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pitately caught at the charge: and fome of them were not deftitute of that cunning and addrefs which were just sufficient to give it the credit they defired. The fwarm of Atheistic Libertines, who are not qualified to reason about religion, but, only to vilify it, because it is a check on their views, were very eager to adopt as a truth, what his enemies had exhibited as an accufation. They were happy to enroll the name of Priestley in the catalogue of those heroic writers, who, fcorning an accommodation with religion, had nobly rejected, in the greatnefs of their fouls, both its duties and its fanctions; and having reprefented virtue as the mere creature of cuftom and polity, had given up a future ftate as the dream of fuperftition, or the artifice of prieftcraft.'

The perfons whole writings relative to Dr. Priestley's metaphyfical and religious opinions are more particularly noticed in this fketch, are-that original character, the Priest of Nature,' John Buncle, Efq;-the Rev. David Williams, the Preacher in Margaret-Street,' who hath only the fecondary honour of coming after John Buncle, Efq;' in this high and felf-appointed office; the memorable Mr. James Seton;-the Notorious' -envenomed old Jacobite,' Shebbeare;-Mr. Jofeph Berrington; the late Dr. Kenrick;-a Chriftian;-Mr. Whitehead; Dr. Horfley;-Dr. Price ;-Philalethes Rufticans ;-Dr. Duncan; the mighty " Vindicator of the Church of England," and one or two others.-After briefly reviewing, with much fpirit, and occafionally with humour, the opinions or views of the controvertists, the Author difcuffes the true point in debate between Dr. Priestley and his more fober and rational opponents; principally, to ufe his own words, with a view to convince the Infidel, that Dr. Priestley is no partizan of his caufe, no advocate for any doctrine that hath the most remote tendency to unfettle the laws or fanctions of religion: but on the contrary, that he hath exerted his best talents in fixing them on the only foundation on which they can fecurely ftand,-and that is, the GOSPEL of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, whofe refurrection ALONE "hath begotten us again to a lively hope of an inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away."

ART. VII. Letters on the Utility and Policy of employing Machines to Shorten Labour; occafioned by the late Disturbances in Lancashire. To which are added, fome Hints for the farther Extenfion and Improvement of our Woollen Trade and Manufactures. 8vo. IS. Becket. 1780.


HE fubject of thefe Letters forms a confiderable branch of that useful fcience which explains the principles and caufes of the populoufnefs and wealth of nations. The prac

tice of this fcience, fo peculiarly interefting to mankind, is better understood in England than it was by any of the ancient, and than it is by all the modern nations of Europe. Yet by. fome unaccountable fatality, which it is almoft as difficult to believe as to explain, there is fcarcely any civilifed people who have paid lefs attention to the theory of political economy than the generality of the inhabitants of this ifland. The name we have borrowed from the French, as they did from the Greeks; which tends to prove that our continental neighbours preceded us in examining this branch of ftudy; and it is well known that they had eftáblifhed innumerable focieties for cultivating it, and had publifhed many voluminous works, containing the refult of their reafonings and inquiries; while in England, this important fcience was comprehended within the narrow limits of a few imperfect treatifes *, which merit our attention rather from the particular facts they relate, than from the general principles which they explain.

But refpecting this branch of knowledge, as well as many others, it may be obferved, that what the French have begun or invented, the English have improved and carried to perfection. We can now boaft of two writers in our own language, whofe fuperior merit is allowed by the general content of Europe, and even of the French themfelves, to raise them above the whole clafs of French arconomist; and whofe penetration and ability have defcribed the internal ftructure of the political edifice, with a degree of perfpicuity and of force, which is equally inftructive and convincing. The reader, who has paid any attention to the philofophical principles of government, will immediately recollect the names of Hume and Smith, whofe writings, by a felicity rarely allotted to the productions of this ifland, have paffed the feas in fafety and with honour; have acquired one uniform character among the, thinking part of mankind in every country which they have reached; and while decried by the ignorant prejudice, clamorous faction, and fuperftitious bigotry of a particular party at home, have obtained the general fuffrage of philofophers in every corner of Europe, The great principles of the ceconomical fcience are fo ably and fo copioufly explained by thefe, invaluable writers 1, that

* Davenant's Difcourfes, Petry's Political Arithmetic, Man, Gee, Law, Child on Trade.

