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Clothing and equipage repair facilities

Communication facilities (security, command, and administrative)
In-transit personnel facilities

Cargo unloading and forwarding terminal

Ladd Air Force Base (army), Alaska:

Site clearing, preparation, grading and erosion control
Field maintenance and artillery shop
Fire reporting system (telephone)
Oil and grease storage

Warehouse for items peculiar to Army

Gymnasium and indoor training facility
Headquarters building, task force

Battalion headquarters and supply


POL handling storage and dispensing facilities

Warehousing, ammunition storage, and handling facilities
Refrigerated storage building and utilities

Communication facilities

Alaska, general:

Utilities, roads, walks, drainage, street lighting, etc.

Mr. SHEPPARD. Now, this committee has been sitting in hearings for quite some time on these supplemental bills, starting with the Secretary of Defense and the representatives of the Chief of Staff, and so forth. The theme of requirements has been clearly evidenced before the committee, and to me further justification-I mean in the generalities of the international requirements-would be idle time. upon the part of the committee-insofar as I am concerned, anyway, so I have no questions to direct to you following the general statement.


Mr. SIKES. Was it absolutely necessary to bring the request for that part of the appropriation which has not been authorized? Is there such an emergency of time that we cannot wait for the authorization and which causes you to feel that you must have these funds now?

General BARRIGER. Mr. Sikes, the projects are part of a long-range program of construction in the Army to support research and development, the overseas areas, and a small portion of it is for the zone of the interior for general construction. Due to the world situation, we feel this program should be speeded up in every way possible rather than have to face the possibility that we may have the time. available to complete a long-range program.

Mr. SIKES. When would you have asked for construction of these projects in the normal course of events had not the Korean conflict occurred?

General BARRIGER. Fiscal years 1952 and 1953.

Mr. SIKES. And you feel the present expansion of the services brings about a condition which requires you to build these installations now?

General BARRIGER. Yes, we do.

Mr. PLUMLEY. As we go through and take up the specific projects, is there way by which you can identify those projects for which specific authorization has been made heretofore?

General BARRIGER. Yes.

Mr. WIGGLESWORTH. I understand that you have already requested, and the Senate committee has recommended, $95,318,585 for this

purpose for the fiscal year 1951. This is a supplemental request of $84,949,399 for the same year, which would bring the total, if allowed, to $180,267,984.

Did you ask for any of this in your original submission here?

General BARRIGER. No, sir, none in the fiscal year 1951 request. Mr. WIGGLESWORTH. None of this $84,949,399 was included in your original submission?

General BARRIGER. No.


Mr. WIGGLESWORTH. The decision to ask for this money has resulted from the Korean incident?

General BARRIGER. From the Korean incident.

Mr. WIGGLESWORTH. That is the basis for this, plus its possible implications?

General BARRIGER. That is the basis for it-the Korean incident and its world-wide implications. I may say that program which we had projected for 1952 and 1953 was very carefully reanalyzed and evaluated because of the Korean incident and its implications.


Mr. WIGGLESWORTH. You say that three-fourths of the amount is to be spent in overseas areas, principally to increase the defense capabilities in Alaska and the Far East and 80 percent of the remainder is scheduled to support the accelerated research program within the continental United States. Does that mean research and development in all fields?

General BARRIGER. In all fields; yes.

Mr. WIGGLESWORTH. That program is to be accelerated because of the situation that we have already referred to?

General BARRIGER. That is correct.


Mr. SHEPPARD. If there are no further questions we will proceed to the individual projects. We will place in the record at this point pages 2 through 5 of the justifications.

(The justification page referred to is as follows:)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


$881, 000 (881, 000) (109, 000) (500,000) (272, 000) 19, 074, 759 (10, 280, 200) (2,730, 000) (243, 800) (150,000) (647,000) (90, 000) (840, 000) (144, 000) (225,000) (2,250,000) (500, 000) (2, 460, 400) (933, 900) (749, 000) (184, 900) (7,052,659) (1, 551, 000) (3,406, 159) (1, 544, 500) (551,000) (533, 000) (150, 000) (125,000) 64, 993, 640 (29, 305, 640) (978, 500) (16, 325, 000) (2,796, 200) (9, 205, 940) 13, 688, 000 22, 000, 000

84, 949, 399

Mr. SHEPPARD. We will now take up item 220, Army Field Force facilities, where I see that you are asking for a total of $881,000.


I see that the first [item under project 220 is Fort Benning, Ga., where you are asking for $109,000. We will insert in the record at this point justification tables 6, 7, 8, and 9.

(The justification tables referred to are as follows:)

[blocks in formation]


Gasoline station and pump house (with 1,000 gallon underground tank) (includes $200 for construction of administrative telephone system), $2,000.

This project proposes the construction of a one-story, permanent type building of approximately 157 square feet. A small building to house auxiliary equipment and provide storage for oil, grease, and paint, and an underground tank and pump for gasoline is required in AFF Board No. 3 test area. Existing post facilities are 2 miles distant and use of these facilities results in loss of time, excessive use of gasoline, and transportation. A total of 27 authorized vehicles are assigned to the Board. There are normally several additional vehicles on hand for use in connection with tests. Underground tank and pump will be transferred from present location to the new building.

