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be their plague, a plague of all others the account. We ought rather to tremble bemost terrible; yet, as was said above, there fore him; he doth no iniquity: and we are times of the height of this plague, as of shall be forced to confess it. Many ways others, and this was one of those times of of his are obscure, but none are unjust. its raging mortality. The Prophet did no. Find we not this people sit under the sound, thing but preach, and yet they were stupified and are many of them as if absent, as if they by it; and indeed wherever the word does had never heard such things spoke of? so not soften and quicken, it hardens and kills; grossly ignorant of all these; hearing hear, and the more lively the ministry of the word but understand not: others are yet worse; is where it works this effect, the more deep- they get a kind of knowledge, but it is dead, ly doth it work it. and works nothing: these see, and yet perThis was verified on the Jews; though ceive not, and know not even what they then God's own people, yet it was verified know; most are of this sort, and they are of on them to the utmost; and this context is all others the worst to convince. When they often cited against them in the New Testa- are told of Christ, and forgiveness of sins, ment, no place so often. So excellent a and are entreated to believe these mysteries, preacher as Isaiah, and so well reputed they cry out, Oh! we do, we know them, amongst his people, yet was sent to preach and can answer, if you ask us, what these them blind, and deaf, and dead; and this doctrines are. But the heart is not changed, same does the gospel to most of many a no sin is forsaken, no study of holiness, no congregation in Scotland: and the more of flame of love. This not perceiving is the Christ that is spoken, the more are unbe- great judgment of this land, this the great lievers hardened. Isaiah, the most evange-cause of lamentation, that Christ is so much lical of all the Prophets, was yet brought to known, and yet so little : people do not think that, Who hath believed our report? Yea, whither it tends, and what the importance or this was fulfilled in the preaching of Christ this message is; they hear it as a passing himself; as the hotter the sun, the more is tale, or, at the best, as for the present, a the clay hardened. pleasing sound, a lovely song, Ezek. xxxiii. Go tell this people.] Observe the mighty 32; and if by an able minister, sung by a good power of the word, to whatsoever it is sent; voice, but no impression is made, it dies out as it is wonderfully efficacious for softening, in the air, it enters not into their hearts to melting, reducing to God; so, if it be sent quicken them, and so their evil is the more to harden, to seal to judgment, to bring in deadly! Oh! bemoan this, beg the removal and hasten it; and therefore spoke of, as of it above all judgments, and the sending effecting the things it speaks; as in Jer. i. forth of that Spirit, that causes the mountains 10, "See, I have this day set thee over the to flow down, Isa. Ixiv. 1. Many of you, my nations, and over the kingdoms, to root out, brethren, may be under somewhat of this, as and to pull down, and to destroy, and to there are divers degrees of it, ere it come to throw down, to build and to plant :" Ezek. be incurable: Oh! pray to be delivered, xliii. 3, "And it was according to the ap- lest it grow so far that it be in vain to bid pearance of the vision, which I saw when I you do so. Better to be cast into extreme came to destroy the city:" Hosea vi. 5, terrors for a time, than to continue thus; "Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth." Therefore despise it not, spiritual Convert, and be healed.] These two go judgments are the heaviest of all; though together; all miseries are healed, and grace least felt for a time, yet they stick closest, and favour flow forth, when once the soul is and prove saddest in the end: the not feeling stirred up to seek after God, and turn in to is a great part of the plague; in this is the him; other courses of healing public or prinature and malignity of the disease, that it vate evils, are but mountebank cures, that takes away the sight and sense of other vex and torment, as unapt physic does, and things, and of itself. The plague is a dis-do no good, yea, make things worse than beease seizing on the spirits, and therefore is fore; Hosea v. 13, When Ephraim saw so dangerous; but this only seizes on the his sickness, and Judah his wound; then spirit of the mind; and is any thing so went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and sent dreadful? Oh! any plague but that of the to King Jareb, yet could he not heal you, heart. People think it a good thing not to nor cure you of your wound; compared with feel the word, not to be troubled: well, as they love this, they are filled with it, and shall have enough of it: so in self-love, sui amator sibi dat. God is righteous and pure in this there are many vain cavils about his There is much in a custom of fruitless working on the heart to harden, which arise hearing to stupify and make hard; to make from an ignorant, low conceit of God, as of men sermon-proof; and the hearing of the a dependent being, or tied to laws, or to give most excellent, hardens most, both against

better to fall into a fever than into this lethargy, which makes you sleep to death.

