Crime, Kidnaping and Prison Laws...1935 - Criminal law - 149 pages |
From inside the book
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... United States for the District of Columbia , within the jurisdiction of which the inquiry is carried on or within the jurisdiction of which said person guilty of contumacy or refusal to obey is found or resides or transacts business ...
... United States for the District of Columbia , within the jurisdiction of which the inquiry is carried on or within the jurisdiction of which said person guilty of contumacy or refusal to obey is found or resides or transacts business ...
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Common terms and phrases
62 Stat 85th Congress Act entitled ACT To amend agency amended by adding amended to read America in Congress application appropriate approved July arrest Attorney authorized Board certificate certiorari chapter circuit commission commissioner committed Congress assembled conviction court of appeals crime custody D. C. Code defendant district court District of Columbia duties enacted entitled An Act Federal felony filed firearm foreign commerce foreign principal Government House of Representatives imprisoned indictment institution Internal Revenue Code interstate or foreign issued judge judicial June June 29 jurisdiction jury juvenile ment National National Firearms Act offense officer or employee organization paragraph parole person petition possession prescribed prisoner probation proceeding prosecution punished purposes pursuant read as follows record Secretary Senate and House sentence SESSION subpena subsection Supreme Court term Territory tion title 18 transportation United States attorney United States Code United States Court unlawful violation Whoever willfully
Popular passages
Page 288 - Board, on the ground that the testimony or evidence required of him may tend to incriminate him or subject him to a penalty or forfeiture ; but no Individual shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing concerning which he Is compelled, after having claimed his privilege against self-incrimination, to testify or produce evidence, except that such individual so testifying shall not be exempt from prosecution and punishment for...
Page 231 - One of the original members shall be appointed for a term of one year, one for a term of three years, and one for a term of five years, but their successors shall be appointed for terms of five years each except that any individual chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the member whom he shall succeed.
Page 221 - Any of the district courts of the United States within the jurisdiction of which such inquiry is carried on...
Page 234 - Board, its member, agent, or agency, shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are paid witnesses in the courts of the United States, and witnesses whose depositions are taken and the persons taking the same shall severally be entitled to the same fees as are paid for like services in the courts of the United States.
Page 224 - If upon such hearing the commission shall be of the opinion that the method of competition in question is prohibited by this Act. it shall make a report in writing in which it shall state its findings as to the facts, and shall issue and cause to be served on such person, partnership, or corporation an order requiring such person, partnership, or corporation to cease and desist from using such method of competition.
Page 233 - States for the District of Columbia, within the jurisdiction of which the inquiry is carried on or within the jurisdiction of which said person guilty of contumacy or refusal to obey is found or resides or transacts business, upon application by the...
Page 236 - Until a transcript of the record in a case shall have been filed in a court, as hereinafter provided, the Board may at any time, upon reasonable notice and in such manner as it shall deem proper, modify or set aside, in whole or in part, any finding or order made or issued by it.
Page 233 - ... (4) Complaints, orders, and other process and papers of the Board, its member, agent, or agency, may be served either personally or by registered mail or by telegraph or by leaving a copy thereof at the principal office or place of business of the person required to be served. The verified return by the individual so serving the same setting forth the manner of such service shall be proof of the same, and the return post office receipt or telegraph receipt therefor when registered and mailed...
Page 345 - ... (1) Any person, partnership, or corporation who violates an order of the Commission to cease and desist after it has become final, and while such order is in effect, shall forfeit and pay to the United States a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for each violation, which shall accrue to the United States and may be recovered in a civil action brought by the United States.
Page 332 - In the proceeding has been filed in a court of appeals of the United States, as hereinafter provided, the Commission may at any time, upon such notice and In such manner as it shall deem proper, modify or set aside, in whole or in part, any report or any order made or issued by It under this section.