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(3) An increase of $2,150,000 for the support of supply and fiscal operations in the ordnance establishment.—This increase is an essential support item directly related to the type and increased scope of activity scheduled for the ordance establishment under the supplemental defense program

(4) An increase of $100,000 for photographic equipment and supplies.—Items required under this subhead for ordnance activities are related primarily to research, development and quality control programs for which the proposed increases in scope and the acceleration of completion schedules will require additional photographic material support.

The total increases proposed for maintenance and operation of facilities will be required at the following stations in the ordnance shore establishment.

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Includes research activities, Naval Gun Factory, Washington, D. C., Naval Mine Depot, Yorktown, Va., and Naval Powder Factory, Indian Head, Md.

5. Improvements and alteration to facilities:

[Senate bill, 1951__

Proposed supplemental

Revised requirement, 1951.


$1, 356, 000

7, 850, 000

9, 206, 000

The increased requirements in this program are directly related to the increase in operational activity in the ordnance shore establishment. The original 1951 estimates were based essentially on a program of protecting capital investment in the shore establishment, in which an increasing number of stations were scheduled for reduction to a maintenance or partial maintenance status. The correction of deficiencies resulting from hasty wartime construction and the replacement and repair of deteriorating equipment is essential to the effective operation of shore stations at the higher level of activity on which this entire supplemental request is based. Specific requirements are as follows:

(1) An increase of $2,120,000 for alteration to grounds.-This increase is required for repair, alteration, or replacement of roads, railroads, drainage structures, and work to prevent soil erosion.

(2) An increase of $2,055,000 for replacement of automotive, railroad, construction and material handling equipment. This increase is necessary to correct critical deficiencies in the operating condition of automotive, construction, material handling, and other service equipment as well as for the extraordinary repair of railroad equipment at ordnance facilities principally where ammunition is to be handled.

(3) An increase of $170,000 for health, sanitation, security, and fire protection.— This increase is required to permit additional repair, replacement, and alterations involving safety and security, water supply, fire protection, health, sewage disposal, and sanitation at stations scheduled for increased activity.

(4) An increase of $385,000 for operational economies. This increase recognizes that the need for effecting savings in the cost of operation at certain stations through previously deferred alterations in utility systems and working spaces is greater under this supplemental program than under the original 1951 program. · (5) An increase of $3,075,000 for the correction of deficiencies in structures and utilities. This increase is required to provide for the major repair or replacement of deficiencies in structure and utilities caused by age, obsolescence, space inadequacies, and material defects in temporary wartime construction.

(6) An increase of $45,000 for equipment at other than ordnance stations.-The increased activity at other than ordnance stations, primarily Naval and Marine Corps air stations, will require additional procurement and replacement of ordnance material handling equipment.

6. Cataloging:

Senate bill, 1951_

Proposed supplemental..

Revised requirement, 1951..

$1,052, 600

--1, 052, 600

No increase is requested for this budget activity in this supplemental. 7. Industrial mobilization:

Senate bill, 1951__

Proposed supplemental

Revised requirement, 1951..

$4, 107, 189

-4, 107, 189

$1, 355, 000

No increase is requested for this budget activity in this supplemental. 8. Naval Reserve:

Senate bill, 1951..

Proposed supplemental_.

Revised requirement, 1951..

1, 355, 000

No increase is requested for this budget activity in this supplemental. 9. Departmental administration:

Senate bill, 1951__

Proposed supplemental

$4,058, 511 469, 000

Revised requirement, 1951.


4, 527, 513

1. An increase of $469,000 for departmental personal services.-This increase will provide for the employment of essential additional personnel for departmental assignment and for increased overtime expenses in connection with the heavy additional workload and the emergency scheduling of major program adjustments required by this supplemental proposal.


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Mr. SHEPPARD. In other words, insofar as the total presentation pertains emanating from your department, this has been handed to you by those of higher echelon insofar as personnel requirements are concerned, and this is supplementing the over-all picture; is that correct, sir?

Admiral NOBLE. That is correct.

Mr. SHEPPARD. Mr. Engel, do you have any comments upon this particular operation?

Mr. ENGEL. What is the total amount for ordnance?