chap. vi. ver. 1, Come and let us return unto the Lord, for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

How long?] Observe the compassion of the messengers of God, not desiring the evil day, but mourning for it, pitying those they denounce judgment against, and melting for those they harden.

them, and against all others that are their in- as the Apostle's word is; and we see, in our feriors; for, being accustomed to hear the particular straits that were greatest, that the most moving strains, unmoved, makes them Lord hath made them short even beyond our scorn, and easily beat back, that which is less expectation; and what remains is in his pressing. A largely endued, and very spiritual hand. I trust he will hasten the defeat of minister, is either one of the highest blessings, the plots, and power of his enemies; and or heaviest curses, that can come upon a people. doubt not all the late and present commoHearing hear.] This even the minis- tions of these poor kingdoms, are the birth ters themselves may fall under: speakers may pangs of a happy deliverance and peace; and, have no ears; as the Italians say of preach- when they grow thickest, it is nearest the birth. ers, they do not hear their own voice: they may grow hard, by custom of speaking of divine things, without divine affection; so that nothing themselves, or others, say, can work on them: hence it is that so few formal, dead ministers are converted, that one said, Till the cities be wasted.] This intiraro vidi clericum pænitentem; so hardened mates there would be no relenting under all are they against the means of conviction, in these judgments, but that these, as well as which they have been so long conversant, and the word, and together with it, would harnot converted by them. They have been den them more, till they were almost quite speaking so often of Heaven and Hell, and of consumed; and this usual; men think it Jesus Christ, and feeling nothing of them, would be otherwise; but it is found, times of that the words have lost their power, and they great plagues and judgments are no times are grown hard as the skin of leviathan, es- of great conversion; but men are more harteeming iron as straw, and brass as rotten dened both against word and rod; their wood. And this, by the way, beside that spirits grow stiff and obdured in a kind of God's dispensation is so fixed, may be a rea- desperation; but mercy, coming as the son why that sin, mentioned in the sixth of spring sunshine, mollifies and dissolves, and the Hebrews, is unpardonable: it is, in the makes fruitful: therefore, such a day is to be nature of things, and without such a miracle longed for. I suspect we shall not see much as God will not exert, impossible, that they, done by the gospel till then: and before that, who have stood out such things in vain, we may suffer yet more dismal things, and be should be renewed: this should make us, wasted with pestilence, sword, and famine; that are ministers especially, to tremble at yet there is comfort in this, the Lord will an unholy life, or at the thought of declining not make a full end of us; a tenth shall be from those ways of religion, of which we have left; and if not we, yet at least our posterity, known so much, and for which we have so shall reap the sweet fruits of our bitter calamany means of improvement. mities, that are the just fruits of our iniquities.

VER. 11. Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitants, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate:

VER. 12. And the Lord hath removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land.

VER. 13. But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten; as a teil-tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them when they cast their leaves, so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.

THERE is still a remnant holy to God, the preservers of a land from utter ruin. ProNow this judgment, fastening, was sure to fane persons despise the children of God, and draw on all other judgments; therefore the know not that they are beholden to them for Prophet, touched with compassion, inquires, the subsistence of the land, and of the world; How long? and receives a very sad answer, they are as those oaks whose roots did bear Until the cities be wasted. God is sove-up the earth of that highway, that went bereignly free in this; but usually he keeps tween the king's house and the temple, as the that course, that long continued and spared resemblance is taken by some. sinning makes long continued calamities when they come judgments, as the ancients thought comets to be, are as lasting as the matter is they are kindled with; and, truly, upon this account, we may justly apprehend that our troubles are but just beginning, rather than near their end; yet repentance might prevail for the shortening them; these sweet showers soonest lay the stormy winds. And this consideration may have something hopeful in it, that in these latter times, things move something more speedily, as natural motions do towards their end; for a short work will God make upon the earth,

