift southwardly. At the end of this drift is a large amount of rich ground, which for the past month has been quite productive. The vein has spread to an extraordinary width, and the opening made by taking out the copper rock has assumed the form of a large gallery. The copper still in sight in this drift will probably fully justify them in extending the openings at this point.

But there are new matters to which our attention was more particularly directed in the examination of this location. It has long been known that the bluff, near the crest, was much marked by ancient works, and upon the line formed by one series of these a shaft has been sunk some 60 feet, a little under the top of the hill, near the eastern end of the location. This open

ing disclosed very good ground, and yielded considerable copper. But operations here, as in all other parts of the location, were not pushed on during the winter, for want of supplies. And, in truth, it may be said that a vigorous prosecution of the development of this mine has not been an object of its direction and management. The vein upon which this shaft is sunk lies probably some two hundred feet south of that on which the drift is made. There are seven very distinctly marked ancient pits which appear to be on it, three or four of which have been pretty well cleaned out. They were cleaning a very remarkable one of these, a few hundred feet from the shaft above named, when we visited the location. It is 30 feet or more in length, and from 8 to 12 in depth, and forms at the eastern end a cave, the rock of the surface being left overhanging. The vein for this length is completely exposed, and its character is very good. It shows copper throughout, and in some places there is very good barrel work. No large mass is uncovered, but there are several small projecting horns of copper, which have been hammered by the ancient workmen. If this pit had been discovered upon a new location, it would probably attract great attention, not only on account of the copper now in sight, but from the general indications to be noticed. In the other pits along the bluff, which are apparently upon the same vein, small pieces of copper may be taken out with a pick, with very little trouble, and pounds have been obtained in this way, by a few minutes' labor. In almost all of them the vein is strongly charged with the green carbonate of copper. Small pieces of silver, too, have been found. In one digging, successive visitors, prompted by curiosity alone, had taken out pieces of copper until they had accumulated to fifty or sixty pounds.

In short, we believe the surface indications upon this vein are such as to justify serious attention and thorough exploration, and we are glad to notice that eight men are now engaged in clearing out and examining these pits.

The whole force at present is about 35 men. They need very little more surface improvement to enable them to accommodate such a force as will be sufficient to open and prove the mine. And we hope that a vigorous policy will be adopted in the prosecution of the work, as it is the only one which, in mining, can be truly economical.

The Windsor, we are informed by the Agent, is now looking very well, and promises a fair product for the future. The stamp mill was expected to be ready for operations the present week. We learn that the amount of stamp work already out of the mine is quite large, and, together with what they are constantly producing from the mine, will keep the stamps busy for some time to come.

The new vein of which we have previously spoken is improving very much as they descend in depth. They have commenced the sinking of two shafts on this vein, one of which is down 20 and the other 15 feet from the surface. The vein in the bottom of one of the shafts is full three feet wide, and carries considerable copper. One piece was taken out weighing 3 lbs. quite pure, and many others of smaller weight.


NEW YORK, August 1st, 1856.

As Mr. Merryweather only arrived at the mine on the first of June, all his time was required to arrange the work for the summer. It was, therefore, impossible for him to have the yearly accounts ready to place before the Stockholders at the Annual Meeting, and whilst your Directors regret the delay, they are pleased in being able, now, to present you with the annexed report, showing the satisfactory progress of the work. The vein continues of the most regular character, producing in parts rich stamp work and lump copper; the rock is soft and excellent, is easily worked, and at much less expense than is usual in other mines. The work has progressed steadily, and seems now approaching a point, where several veins and feeders are gathering into one

main trunk lode, and it is expected, from the present indications, that in sinking 60 to 80 feet further, a great improvement in the richness of the mine. will manifest itself.

The expenses of the management are small, the only salary paid is to the agent at the mine. A good farin has been cleared, and the crops are doing well. The buildings erected are substantial, and the roads are being gradually improved. A new road will be cut to the mouth of Black River, where the supplies will, hereafter, be landed. This will save thirteen miles in distance to the lake, and also some of the expenses, such as storage, commission, &c.' now paid at Ontonagon.


