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" June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, shall not exceed ten thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed, their duties, and the amount paid to each. "
Budgeting and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950: Hearing ... H.R. 9038 - Page 15
by United States. Congress. House. Expenditures in the Executive Departments - 1950 - 60 pages
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volume 3

United States. Congress. House - United States - 1883 - 1162 pages
...and eighty-three, shall not exceed «event > -five thousand dollars ; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of per«0118 «ю employed and the amount paid to each. » ' ' » * * * * * rl'IILIC HUIUJIXUS AND (.ˇKOUM'S....
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Annual Report (or Report) of the Secretary of War, Volume 12, Part 4

United States. War Department - 1903 - 1048 pages
...nineteen hundred and four, shall not exceed eighty thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of Waishall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each. Proviso. Limit, etc. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. Public buildinga and...
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General Orders

United States. War Department - 350 pages
...expenditures for this purpose for the fiscal year 1923 shall not exceed $35,000, and the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to...employed, their duties, and the amount paid to each. AIR SERVICE. AIR SERVICE, ARMY. 27 materials, machines, textbooks, books of references, scientific...
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General Orders

United States. War Department - 1919 - 338 pages
...expenditures on this account for the fiscal year 1920 shall not exceed $225,000. The Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons who are employed, their duties, and amount paid to each. CIVILIAN ASSISTANTS TO ENGINEER OFFICERS :...
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Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., Volume 42, Part 8

United States. Congress - Law - 1908 - 864 pages
...hundred and nine, shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, and that the Secretary of the Treasury shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to...employed, their duties, and the amount paid to each: And provided further. That the authorization of three hundred thousand dollars for like services as...
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Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for ..., Part 1

United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - Engineering - 1885 - 1130 pages
...eighteen hundred and eighty-six, shall not exceed siity thousand dollars ; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed, and the amount paid to each, • * * * » • • PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, For clerk in the Office...
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Statutes of the United States of America

United States - Law - 1882 - 748 pages
...hundred and eighty-three, shall not exceed seventyfive thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each. Contingent ex For contingent expenses, namely: For stationery, office...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volume 17

United States. Congress. House - United States - 1883 - 360 pages
...eighty-four, shall not exceed one hundred and thirty thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of the Treasury shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each None. — For above report, see Appendix " A ." OFFICE OF THE FIRST COMPTROLLER....
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Laws Passed by the Forty-eighth Congress: First Session

United States. Congress. House. Appropriations - 1884 - 242 pages
...eighty-five, shall not exceed one hundred and forty thousand dollars ; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each. FIRST COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY.— For First Comptroller of the Treasury,...
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Annual Reports of the War Department, Part 1

United States. War Department - 1885 - 1004 pages
...eighteen hundred and eighty-six, shall not exceed sixty thousand dollars ; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed, and the amount paid to each, »*•«»»* PUBLIC BUILDINGS AXD GROUNDS, For clerk in the Office of...
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