In judgments, the Lord remembers that Destroy it not, there is a blessing in it. As for the personal condition of believers, there may be a great decay; a winter visage may be upon it; but yet the holy seed abideth in them, and is their stability; and still that word is true that is borrowed hence, semen sanctum, statumen terræ ; "the holy seed, the subsistence or establishment of the earth." When their number is completed, time shall end, and this visible world shall be set on fire; and this day is hastening forward, though most of us think but little, if at all, of it.




VER. 3. For I say, through the grace given unto obedience, fitly expressed, and strongly urg me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

ed; and in that are all particular rules comprised.

But because of our ignorance and our BESIDES the common word of edification sloth, we do not always readily draw forth implying it, we find often, in the Scriptures, particulars from these comprehensive general teaching compared to building; and, a- rules wherein they lie: we need therefore to mongst other things, the resemblance holds be assisted in this; and to this the Scriptures in this, that in both, of necessity, there is a descend, particularly the Apostles, in their foundation first to be laid, and then the epistles, and that usually in the latter part structure to be raised upon it. He that gives of them; and this is a main part of our duty rules of life, without first fixing principles of in preaching the word, often to represent faith, offers preposterously at building a these rules to you, not so much that you may house without laying a foundation; and he understand them better, though somewhat that instructs what to believe, and directs of this likewise may be needful as that you not withal a believer how to live, doth in may remember them, and eye them more, vain lay a foundation, without following out and walk according to them; and there is no the building; but the Apostles were not so more in these things truly known, than what foolish builders, as to sever these two in is known after this manner. I have endeatheir labours in the church. In this epistle voured, in the course of my teaching, to we find our Apostle excellently acquitting reach this end; my design, and I hope yours himself in both these. He first largely and likewise, hath been, not to pass so much time, firmly lays the gronnd-work, in the foregoing nor to pass it with empty delight, which in part of the epistle, now he adds exhortations other things might be done at an easy rate, and directions touching the particular duties but that you be really built up heavenwards, of Christians. and increase with the increase of God; that the

The first thing, certainly, to be done with truth and power of Christianity may possess a soul is to convince it of sin and death, then our hearts, and grow there, and may be evident to address and lead it into Christ, our in our lives, to the glory of our Lord Jesus. righteousness and life: this done, it should We shall endeavour to lay before you the be taught to follow him: this is Christianity, particular graces that are the ornaments of to live in Christ, and to live to Christ; to Christians; and this, not that you may look live in him by faith, and to live to him in on them simply, and commend them, but holiness; these our Apostle joined in his may pursue them, and be clothed with them, doctrine, chap. viii. 1, There is therefore and then they will be much more comely and now no condemnation to them which are in commendable; as a robe of rich apparel, if it Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, seem fine while it hangs or lies by, it appears but after the Spirit. far better when it is put on. The exhortation, that begins this chap- The rules the Apostle is to give, he preter, hath in it the whole sum of Christian faces thus, For I say, through the grace

given to me, I speak as the Messenger or of our thoughts and practices to our measure Apostle of Christ, according to that know- and station; to know ourselves truly and ledge and experience that he hath given me thoroughly; for that will certainly beget a of these things; and so take it, as from one very low esteem of ourselves, to judge ourthat hath some interest in, and share of, these selves the unworthiest and meanest of all. graces I recommend to you: and this, indeed, And having truly this estimate of ourmakes recommendations carry home. Oh! selves, we shall not vainly attempt any thing that we could truly say this. Alas! it is an above our reach, nor disdainfully neglect any uncomfortable, and commonly an unprofita- thing that is within the compass of our callble thing to speak of Christ, and the graces ing and duty, which are the two evils so comof his Spirit, only as having heard of them, mon among men, yea, even amongst Chrisor read of them, as men that travel, in their tians, and in the Church of God, and are studies, do of foreign countries. the cause of most of the enormities and dis