JAMES T. WATERS, Secretary-My Dear Sir:-From the accounts transmitted to you, you will see that the expenditures of the mine, to the 1st inst., amount to $14,981 35.

Of this sum there has been expended for mining,

For provisions (consumed at mine),

$5,861 18

For surface work (teams, tools, implements, farm labor, teaming, road work, &c.),

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For furniture (bedding, stoves, cooking utensils, &c.),

442 89

For buildings (houses and stable),

590 24

For blacksmith shop (cost of iron, steel, charcoal, smith's wages),
For transportation (freightage of supplies up the Lakes),

1,112 82

For general expenses (wages of mining captain, travelling expenses of agent, stationery for office, &c.),

630 90

1,580 08

$14,881 35

The mining work consists of two shafts 180 feet deep each, a level of 200 feet in length between them, and an adit of 254 feet in length.

The farm clearing comprises an area of thirteen acres. The buildings are, a house for the accommodation of twenty-four men, a smaller one for a family dwelling, a stable, a store-house, blacksmith shop and coal house, and a new boarding house, with office attached, recently constructed at an expense of $300, not included in the above sum.

The buildings now erected will accommodate a force of fifty men. They are constructed of logs, well floored and roofed with shingles, and are strong and durable.

The vein we are mining is large and regular. It is composed of spar with occasionally quartz and epidote, and presenting copper in small lumps and bunches, and in fine particles disseminated through the veinstone. The occurrence of copper is found more frequent as we descend, the lode for some distance from the surface being soft, much decomposed, and in places barren. At our present depth a number of small feeders are dipping in the vein from the north side, and enrich it with copper. We also find a large epidote vein well charged with copper, approaching from the south under the foot wall, and we may also expect it will soon join and add to the strength of the lode.

Several agents of the neighboring mines, and other gentlemen of experience in the mines of the country have visited our grounds, and they confirm our own favorable opinion of the vein and the character of the rock through which it passes.

Other veins of very promising appearance are found in the outcropping rock, but the force employed at the mine has always been too small to withdraw a part from the present work to explore them.

It is advisable to continue the shafts to a greater depth, gathering in the quartz feeders from the north, and the epidote vein under the foot wall, when we may reasonably expect the occurrence of copper in quantity and in


It is intended to commence an adit level from the foot of the bluff near the south line of the location, and drive across the ground at right angles with the course of the veins traversing the range. This work will serve to prove the ground more fully than any other mode, by intersecting below the surface

any intermediate vein, and where its character can be better determined than from the surface appearance; and should the vein on which we are now mining be permanently worked, as we expect, the adit will be of the greatest utility in draining the water, and serving for a road to draw out the rock and copper.

We have now at work four miners in shaft No. 2, and four in shaft No. 3, and eight men to fill and land buckets to the windlass and drive the hoisting team; one blacksmith, a cook, carpenter, teamster on the road, and mining captain; to which force we shall soon add two other miners to work at the adit, making in all twenty-two men and the cook (female).

Having to pack on horseback the principal amount of supplies to provi sion the mine, the present force is as large as can well be worked during the summer and fall. In the winter the sleighing enables us to draw over our roads the supplies at a comparatively cheap rate; and the mine should be stocked in the winter for a year's consumption, for the number of men intended to be employed.

We are now making a survey of the line of the adit, and a diagram of the work will be sent with my next letter.

Yours very truly,


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Bills payable,

1,500 00

Loans (being for assessments paid in advance to assist the Company),

Loans from John Sly, on interest,

4,076 00

2,000 00

Insurance collected,


$14,843 75


[blocks in formation]

Leaving available resources over indebtedness, $2,183 94.

Besides this the Company have several thousand dollars' value in buildings, horses, oxen, mining tools, stores, and crops, &c., &c., which it was not thought necessary to inventory the present year.

The financial accounts now subinitted show that the assessment of 15th of June was nearly all anticipated by loans, &c.; and in order that the work can be pushed with proper energy, it will be necessary to call in another assessment of 50 cents per share, payable in September, which will amply suffice for the year. In the present state of the work, true economy makes it the duty of your Directors to speed the work as much as possible, and also

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