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"Brother, there is good and bad among us. Some are a long time in taking hold of the gospel. We hope all will one day take hold of it.

"Brother, we understand that you are going to Tonnewanta. Many chiefs are now assembled there in counsel; some of ours some from Buffalo, some from Alleghany, some from Gennesee, some from Cayuga, some from Oneida; and they all met together upon the same business you are on. It will be a good time for you to go to Tonnewanta. We pray the Great Spirit to give you strength to talk to your red brethren at Tonnewanta. You could not have come and talked to us, if the Great Spirit had not given you strength."

On the other occasion, "It was almost sunset when the exercises were over. Pollard made a short address. His first sentence, delivered with a solemn countenance, was interpreted in these words :-/ -We thank the Great Spirit, that we are brought so near to the close of another day in health and strength.

"After the above expression of thanksgiving to Almighty God, Pollard, in the name of the chiefs, thanked me for coming again to talk to them about the Great Spirit and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He said they hoped that they should be enabled to remember what I had told them, and with God's merciful help give great attention to it, and that I might have health and strength to return in safety to my home."

Among the Stockbridge Indians there is a permanent missionary; and the account given of the state of things there, confirms the opinion we have always held, that substantial, permanent good to these poor savages, is to be principally hoped from permanent, resident, instructors. Under the labours of Mr. Sergeant, considerable moral and religious impression seems to have been made,

Mr. Sergeant visited the Oneida Indian village, where his children kept a Sunday school; and, though it was a rainy day, found, to his surprise, between thirty and forty children collected. This village of about twenty families, and upwards of fifty children, has been grossly neglected. "They generally understand and speak a little English, are very industrious, and have made considerable progress in civilization, but there is not one professor of religion among them." They had been "much inclined to work or play on the Sabbath;" our missionary "observes with pleasure, that this Sunday school has put a stop to their profaning the Sabbath."

The Indians appeared "so far engaged for a general refor mation, that they agreed to form two societies; the men by

themselves, and the women by themselves; for the promotion of temperance, morality, industry, and the arts of civilized life." On the first day of the year (1818,) instead of the intemperate and revelling practices which had been customary for many years past, there was a meeting for prayer and reading the Word of God.

The present state of this mission is, on the whole, apparently encouraging; and we may unite our hopes with our prayers, "that a remnant," at least, of this forlorn people, "may be saved."

Reform in English Prisons.-Hardly any thing in the way of active benevolence has taken place in this active age, so interesting as the exertions of a few women in London to civilize and render comfortable the prisoners in Newgate. This prison has of late years been crowded with double the number of prisoners it was constructed to hold; and the abuses which existed there, the uncleanness, the indecency, the riot, intemperance, gambling and quarrelling, were horrible to think of. The women's apartments were universally allowed to be the worst; so bad indeed, that those, who knew most about it, declared that reformation was absolutely impracticable. Nevertheless, in spite of all discouragement, Mrs. Fry, one of the society of Friends, visited the place, and accomplished a work of benevolence which has astonished all England; the history of which is one of the most wonderful and affecting in all the annals of charity, or of the world. Her first visit to the prison was in 1813. She found there nearly 300 women, crowded together, sometimes 120 in one ward; they slept on the floor without any bedding, and many without clothing; they were openly drinking spirits, and swearing with shocking imprecations; every thing filthy to excess. She read to them from the Bible, and was convinced that something might be done for them. Circumstances prevented her visiting them again, until December 1816. She then found all the women playing at cards, or reading improper books, or begging at the gratings, or fighting for the money thus acquired, or engaged in the mysteries of fortune-telling. The children of these women, about seventy in number, were there with them; and Mrs. Fry's first object was to open a school for them, which she did, notwithstanding many discouragements, and constant assurances that her efforts would be utterly fruitless. The good effect was immediate; the most abandoned of the mothers thanked her with tears; and the younger of the women crowded

about her with earnest entreaties, that they too might be taught and employed. In consequence of this, Mrs. Fry and the young lady who assisted her, projected a school for the women also, at which they might be taught to read and be furnished with work. This proposition was apparently so romantic, that it was with the greatest difficulty they succeeded; at length however the thing was done, and twelve ladies joined with them, devoted themselves to the prison, one being constantly there to direct and oversee the women, actually living with them, and the others being constant visitors. Strict rules were established, by which the prisoners were bound to give up all their darling vices: drinking, gaming, card-playing, and novel reading, were absolutely forbidden; and to these rules, many of them voluntarily promised obedience. At the close of a month, the prison was visited by the mayor, sheriff's, and aldermen, who were perfectly amazed at the change they witnessed. Riot, licentiousness, and filth, they found exchanged for sobriety, order, and comparative neatness, in the chamber, the apparel, and the persons of the prisoners. This hell upon earth, as it had been called, exhibited the appearance of an industrious manufactory, or a well regulated family. The magistrates, to declare their satisfaction, immediately adopted the whole plan as part of the system of Newgate, and loaded the ladies with thanks and benedictions. The change indeed was universal. In proof of which it is added, they who were marched off for transportation, instead of going away as usual, drunken, riotous, and breaking the windows and furniture, took a serious and tender leave of their companions, and expressed the utmost gratitude to their benefactors, from whom they parted with tears. Stealing also has been suppressed; and while upwards of 20,000 articles of dress have been manufactured, not one has been lost or purloined.

