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In summary, the economic base of Pasadena does not appear to be threatened and the adversely affected DoD personnel are relocating to San Diego.

Current Status

The Economic Adjustment Committee is awaiting the completion of the property disposal procedure. When the property is officially declared surplus, representatives of the Office of Economic Adjustment and the mayor's Committee will pursue the solicitation and evaluation of industrial proposals.

A reconnaissance report is being prepared by the OEA staff outlining actions to be taken by EAC.

Community Location

Key West Naval Station is located in Key West, Florida (Monroe County), the southernmost U. S. city, 100 miles off the Florida mainland.

DoD Impact

The current realignments at the Naval Station and Naval Air Station (Boca Chica) result in an increase of 1162 military positions and a decrease of 353 civilian positions. To this must be added other personnel changes in the past four years which have resulted in a loss of 3356 military positions and 568 civilian positions in an economy which is heavily dependent on the military.

EAC Involvement

A reconnaissance visit by an OEA representative was conducted on June 26-27, 1972 in response to a request for EAC assistance from the Monroe County Development Office and County Commissioners. This visit confirmed the need for EAC assistance and resulted in a full team visit to Key West on November 15-17, 1972. This latter visit concentrated on identifying specific avenues of federal assistance and a delineation of area development needs.

EAC Program

Prior to the November 1972 EAC visit, area leaders were provided with a reconnaissance report which suggested 27 specific ways in which Federal, State and local officials could improve the area's socioeconomic opportunities. The report focused on:

• Tourism Development. A more vigorous promotion of tourism is needed. Expansion of current area historic preservation programs was offered as an integral element of this effort.

Business Development. Technical assistance and business counseling are needed to identify new service trade opportunities and ways to utilize federal programs.

Low and Moderate Income Housing.

A great need for this

housing exists in most of Monroe County, particularly for
racial minorities.

These and other matters were pursued during workshop sessions with area leaders during the November team visit. The key topics of dscussion and scheduled follow-up action include:

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The overriding need in the Key West area is for widening Route 1 and undertaking necessary bridge repair and replacement work on the many bridges connecting the lower Keys. As a result of the EAC visit, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has determined that a bridge condition study and a comprehensive bridge replacement study are necessary. The former was to be initiated in January 1973, while the in-depth study of the bridge problem was scheduled to commence on July 1, 1973. These studies should identify solutions to the area's major transportation problems.

Community Facilities

Since the November EAC visit, three follow-up visits have been made by FHA (USDA) personnel to assess area sewerage and solid waste disposal needs. These visits have confirmed the high priority placed on these needs.

Following the EAC visit, area leaders formed a "Key West Committee of 21 for Economic Adjustment, "a broad-based leadership group that is currently implementing major suggestions of the EAC reconnaissance report and, at the same time, setting policies and priorities for area development programs. Key EAC assistance projects completed since the November visit include a $450, 000 grant from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation to acquire beach properties for public recreation purposes and a $45, 000 technical assistance grant from EDA to develop a comprehensive strategy to increase area employment in tourism, ocean resources and business development. Future EAC assistance is expected to focus on the following:

O Assistance in strengthening the area-wide planning effort;

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Development of a stronger tourism/historic preservation

O Provision of assistance in human resource efforts (e.g.,
vocational education, health services).

Assistance will be set within an overall development strategy based on the findings of the EAC team visit, agency follow-up visits, and subsequent research on the area.

Disposition of DoD Property

Pursuant to Section 2662, Title 10, United States Code, the Navy has submitted a disposal report to the Armed Services Committee of the Congress which provides for the excessing of 13.68 acres. Assuming no objection to the report by the Congress, excess land and buildings will be disposed of in accordance with the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended.


Lack of sufficient land for development, isolation from consumer
markets, environmental constraints and high transportation costs all
influence EAC assistance efforts in Key West. The area's heavy
dependence of military activities, which are constantly changing,
makes planning and programming difficult. Under these conditions,
it is a real challenge for EAC to provide effective guidance. This
situation is expected to prevail throughout 1973.

Current Status

The full EAC report will be completed shortly. This document, which goes to the Congressional delegation and area leaders, will provide over 50 specific recommendations for diversifying the Key West area economic base. Follow-up response by area leaders will determine the scope of future EAC involvement.

The Department of the Navy is preparing a new Master Plan for Navy Installations in Key West and Boca Chica which will identify lands excess to Navy needs. These could become available for industry and other uses.

Community Location

McCoy Air Force Base is located in Orlando (Orange County), in central Florida, some 67 miles west of Cape Kennedy and 99 miles east of Tampa. The 1970 population of the City of Orlando was reported as 99, 006.

DoD Impact

McCoy Air Force Base will close by June 1974. A total of 1,086 military positions and 395 civilian jobs will be eliminated. This action is expected to have minimal adverse effects on the area economy. About 80% of the Air Force Base will be reported to the Congress as excess.

EAC Involvement

A reconnaissance visit by OEA representatives was conducted on June 6-8, 1973 in response to a request for EAC assistance from Congressman Louis Frey and area leaders. The joint civil use right for commercial aviation serving Orlando through McCoy has been conducted by the City of Orlando. EAC involvement will seek to encourage a broader base to non-Federal resources available through a transportation authority composed of Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties and the City of Orlando.

EAC Program

The EAC program will concentrate primarily on the following areas:

Transportation The civil conversion of the Air Force Base will
focus on a regional transportation center for air, rail and surface
modes. This effort will include supplemental funding to the on-
going HUD 701 program to include the Defense facility in the
overall area planning. This conversion will include eligible FAA
airport development and funding together with State and local
matching funds; also, funding from the private sector through
the auto-rail train and Amtrack. Disney World has stated a desire
to participate in the regional transportation center development.

Housing The EAC reconnaissance visit in June 1973 established that the basic deficiency to expanded economic activity (new

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