WILLIAM VIDLER, Preacher of the Universal Restoration. Engraved by B Reading. from an approved Likeness by Richard Withiams. Londen Pub by Teulon N.100 Hounds ditch & by N.Scarlett, Br. Theatre 3.18 Strand, Oct. 1.1796. Behold, I make All things new. Rev. xxi. 5. London: PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR, W. VIDLER; AND SOLD BY TEULON, NO. 100, Houndsditch; and PARSONS, Paternoster Row. 1797. T TO THE FIRST VOLUME. HE Evangelical and Arminian Magazines are conducted by an union of many ministers, among whom are men of leifure, learning, character, and influence. The Univerfalift's Mifcellany was undertaken by a folitary individual, whose only credit in the religious world is that of being a heretic, because he has dared to believe and proclaim, The Reftitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets, fince the world began. Without character, without connection, and with but little leifure, the Editor of this Work has struggled through one year. He has met with discouragements, but he is not intimidated; with contempt, but he is not ashamed. Firmly perfuaded of the goodness of his caufe, and conscious of the rectitude of his intentions, he stands collected: not repenting that he has attempted to justify the divine character to his fellow men, nor regretting any lofs or reproach which he has fuffered on that account. Indeed, this work was undertaken in the full prospect and expectation of every difcouragement which has occurred. No pecuniary emolument, or increase of credit, were expected by it: and none of either have arisen from it. We have already given better paper and print than any other periodical work, and half a sheet more of letter-prefs than fome others, to each number. But the largeness of our type has prevented us from embracing that number of objects which we at first intended. Our next Volume will be in a smaller type, but fufficiently clear to make it pleafant to the eye. In this alteration we propose an advantage to our readers, as it will enable us to present them with a greater quantity of matter. It is with with pleasure we inform the public that the number of our Correfpondents is increasing; and we return our thanks to them in general for their assistance already given, and requeft the continuance of it. If we have not yet inferted fome of their pieces, the largeness of our type is the reafon, and not any neglect of their favours. We do not fee why the Universalifts may not produce a monthly publication, that shall be as well worthy of the notice of the public as that of any other body of Chriftians. We are confident that there are men of piety, learning, and leifure, in the univerfal fentiment. A few fuch have given their afsistance; we folicit the help of others. It It is with gratitude to the Father of Mercies that we learn fome real good has been done by our attempts in the last year. It is this that gives us encouragement to proceed; for the welfare of mankind is the strongest object which can animate the heart of a good man; and while we in any measure contribute to this, we think ourselves amply rewarded for our labours. We are attempting to open a correspondence with the Universalists in America, where the doctrine is rapidly fpreading. When we receive any answers to our enquiries, we will lay them before our readers. As the present age is characterised by the prevalence of Infidelity, we wish to contribute our mite towards withstanding that enormity. We shall be able next year to infert fome valuable pieces in defence of Revelation, which we hope will have a due effect upon the minds of our readers, particularly the younger part of them, for whom we are much concerned, that they may know, love and ferve the God of their fathers, and be kept unspotted from the world; but we take the liberty to say, that our best endeavours to ferve the rifing generation, will in a great meafure be rendered ineffectual, unless parents and masters of families will fecond them by their practice; for the most convincing of all arguments in defence of truth, is the holinefs of its professors. Convinced as we are, that our views of the Divine Character are naturally productive of peace, humility, and univerfal benevolence, we are happy to find that the greater part of our friends evidence the truth of our conviction by their conduct. If any of them act otherwise, we do not hefitate thus publicly to say, that we esteem them not as our friends, nor as the friends of our Lord Jesus Chrift. At the request of feveral of our Correfpondents, we shall next year allot two or three pages at the end of our pamphlet for monthly occurrences, both foreign and domeftic : perhaps this will be enough for many of our readers, who may wish to have a brief view of the times, without the trouble and expence of frequently confulting newspapers. The friendly hints of our Correspondents, relative to any future improvement of our Mifcellany, will be attended to. We have added an Errata and an Index to the end of the Volume. December 28, 1797. |