Aià TES XÚRITOS. The Apostle represents orders that fall out in it; it is a strange this, to add the more authority, and gain blindness, that they that do grossly miscarry the more acceptance, to what he had to say: inthe duties of their own station, yet so readily and for this end, some care is to be had of fancy themselves capable of somewhat highthe good opinion of people, so far as their er, and think themselves wronged if it be interest is concerned, that the message we refused them, bring be not prejudged; otherwise, this

The self-knowing Christian would rather truly set aside, it were little matter how we descend, and find himself very disproporwere mistaken or despised: yea, it were a tioned to the present station, be it never so thing some way desirable: only provided mean; he can say with David, Lord, my nothing be done on purpose, that may just- heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty; ly, yea, or that may probably, procure it: for neither do I exercise myself in great that both piety and charity forbid. matters, or in things too high for me, Psal. To every man.] This is more pressing cxxxi. 1. But vain minds would still be than if he had said simply, to you, or gene- tampering with the greatest affairs, and dwell rally, to you all; for in men's talking of not with themselves. Oh! my brethren, be things it proves often too true, quod omnibus, entreated to study your hearts better, be less nemini: but to every one, that each one abroad in things that concern you not; there suppose it spoke to him, as an ingenious is work enough within you; heaps of base picture, looking to each in the room. Thus lusts, and self-deceits, and follies that you we ought to speak, and thus we ought to see not yet; and many advantages of good hear. We to speak, not as telling some things you seem to see in yourselves, that unconcerning stories, but as having business indeed are not there: self-love is a flattering with you; and you to hear, not each for an- glass, which represents us to ourselves much other, as you often do, "Oh! such a pas- fairer than we are; therefore, turn from it, sage touched such an one," but each for ourselves.

if you desire a true account of yourselves, and look into the pure and faithful mirror of God's law. Oh! what deformities will that discover, that you never saw nor thought of before, and will make you the lowest of all

The first particular the Apostle recommends is, that gracing grace of humility, the ornament and the safety of all other graces, and what is so peculiarly Christian. Some- persons in your own eyes. what philosophers speak of temperance, jus- The low self-esteem doth not wholly take tice, and other like virtues, but these rather away the simple knowledge of what gifts and to blow up and swell the mind with big con- graces God hath bestowed on a man; for ceit and confidence of itself, than to dwell that were to make him both unthankful and together with self-abasement and humility: unuseful. He that doth not know what but in the school of Christ, the first lesson God hath freely given him, cannot return of all is, self-denial and humility; yea, it praise to God, nor make use of himself for is written above the door, as the rule of entry God in his station; yea, the Apostle's or admission, Learn of me, for I am meek caution intimates a sober, humble reflection and lowly of heart, Matth. xi. 29. And on the measure God hath given a man, which out of all question, that is truly the humblest he not only allows but requires: and himheart that hath most of Christ in it. self gives example of it in his own present Not to think highly.] Not aspiring and expression, declaring, that he speaks these intending in things too high and a great things through the grace that is given to point of humility is subjection to God in him. the point of knowledge: in this was our first But this knowledge of a man's own gifts climbing that proved our fall: and yet still, and graces, that it may not prejudge him of amidst all our ignorance and darkness, we more, but help him to more, in the humble are catching and gaping after the deadly fruit acknowledgment and use of what he hath, of unallowed knowledge. would have these two qualifications: 1. That

This, with, hath in it the attempering!

* Qui se nescit, nescit se utl.

