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Miner, machine runner, shot firer, first aid and mine Rescue.

How was the vetnilation on your shift ?

Light to good, it seemed like we had enough air.

Were any checks or canvas tim down at the start of your shift?

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9. Sucso Do you have knowledge of any other ignition ?

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I heard the men talk about it in tom.

Were you given any special instructions as to testing for gas or putting up checks or line canvas.?

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In your own words that did you do then the explosion occuced?

I went to No.7_entry and helped to put some rock dust bags out that were on ire, then I helped to hang canvas, then helped to get Rethi out.

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8. Stos. Were any check or canvas tom down at the start of your shift?

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Do you have knowludge of any other ignition ?


Were you given any special instructions as to testing for gas or putting checks or canvas up?

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In your own words what did you do when the explosion occured.?

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I went out.

47-135 O 71-42

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3.Ces. Were any checks or canvas torn doim at the start of your shift?

Ans. No.


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Do you have knowledge of any other ignition?

Yes, Pote had an ignition while he was turing a cross cut in cross over main but it was not mentioned to a couple of days later.

Were you given any special instructions at to testing for gas or putting up checks or canvas?


In your own words that did you do at the time of the explosion ?

We were taken outside.


MAY 11,1970

May 11, 1970, the collision in co apany with the line foreman and assistant to the president condicted a gas survey on the Jop Model 110 to determine the quantity or mothalle being berated during the mining cycle.


The survey was conducted in the No.6 Entry of Crous Over 15,200 OFF of air was being conducted to the face by the use of line canvas that was installed within 10 feet of the face. There was 20,100 cubic feet of air per. minute in the cut-through between. No.5 and 6 Entry.

Prior to mining there was 2 percent methane at the face. The result of the survey was as follows;


While mining on the canvas side the CH4 varied from .35% to on the left side to 3% to 1% on the right side while loading tho first shuttle car.

While the second shuttle car was being loaded the mechane Varied from .43 to .5% on the left side of the machite and from 1% to 3 on the right side of the machine. After loading 2 shuttle cars the machine had lenetrated 6 feet into the solid coal. The machine was then moved over to the left side, and after the line brattice had been extended to thin 10 feet of the face, the lift on the left side was ined in to square the face. As the coal was being mined on the left side the C was 7 and on the right side it varied from 2 to 1. The machine was then moved to the right side of the place and the canvas wq was 10 feet from the face when the mining was started. While loading the first shuttle car the Chl, on the left side was 25 and varied on the right side from 1.6 to 35 on the first shuttle car. While the second shuttle car was being loaded the C. on the left side of the machine was and varied on the kiht side from 23 to 51. The machine was moved to the left side of the face and the canvas arain extended to within 10 feet of the face. then as the first car was being loaded the Cn on the left side was .8% and 1.2 on the right side of the machine.

The machine was then moved back to the right side of the place and the methane varied from 4 on the left side to 1.3% on the right side as the first shuttle car was being loaded, As the second car was being loaded the C4 varied cably from 33 on the left side to 33 on the right side of the machine, The machine was then moved to the left side and as the Art shuttle car was being loaded to square the face the methane varied from A on the left side to .7% on the right side. During this survey it was noted that there was excessive sparking around the cutting bits as the of the machine came in contact with the roof.


From the evidence presented and observed during the investigation this ignition was caused by the gas. that had accumulated chead cof the mining machine which was ignited by sparks as a result of the cutting bits hitting the sand rock roof.


It is the opinion of this comision that the sup cuts inthis mine wore too deep for the amount of gas being liberated, therefore the conmission has has requested rine management to restrict the sump distance in this mine to a maximum of 5 feet until a ventilation survey is made to determine a safe drive distance. We also requested that frequent tests be made for gas, and if gas is detected on the flame of a safety lamp the drive distance is to be less than 5 feet.

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