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It is believed that among all the labored histories of France, there is not in existence an illustrated biographical sketch of the lives and customs of their kings: this is only to be acquired by toiling through a variety of authors, many of which are but imperfectly known. The author of this volume has for his object the presentation of a work extracted from the best authorities, placed in biographical order, so as to become interesting and useful to readers of either sex.

He has attentively compared various authors, and trusts this volume will be found to contain facts incontestably established.

For much of this valuable matter, the author is indebted to the voluminous works of both Gregory of Tours and the Abbe Velly, two historians of that day whose works for veracity are very generally quoted by modern writers; also to the productions of Professor d'Arnay, and Mr. Gifford, his obligations are acknowledged.

In order to give this work an importance, not only in the Library, but to the Cabinet of the Numismatist, and collector of Medals, it is embellished with portraits of seventy-two Sovereigns who filled the throne from the foundation of the monarchy to the present reign, engraved from a series of medals lately issued in France and believed to be perfect likenesses. The sources from which they were originally obtained are given in the following pages.

In conclusion, therefore, the compiler most respectfully submits his efforts to the tribunal of an indulgent public.

Series of Medals contained in this volume can be obtained from Carey & Hart, Philadelphia, at the following prices—

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PHARAMOND. First King of France-Foundation of the monarchy-Con-
version of Pharamond to Christianity-Institution of the Salique law-
Death, &c.

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DAGOBERT I. Acknowledged king-The assassination of Brunulf by the
order of Dagobert-Repudiation of his wife-Marries another-His
throne of gold, &c.

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CLOVIS II. Division of the kingdom between Clovis and his brother Sige-
bert-Restoration of unjust exactions-Death of Sigebert-His son Da-
gobert seized and carried to Scotland-Famine in France-Gold from
the tombs of St. Denis sold for the relief of the poor, &c.
CLOTAIRE III. Proclaimed king - Batilda made regent during the mi-
nority of her son-Members of the court renowned for their wisdom
and piety-Assassination of a prelate, and the retirement of Batilda to
the abbey of Chelles

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CHILDERIC II. Ligur appointed prime minister-Childeric takes a dislike
to him-He is sent into confinement at the monastery of Luxeuil-His
friend Hector is put to death The massacre of Childeric, his wife
and infant, at his country-seat at Livri near Chelles
THIERRI I. Ligur recalled from confinement-Election of mayor-Mur-
der of Leudesie-Treasury plundered and churches pillaged by the Aus-
trasians-Ligur again forced into retirement and his brother stoned to
death-The battle of Testris gained by Austrasians, &c.

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CLOVIS III. Short reign of four year-Cope of St. Martin, a standard car-
ried before the army in battle-Death of Clovis, &c.
CHILDEBERT II. Succeeds his brother-Regency and mayoralty of Pepin
-Christianity of Childebert, &c.

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DAGOBERT II. Kept in seclusion during his minority-Death of Pepin-
Birth of the celebrated Charles Martel, &c.

CLOTAIRE IV. Translation of Clotaire from the throne of Austrasia to
that of France-His ill health and death

CHILPERIC II. His ascension to the throne-Battle of Vinchy, and sud-
den death

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THIERRI II. Proclaimed King of Paris, Burgundy, and Austrasia-De-
cisive battle with the Saracens-Institution of the Order of the Genet, &c.
INTERREGNUM. Lasts five years-Death of Charles Martel-Birth of Char-
lemagne, &c.

CHILDERIC III. Council of Pope Zachary-Carloman embraces a religious
life-Childeric descends from the throne-Retires to the monastery of

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PEPIN. Coronation-Defeat of the Saxons-War against the Lombards-
His skill in the arena, &c.
CHARLEMAGNE. New monarchy raised on the ruins of Lombardy, styled
the kingdom of Italy-Death of two sons-His counsels to his son
and successor, &c.

LOUIS I. Proclaimed king and emperor-Conspiracy detected-Conspi-
rators put to death-Marriage of Louis-Domestic affliction-Repudia-
tion of his wife, &c.


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Charles crowned king-Mediation of

CHARLES II. Empire divided
Abelard, and his death by poison

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LOUIS II. Coronation-Peace with Germany-Death, supposed by poison
LOUIS III. AND CARLOMAN. Coronation-Intrigues of Boson-Death of
Louis-Carloman sole King of France-His death by a javelin, &c.

CHARLES THE FAT. Charles receives the homage of the nobles-Sige-

froy's fleet in the Seine-A furious attack on Paris, then but a small

island-Death of Count Henry-Charles resigns the reins of govern-

ment to Ludard, Bishop of Verceil-Banishment of the bishop-Repu-

diation of the queen, &c.

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EUDES. Elected king-Appointed guardian to the infant heir-Abdicates

in favor of Charles, &c.

CHARLES III. Apology of the archbishop-Charles returns from exile to
the throne-Death of Eudes-France harassed by Rollo, a Dane-Mar-
ries the daughter of Charles-His conversion to Christianity-Charles
taken prisoner, and sent into confinement at Peronne, where he died

RODOLPH. Selected by the nobles and proclaimed king-His turbulent

reign, &c.

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LOTHAIRE. Crowned at Rheims-A peace which lasts several years-As-
sociates his son Louis with the throne
LOUIS V. Hugh Capet guardian to the young prince-Emma, his mother,
regent, but from improprieties soon driven from her station-Premature
death of Louis, supposed by poison-End of Carlovingian race
HUGH CAPET. Situation of the kingdom-Proper names-Crowned at
Rheims-Siege of Poictiers-Character of Hugh, &c.

ROBERT. Intrigues of a pontiff-Attempts to annul the marriage of Ro-
bert-Is excommunicated-Robert submits and marries Constance of
Provence-Insurrection at Melun-Execution of Gautier and wife-
Peace and prosperity for many years

HENRY I. Constance attempts the deposition of Henry in favor of her
son Robert-The nobles supply her with forces-Henry escapes-
The queen dies, and Henry enjoys a tranquil reign-Dies by medicine
improperly administered, &c.

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PHILIP I. Revolt of the Gascons-The conquest of England at this time
-Bloody contests in France-Philip is divorced from his queen-Mar-
ries Emma of Sicily-Crusades against the infidels commenced-Death
of Philip His character, &c.

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LOUIS VI. Coronation at Orleans-His marriage-Accommodation be-
tween William of England and Louis accomplished by Pope Calixtus the
Second-Loss of the White Ship, with Prince William of England, and
numbers of nobility both of France and England-Admonition of Louis
to his son

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LOUIS VII. Theological disputes-Doctrine of Abelard-His death-A
crusade proposed and preached by Bernard-Louis arrives at Constan-

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