Admiral NOBLE. The total of the regular bill, the Senate bill plus the proposed increase now before you, is $397,742,000.

Mr. ENGEL. What is the increase?

Admiral NOBLE. $216,077,000.

Mr. ENGEL. That is for ordnance material of various types?
Admiral NOBLE. Yes, sir.

(Discussion off the record.)

Mr. SHEPPARD. Any questions, Mr. Sikes?

Mr. SIKES. No.

Mr. SHEPPARD. Thank you very much for your appearance and the manner in which you have made your presentation.





Mr. SHEPPARD. The next item we have for consideration is the item of "Medical care."

Admiral HopwOOD. Mr. Chairman, we have Rear Admiral Swanson, the Surgeon General.

Mr. SHEPPARD. Admiral Swanson, I assume that you have a prepared statement to give the committee.

Admiral SWANSON. Yes, sir.


Mr. Chairman, I appreciate this opportunity of discussing the Navy Medical Department's supplemental requirements for fiscal year 1951. Since I understand that you gentlemen are striving to complete action on this supplemental budget in the most expeditious manner, I will limit this statement to a few general considerations.

The Navy Medical Department is requesting an additional $16,431,000 to meet new requirements in the current fiscal year incident to the Korean situation. These supplemental requirements have been limited to needs directly attributable to the Korean operation, plus necessary supporting costs. While increased needs are contemplated throughout most of our budget activities, requirements have not been projected on a scale appropriate to full mobilization. No funds are being requested for research and development, training in naval hospitals and civilian institutions, and industrial mobilization and procurement planning.

The major part of the funds herewith requested, amounting to $7,983,517, will be devoted to increased needs at naval hospitals. At current operating cost of $7.09 per patient-day, these funds will be sufficient to provide care for 3,085 daily additional patients. At the present time, no reopenings of closed medical facilities are contemplated. It is estimated that existing reserve bed capacities, particularly in west coast hospitals, will be sufficient to meet needs arising from the far eastern operations.


Mr. SHEPPARD. We will insert the prepared justifications at this point.

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$37, 862, 000

+16, 431, 000

54, 293, 000

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1951 supplemental-Continued

2. Maintenance and operation of medical treatment facilities:

A. Hospitals:

Senate bill, 1951..
Proposed supplemental

Revised requirement, 1951---

$22, 255, 852 7,983, 517 30, 239, 369


(1) An increase of $7,983,517 for care in naval hospitals.-Increased naval strength due to far-eastern operations and increased incidence rates are estimated to result in an increased patient load in naval hospitals of a daily average of 4,491 patients. Funds provided in this activity for the care of these patients amount to $7,983,517. At current operating costs of $7.09 per patient day these funds will provide for the care of 3,085 patients. If the estimated patient load materializes, there will be a considerable reduction in the hospital care of dependents, Fleet Reserve, and retired personnel previously provided for in the basic 1951 budget. In order to provide for the additional 1,406 patients, there will also be necessary a reduction in the quality and quantity of medical care afforded our personnel.

2. Maintenance and operation of medical treatment facilities: C. Naval dispensaries and dental clinics:

Senate bill, 1951...

Proposed supplemental_.

Revised requirement, 1951...


$422, 000

137, 000

559, 000

(1) An increase of $137,000 for care in naval dispensaries and dental clinics.— This activity provides funds for the expanded operation of two naval dispensaries and five dental clinics under the management control of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

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(1) An increase of $20,000 for overtime.—This expenditure of overtime is reqquired to prevent the accumulation of backlogs throughout the Bureau.

(2) An increase of $111,000 for 32 additional employees.-Eleven additional employees are required for the Physical Qualifications and Medical Records Division to establish, maintain, and service medical records and act on physical qualification matters; eight additional employees for the performance of medical and dental military personnel functions; three additional employees for work in connection with Medical Department logistics activities; two additional employees to assist with administration of naval medical reserve program.

The remaining eight positions are required to perform the additional workload in the Finance, Administration, Statistics, Aviation Medicine, Atomic Defense and Preventive Medicine Divisions of the Bureau.

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(1) An increase of $486,000 for instruction of enlisted Hospital Corps, medical, and dental officers, Medical Service Corps and Hospital Corps officers.—The increase

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