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The first may be forgotten,

Be discreet in your discourse,

represented, as convey distinct religious, moral, or
practical lessons, valuable and important in them-
selves, and within the comprehension of the youthful
readers for whom they are intended. A wide range
of subjects has been selected, and occasionally the
same matters are treated by two or more authors..
The experiences narrated or conclusions arrived at,
in several cases, do not correspond; but it is, never-
theless, interesting and important to observe in what
varied aspects the same subject may be viewed by
different writers, while their several deductions may
be equally valuable.

The wise, terse, and pithy proverbial PRECEPTS
FOR PRACTICE which encompass each page contain
many valuable lessons, which, from their brevity and
conciseness of expression, readily commend them-
selves, and can be easily committed to memory,
where they may be retained as moral ammunition
for service in every department of future life.

The BOOK OF GOOD DEVICES is offered to all who interest themselves in the welfare of youth, and who desire, by means of counsel and advice, to

But more in your actions:

The latter endure for ever.

A wise man's heart is at his right hand;

Let your example be the Son of man.

protect them from the many snares and temptations
which beset them on their entrance to, and in their
progress through life, more especially those in large
towns and great cities.

In the words of Dr. Mather, who has been already
referred to, the Editor commends the Book of Good
DEVICES to all concerned, as "full of reasonable and
serviceable things; and it would be well for us if such
things were regarded."






The Editor of "THE BOOK OF GOOD DEVICES' desires to thank SAMUEL SMILES, Esq., for permission, readily granted, to make use of passages from his admirable and valuable books for youth, "Character" and "SelfHelp;" and Messrs. STRAHAN and Co., for the like favour from Principal TULLOCH'S "Beginning Life."

See that ye refuse not Him that speaketh.

But a fool's is at his left.

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Apply thine heart to understanding.

The tongue is an unruly member.

delight to hear yourself speak. If you hear a wise
sentence, or an apt phrase, commit it to your memory,
with respect of the circumstance, when you shall
speak it.

Let never oath be heard to come out of your
mouth, nor word of ribaldry; detest it in others,
so shall custom make to yourself a law against it in
yourself. Be modest in each assembly, and rather
be rebuked of light fellows for maiden-like shame-
facedness, than of your sad friends for pert boldness.
Think upon every word that you will speak, before
you utter it; and remember how nature hath ram-
pired up, as it were, the tongue with the teeth, lips,
yea, and hair without the lips, and all betokening
reins, or bridles, for the loose use of that member.

Above all things, tell no untruth, no, not in trifles. The custom of it is naughty; and let it not satisfy you that, for a time, the hearers take it for a truth; for after, it will be known as it is to your shame; for there cannot be a greater reproach to a gentleman than to be accounted a liar. Study and endeavour yourself to be virtuously occupied. So shall you make such an habit of well-doing in you, that you shall not know how to do evil, though you would.


All lies disgrace a gentleman.

Trust in the Lord with all thy might.

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