HD4903 158 A38 1962/63 ENVIRON. LIBRARY THE PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20210 November 26, 1963. THE PRESIDENT, DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I submit herewith, through the Honorable W. Willard Wirtz, Vice Chairman, a report covering the activities of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. This report combines both the annual report required by Executive Order 10925 and a comprehensive review of the Committee's history and activities since April 6, 1961. You are familiar with most of the content of this report because of your energetic, direct and dedicated leadership, while Vice President, as Chairman of the Committee. This record does honor to yourself and to the memory of the late President John F. Kennedy, who created the Committee as a means of opening equality of opportunity to all Americans and who died while still in the pursuit of a larger freedom for everyone. Respectfully yours, Hahart Jaylen f HOBART TAYLOR, Jr., 167 iii |