BY THE SAME AUTHOR Uniform in size and price. A GUIDE TO THE BEST FICTION IN ENGLISH New Edition, entirely re-written and greatly amplified, This well-known work of reference-indispensable to Librarians, Publishers, Booksellers, Heads of Schools and Colleges, and all interested in English Literature has been thoroughly brought down to date, and enlarged by the incorporation of a very large number of works of fiction of all periods, including the Medieval Romances, the novels of the Elizabethan Age, of the 17th and 18th Centuries, and translations of early stories and sagas from the Celtic and Norse languages, as well as a much larger selection than before from European and other Languages. Between 7,000 and 8,000 individual works are cited, with descriptive notes, particulars of publishers and prices, and other bibliographical data. The American section is a very full one, and ample space has been devoted to translations of important fiction, not omitting such as are now out of print or otherwise obscure. The very copious Index, extending over 170 pages, gives full reference to Authors, Titles, Subjects, and Localities. Immense trouble has been taken to index every specific subject illustrated in the works quoted, e.g., Countries, Places, Nationalities; Historical Persons, Periods, and Events; Political, Social, Religious, Literary, Philosophical, Scientific, and Topical subjects; and it is confidently believed that the work will form an invaluable ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF ENGLISH FICTION whether original or translated, and will answer any question likely to be put by the student, the social investigator, the teacher, or the general reader. LONDON: GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, LIMITED |