JESUS IS COMING By W. E. B. lackstone, 1941- "Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read."-Isaiah xxxiv: 16 (Presentation Edition) Translations into 25 Languages Chicago, New York, Toronto Fleming H. Revell London and Edinburgh The Moody Bible Institute 153-163 Institute Place PRESENTATION COPY THE honored author of this book has com- missioned the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago If extent of travel, fidelity to the Bible, lucidity in The book speaks for itself. Its treasures are beyond JAMES M. GRAY. Chicago, October, 1916. Copyright 1908, Fleming H. Revell Company The book, "Jesus is Coming," by W. E. B., was the first book that made the coming of Jesus Christ a liv. ing reality to me. I had already become convinced that our Lord's coming would be before the millennium, having reached that conclusion in studying the works of the Danish theologian, Martensen, but it was merely a theological conception until I read the book "Jesus is Coming." It was this that first brought me to definite con. victions and made the doctrine not only clear, but very precious. It is one of the books that has had a decidedly form. ative influence on my life and teaching. I always recommend it to those who are beginning the study of the subject. I hope that it may be as much blessed to others as it has been to me. R. A. TORREY, Dean, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Cal. A number of years ago I had placed in my hands the little book, "Jesus is Coming," by W. E. B. Prior to that time I had no defined method of Bible study, and I confess with shame that I had very little passion for Bible reading and for the winning of souls. This book completely revolutionized my thinking, gave me a new conception of Christ and a new understanding of what it meant to work for Him. I most cordially commend It to Christian workers everywhere. J. WILBUR CHAPMAN, See Additional Testimonials on Page 246 378134 The Christian Ministry, Having found in over forty years' experience the "Blessed Hope" of our Lord's return to be a most precious influence in my Christian life, promoting holiness, consecration of time and substance, and intense activity in our Master's service, I humbly commend it to each of you for personal comfort, and as meat in due season to preach to your congregations. Let me emphasize the plain exhortations of the Holy Spirit, "These things speak" Titus 2:15; "Comfort one another with these words" 1 Thes. 4:18. F Oh! Brethren! There are tens of thousands sitting under your ministry who would be comforted by the simple testimony of the Scriptures on this all important subject. Thank God there are many who do exalt this truth, but how it must grieve the Master to see the multitude of preachers who are indifferent to his promised return, and eliminate the "comfort" which he has commanded and which the masses need. Thirty-nine years ago I was providentially led to issue the first edition of "Jesus Is Coming," which has been followed by numerous editions totaling over three hundred and fifty thousand copies with translations into twenty-five different languages encircling the world. Most rapturously do I praise our coming Bridegroom that he has let his "errand boy" have so wide a testimony. With all my heart in this my seventy-sixth year do I implore you to read this book. Many have testified that it has made the Bible a new book to them. May it be so to you, and may we all, some day, rejoice together with Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, Knox, and the Wesleys, singing Charles' beautiful hymns as a welcome to our descending Lord. Yours in patient waiting. 5425 Pasadena Ave., WM. E. BLACKSTONE. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan., 1917. Acknowledgment of receipt of book mailed to above address will be appreciated. If you already have a copy kindly pass this on to one to whom you think it may be helpful. THE SECOND ADVENT Lo! He comes, with clouds descending, God appears on earth to reign. Every eye shall now behold him Robed in dreadful majesty; Those who set at naught and sold him, Shall the true Messiah see. All the tokens of his passion Gaze we on those glorious scars. Yea, Amen! let all adore thee, Everlasting God, come down! -Charles Wesley. |