It would be difficult to find an enterprize more worthy of admiration than this. Our limits would not permit a more minute detail. We hope, that in our attempt to abridge, we have not made the account the less interesting.

Virginia University.-A University has been established by the state of Virginia, upon a plan drafted, it is understood, by Mr. Jefferson. There are to be ten professors, for the purposes of instruction in the various branches of literature and science; but no provision is made for the teaching of theology. The reason given is, that the constitution forbids the giving any ascendency or preference to any one sect above another; and, as a professor of divinity must be of some one sect, it would be unconstitutional to appoint one. This is the ground

upon which they excuse themselves from appointing chaplains in their legislature. After assigning this reason, the commissioners say, "a proof of the being of a GoD, the creator, preserver, and supreme ruler of the universe, the Author of all the relations of morality, and of the laws and obligations these infer, will be within the province of the professor of ethics; to which adding the developments of these moral obligations, of those in which all sects agree, with a knowledge of the languages, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, a basis will be formed common to all sects. Providing thus far without offence to the constitution, we have thought it proper at this point to leave every sect to provide, as they think fittest, the means of further instruction in their own peculiar tenets." It would seem, however, that even the first principles of religion would be but scantily taught in this way, since the professor of Ethics is to be professor also of ideology, general grammar, rhetoric, belles letters, and the fine arts.

Declaration of the Allied Sovereigns, on the breaking up of the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle.-Now that the pacification of Europe is accomplished, by the resolution of withdrawing the foreign troops from the French territory; and now that there is an end of those measures of precaution which deplorable events had rendered necessary, the Ministers and Plenipotentiaries of their Majesties the Emperor of Austria, the King of France, the King of Great Britain, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of all the Russias, have received orders from their Sovereigns to make known to all the Courts of Europe, the results of their meeting at Aix-la-Chapelle, and with that view do publish the following Declaration :

The Convention of the 9th of October, which definitively regulated the execution of the engagements agreed to in the Treaty of Peace, of November 20, 1815, is considered by the Sovereigns who concurred therein, as the accomplishment of the work of peace, and of the completion of the political system destined to insure its solidity.

The intimate union established among the monarchs, who are joint parties to this system, by their own principles, no less than by the interests of their people, offers to Europe the most sacred pledge of its future tranquility.

The object of this union is as simple as it is great and salutary. It does not tend to any new political combination-to any change in the relations sanctioned by existing treaties. Calm and consistent in its proceedings, it has no other object than the maintenance of peace, and the security of those transactions on which the peace was founded and consolidated.

The Sovereigns, in forming this august union, have regarded as its fundamental basis, their invariable resolution, never to depart, either among themselves or in their relations with other States, from the strictest observation of the principles of the right of nations; principles which, in their application to a state of permanent peace, can alone effectually guarantee the independence of each government and the stability of the general association.

Faithful to these principles, the Sovereigns will maintain them equally in those meetings at which they may be personally present, or in those which shall take place among their ministers; whether it shall be their object to discuss in common their own interests, or whether they take cognizance of questions in which other governments shall formally claim their interference. The same spirit which will direct their councils, and reign in their diplomatic communications, shall preside also at these meetings; and the repose of the world shall be constantly their motive and their end.

It is with such sentiments that the Sovereigns have consummated the work to which they were called. They will not cease to labour for its confirmation and perfection. They solemnly acknowledge, that their duties towards God and the people whom they govern, make it peremptory on them to give to the world, as far as in their power, an example of justice, of concord, of moderation: happy in the power of consecrating, from henceforth, all their efforts to the protection of the arts of peace, to the increase of the internal prosperity of their States, and to the awakening of those sentiments of religion and morality, whose empire has been but too much enfeebled by the misfortune of the times.






Aix-la-Chapelle, Nov. 15, 1818.


The important question respecting Dartmouth College, has been decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, in favour of the old trustees, and unfavourably to the University.

The New Brick Church in Charlestown, lately erected by the Second Congregational Society in that place, was dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, on the 10th day of February.

The Calcutta papers mention the establishment, under flattering auspices, of a College at Serampore, for the instruction of Asiatic Christians and other youth in Oriental and European literature.

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