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United States Air Force to cover the airstrip proper, the cantonment area (other than what is retained by the military), and all permanent and term right-of-way easements.

An "Operation and Maintenance"' and 'Custody and Care Agreement" between the city of Topeka and the United States Air Force to cover the airstrip proper, the cantonment area, and all permanent and term right-of-way easements. This agreement will allow the city to operate and maintain the property, gain experience and data, with the Army and Air Force paying their fair share of the cost of operating and maintaining the air field.

o A "Protection and Maintenance Agreement" between the city of Topeka and the United States Air Force to cover the base housing area, Cullen Village, but not to include the isolated, older houses near the Skill Center.

o A "Lease to Operate" the golf course area.

All agencies have cooperated in these endeavors to the fullest to complete the agreements as early as possible. The Mayor of Topeka has personally visited the Federal Regional Council (FRC) in Kansas City to coordinate the planning concepts and solicit FRC understanding and support. State representatives have also participated and have provided invaluable assistance.

For the long term, it appears that the airfield will be converted to commercial aviation use; the USAF Skill Center will become a Vocational-Technical Institution under the Unified School District; the Dental Clinic used for Dental/Medical technical training; the hospital utilized by the State Board of Health; and major industrial clients are already howing an interest in base properties.

In summary, the EAC program from both the military and civilian side is being managed in an excellent manner, is on or ahead of schedule, and with appropriate and timely Federal, state and local funding support will culminate in achieving the National Objective outlined in the President's Memorandum to all Federal participants, dated 16 April 1973.

Approximately 2,656 acres of land will be declared excess at Forbes Air Force Base. About 25% of the structures date back to World War II and are of temporary (one story, wood, tar paper) design. The housing is air-conditioned, two, three and four bedroom units in outstanding condition. The airfield was redesigned in 1953 with construction completed for the Strategic Air Command in 1955. This included hangar and flight line facilities for two SAC medium bomber wings, two refueling squadrons and an Air Division Headquarters.

Pursuant to Section 2622, Title 10, United States Code, the Air Force is forecasting the submittal of the disposal report to the Armed Services Committees of the Contress in late July 1973. Assuming no objection to the report on the part of the Congress, the excess land and buildings will be disposed of in accordance with the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended.


There is sufficient land and resources for development purposes. Early planning results indicate that this premium property can be converted to productive civilian uses in an eighteen to twenty-four month period. Commercial aviation operations will probably take the longest to develop. With sufficient quality housing and the vocational-technical training capability on-site, industry will be the easiest to develop. An energy problem could constrain extensive development in the near term activities requiring an aggregate of over three million cubic feet of natural gas during the year will have to re-equip their facility for some other fuel. This limit was determined by the local utility company.

Current Status

Completion of the Reconnaissance Report is scheduled for early August 1973. The most important data, still outstanding and due on 1 August, is the Base Re-use Planning Contractor's Draft Report.

This report will have the community's vital developmental interests identified and a macro-analysis performed to indicate the viability of these selected alternatives. With this data, the initial development strategy can be described in the form of major milestones (what is to be done), who is responsible for the action, and when the action is to be completed.

The military phase-down program is on or ahead of schedule with both the military and civilian directors co-located for efficient and timely coordination. Personal and professional relationships on both sides are outstanding.

A new contractor team will join the planning staff shortly. This contractor will address the necessary tasks required to complete the Master Airport Plan and relate it to the Industrial District Plan. Also required is consideration of this Airport Plan in relation to the State and National Airport System Plans.

Requirements for Federal assistance are beginning to emerge in the following areas:

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• Training Opportunity for Indians

Capital Improvements

• Expansion and Conversion of Skill Center

• Sewer Treatment Facilities

• Multi-Model Transportation Facility


• Small Business Assistance

• Special Programs for Indians

Details of the community assistance needs should be developed by mid-October 1973. Timely support of these requirements is vital to the successful conversion of this property and the alleviation of a moderate to severe economic impact on the area.


Community Location

The Bainbridge Naval Training Center is located in southwestern Cecil County, Maryland (1970 population 53,291), about half-way between Baltimore, Maryland and Wilmington, Delaware. It lies on the east bank of the Susquehanna River adjacent to the village of Port Deposit, Maryland (1970 population 906).

DoD Impact

The Naval Training Center (NTC), except the Naval Academy Preparatory School, is to be disestablished by January 1975. One hundred thirteen military and seven civilian positions are to be relocated; 227 military and 551 civilian positions will be reduced. Since July 1969, 1670 military and 359 civilian positions have been lost in addition to those scheduled above. It is expected that 1150 acres of the total 1261 acres will be declared excess.

EAC Involvement

An initial visit was made to the county on February 20, 1973 and an in-depth reconnaissance visit on March 14, 1973, which provided background information embodied in the May 1973 report.

A full EAC visit was made on May 7 and 8, 1973 to explore the problems, potentials and methods for an appropriate economic adjustment effort. A summary report for this visit, including a strategy for recovery and action list, is in development and will be available soon.

EAC Program

Prior to the May 1973 EAC visit, area leaders were provided with a reconnaissance report which presented the findings of the reconnaissance visit and subsequent research on the area. The report suggested ways in which the community could organize to effectively capitalize on reuse potentials of the Bainbridge site. The workshop sessions focused on reuse potentials in the areas of industrial development, recreation and community facilities, while assessing other county needs, problems and impact hardships.

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