VER. 4, 5. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office; so we, being many, are but one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

In this consideration we have God's wis

he beware of over-weening, rather that he | 27, It is not good to eat much honey; so for take his measure much below, than any whit men to search their own glory, is not glory. beyond, what he truly hath. 2. That whatsoever it is, that he always look on it not as his own, but as God's, having his superscription on it, and all the glory of it being his peculiar tribute; nothing of that to be interrupted or retained: Not unto us, Lord; not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, Psal. cxv. 1, still all the glory entirely sent up to him; thus, here, the Apostle sets all grace in that view, as God hath dispensed the measure; and so speaks of his own through the grace given to me; still so to be looked on, not as that we have, but that he hath given; that is the gospel style; grace, free gifts, xágs, xaguara; whereas philosophy speaks of all as habits, or havings, or possessions.

dom manifested, and are instructed what is our wisdom. He, in the great world, made all in weight, number, and measure; so in the lesser world, man, and in the new world his Church, he proportions all to the use he hath designed them for. He could give more to them that have least, than the very greatest have, but he thought this unfit; it might be some advantage to them, yet to the whole body not so; and therefore not truly so to them neither, being parts of it, and having their good involved in the good of the body.

This resemblance is often used in Scripture, and holds excellently well, but is little Our temper and carriage correspond

But alas! rather

Now, in that relative, dependent notion of freely given, a man shall never be puffed up by any endowments, though he see and know them; yea, the more he knows them learned. Who is there almost that finds it, thus, will be the more humble still, as being not to it. the more obliged. The more he hath re- the Spirit of Christ in them, knitting them ceived, the greater they are; the lower he to him as the common head, and one to an bows, pressed down under the weight of his other, as one in him, each busy to advance engagements to God; as Abraham, Gen. him, and to seek his glory, and to promote xvii. 3, fell on his face, when God talked the good of one another? with him, and made so rich promises to each for self, accursed self, as of an indepen See David's strain, 1 Chron. xxix.dent divided substance; yea, worse, hating 14, But who am I, and what is my people, and tearing one another; a monstrous sight, that we should be able to offer so willingly as if one limb of the same_body should be after this sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee. Thus, the Apostle gives, as the sovereign preventive against the swelling poison of self-conceit, What hast thou that thou didst not receive? 1 Cor. iv. 7.


He that is thus regulated in his own esteem, will by this certainly be moderated in his desire of esteem from others, and cannot well meet with any thing that way, that will either puff him up, or cast him down; if over-prized by others, he takes that as their mistake; if undervalued, he rejoices in that, having set himself so low in himself, that others cannot well set him lower; so when men account meanly of him, they are really of his own opinion; and you know that offends none, but pleases them rather, to have others agree with their opinions, and be of their mind.

pulling another to pieces. It signifies little to tell men what mutual tenderness is in nature; that for a thorn in the foot the back bows, the head stoops, the eyes look, the hands feel, and seek it, and pull it out. Christians are still so rigid, so unchristian to each other, they drive one another with the thorn sticking in, forcing their brethren to ways against the persuasions of their consciences.

In the following verses, viz. 6, 7, 8, we have a specification of divers offices, and the duties of them; the due observance of which is the peace and growth of the Church, makes all go on sweetly and fruitfully but men are either presumptuously or preposterously busy out of their own station, or slothfully negligent in it; and both these, instead of edifying, are discomposing and destroying things.

They that are busy after reputation, and Not to insist on the distinction of offices, would be esteemed, are but begging voices; it is evident, in all enumerations of this kind, would have others think with them, and con- the same word sometimes means divers things, firm the conclusion they have already resolv- and divers words the same thing, as ministry ed on, in favour of themselves; and this is may comprise all, though sometimes peculiar a most foolish thing, for disappointed in to deacons, sometimes taken for teachers or this, men are discontented, and so their pastors: here it is general, and the particulars peace hangs on others' fancies; and if satis- following distribute it; some are to teach, fied with it, they surfeit and undo themselves which is doctorial; some to exhort, which with the delight of it. Bees sometimes kill is more pastoral; some are to give, which is themselves with their own honey; and there proper to deacons; some have their whole is such a ward to this purpose, Prov. xxv. Spinam calcat pes, &c. Aue.

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