SERMONS DELIVERED IN THE CHAPEL OF EASE, RAMSGATE. BY GEORGE WILLIAM LEWIS, M.A. CURATE OF THE CHAPEL. LONDON: J. HATCHARD AND SON, 187, PICCADILLY. 1836, M.V.2. DEDICATION. TO HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF KENT. MADAM I beg to approach your Royal Highness with feelings of the sincerest gratitude for your unsolicited and most benevolent protection of the following humble effort towards the promotion of Christian principles and practice. I entreat your permission also to express my fervent prayer, that every blessing may attend your Royal Highness in that exalted and most important station to which Providence has called you. With extreme joy and thankfulness does an admiring nation behold your Royal Highness performing with an assiduity and prudence beyond all praise, your duties towards the illustrious object of their ardent hopes and your own |