Central heating plant and boiler room for test and shop area, (includes $300 for construction of administrative telephone system) $10,000

This building proposes the erection of a one-story, permanent type building, 25 feet 4 inches by 30 feet, with concrete foundation and floor, erection of an outside brick stack, and installation of low-pressure boiler and appurtenances. The installation of a central heating plant in the test area will eliminate the necessity for individual space heaters in each building, thereby reducing the cost of fuel and labor. It will also materially reduce the fire hazard in the area and contribute to the health of the command.

Target house, AFF Board No. 3, $2,000

This project proposes the construction of a one-story cinder block, permanent type building of approximately 168 square feet. This building is essential for storage of target material since the temporary type building presently used for that purpose is in poor condition and is uneconomical to maintain. This storage space would provide a more efficient operation for testing personnel experimenting with new and different types of targets as well as storage thereof. Building is minimum to meet requirements.

Lavoratory building for test area, $14,000

This project proposes the construction of a one-story, permanent type building of approximately 915 square feet. The present facilities consist of a small T/Ŏ type latrine on a concrete foundation, furnished with shower and toilets. The structure is in poor condition and is uneconomical to maintain. It is proposed that the present foundation and plumbing be utilized and that the building be made a permanent type, by the construction of new walls and roof. The majority of all tests are initiated and conducted in this area and it is considered essential to the health, comfort, and morale of testing personnel to provide adequate bathing facilities for use at the end of each day's work. No other toilet facilities exist in the area or in the adjacent areas.

Administrative building for test shop area (includes $400 for the construction of administrative telephone systems), $14,000

This project proposes the construction of a one-story permanent type fireproof building approximately 25 by 36 feet.


No office space presently exists in any building in the shop area. An office is essential for administrative control by the supply officer, shop foreman, and as an information center for members of the Board and authorized visitors. supply officer and shop foreman are now occupying a room intended for and urgently required for storage. This building will also provide space for a guard room for the interior guard. The present building is of a temporary construction and has deteriorated to such an extent that it is uneconomical to maintain for other than storage purposes.

Warehouse 60 by 140 feet, (includes $1,000 for construction of administrative telephone system), $65,000

This project proposes the construction of a brick warehouse, 60 by 140 feet, for the storage of Signal Corps equipment.

Due to the increased load on the post telephone system, additional equipment is being installed in the post signal offices and space formerly occupied by the clerical and administrative staff. This personnel will be moved to a section of the existing Signal Corps warehouse since there is no other suitable available space for these offices. As a result, valuable and critical Signal Corps equipment will have to be moved to a nearby overcrowded mobilization-type warehouse or on the outside.

This will leave valuable equipment exposed to fire and theft. In addition, such type of storage is not economical nor conducive to efficient warehousing operations. The proposed size of this warehouse will provide for any future expansion of Signal Corps facilities. Deferment of this construction to a later date will result

in a serious loss and damage of critical and expensive property.

Magazines for storage of ammunition, $2,000

This project proposes the construction of two magazines for storage of ammunition, fuzes and other explosives, 8 by 12 feet with a floor area of 96 square feet. These magazines will be of masonry and metal construction (underground) with earth mound protection.

These magazines are essential to AFF Board No. 3 in order that this Board may perform its primary mission without undue expenditure of valuable time, labor, vehicles, and fuel. The post ammunition dump is approximately 9 miles from the AFF Board No. 3 test area. Regulations prohibit the storage of ammunition of large caliber except in standard magazines. Consequently, small lots of ammunition which are left over after each day of test firing must be transported to the post ammunition dump for storage. A return trip is necessary to pick it up the next morning. Present storage of small arms ammunition is made in three small steel casemates which are inadequate, and unsightly. Two magazines are considered essential for the storage of all types of ammunition, fuzes, and other types of explosives required for current test. These magazines will be constructed within the post area within the present limits of Fort Benning military reservation.

General NOLD. This was in the authorization bill. It consists of seven items gasoline station and pump house; central heating plant and boiler room; target house, AFF Board No. 3; administrative building for test-shop area; warehouse; magazines for storage and ammunition and lavatory building for test area.

Each of those items, except the warehouse, applies particularly to the Army Field Forces Test Board No. 3.

Each of these cost estimates has been taken-and this applies hereafter on our present experience in the market, and in general there has been added 15 percent for contingencies in view of the uncertain materials and labor market that faces us.

There is a gasoline station and pump house with a 1,000-gallon underground tank, $2,000.

Central heating plant and boiler room for test-shop area, $10,000. Target house, AFF Board No. 3, $2,000.

Lavatory building for test area, $14,000.

Administrative building for test shop area, $14,000.

The warehouse itself is $65,000.

Finally, magazines for storage of ammunition, $2,000.
That makes a total of $109,000.


Mr. SIKES. Do I understand that you have increased the figures above actual present construction by 15 percent in order to meet possible increases in costs?

General NOLD. That is correct, sir. Normally, we allow contingencies that vary from 1 or 2 percent up to 15 percent, depending upon the uncertainties of some of the design problems. In the normal presentation of a budget we have not had the funds to examine the subsoil conditions, and we allow that just as a normal and proper budgetary consideration. In this case we have reviewed it very carefully. Based on our experience within the United States and separately for overseas, we have reviewed it very carefully and feel that it

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