The writers upon economy lo called.

With Hume's "Effays,' and Smith's "Caufes of National "Political Wealth," we might clafs Sir James Stuart's work on Economy," if the low and incorrect style and carclefs arrangement of that performance did not difgrace the fenfible obfervations, and deep, yet folid reafonings with which it abounds.

REV. Mar. 1780.



it is fcarcely poffible to add any new information of importance upon this interefting fubject. All that remains to be done, and it is what the judicious Author of the pamphlet before us feems to have done with fuccefs, is to apply thefe principles to particular cafes, to call them forth as occafion may require, and to prefent them in fuch a point of view as may appear most striking to those whose conduct they are meant to influence. That our Readers may judge of this matter for themselves, we shall infert a fpecimen of the work, where, fpeaking of the benefit refulting from the employing of machines, the Author in a plain and popular style, proceeds thus:

To illuftrate this subject, and make it, if poffible, fill plainer, let us fuppofe that there were only two woollen manufactories in this nation, and no foreign commerce; that one of these manufactories was fituated in the north, and the other in the fouth; that they employed each coo hands; that provisions were nearly at the fame price in both parts of the kingdom, and they made the fame kinds of goods. If these manufactories were 200 miles asunder, their markets would meet about half way, and neither of them would expect to fell their goods beyond this natural line; because the expence of carriage would be against the manufacture that was fent beyond thefe limits. Let us fuppofe, however, proviñons to rife in the fouth, and confequently the price of labour to rife there alfo; but both to remain the fame as at firft in the north. The northern manufactory would foon gain upon the fouthern markets, and instead of 100, would gradually fupply 110, 115, 120, &c. miles, while the fpace the fouthern manufactory could fupply would gradually contract to 90 miles, 85 miles, 80 miles, &c. fo that the demand there would be daily diminishing, and the people would begin to leave the fouth, and go into the north for employment, where the demand would be conftantly increasing; and instead of icoo, they would have employment for 1500 people, while the other manufactory could fcarcely employ 5co. The cheapnefs of the goods made in the north would in time draw all the demand thither, as well as the work-people; and if no measures were taken to prevent it, the fouthern manufactory would go to ruin, and the other would, on the contrary, increase and be eftablished. All this might be effected, and would certainly be effected by an advantage in the price of labour, if no fteps were taken to counteract that effect; but we will fuppofe when the southern manufactory was confiderably diminished, an intelligent manufacturer, ..who had both invention and tafte, contrived a fhuttle, by means of .which one man could do the work of two, in the coarse goods, and that he likewife made feveral improvements in the colours and pat terns of the finer goods; and that the people, inftead of abufing him and breaking his fhuttles, fpeedily adopted them, and imitated him in his other improvements; in this cafe, as the coarse goods could be made much cheaper, though each separate weaver was paid more for his perfonal labour, and the fine goods were much more acceptable by being more beautiful, the demand for both would foon return to the fouth, that for the coarfe cheap goods would confider


ably increase; the double quantity of work performed on the coarse articles would all be fold, as the goods would be much cheaper than thofe that were made at the other manufactory of the fame kinds; and double the number of looms being now fet up, they would nor only employ all the weavers that half the number employed before, but twice the number of work-people, depending upon the quantity of yarn worked up. Twice the quantity of wool would be wanted; twice the quantity of carding; twice the quantity of fpinning, &c. fo that the number of people employed by this fingle invention would be exceedingly increased, and this manufactory would more than counterbalance the low price of labour in the north; fo far even as to draw back the people that had gone thither from the other, and in return endanger the ruin of the northern manufactory; where every thing and perfon depending upon the manufactory would languish, and the country be greatly diftreffed.

If, upon an attempt to introduce the fhuttles into the northern manufactory; upon a decline of trade, the miftaken people, instead of receiving them with joy, fhould rife in mobs, and break them to pieces, the total deftruction of their manufactory would probably be the confequence, while that in the fouth would rival them at their own doors, and get all their work-people and their customers.

By this prudent conduct the fouthern manufactory would become famous: but fhould the northern manufactory overcome their prejudices before the people were entirely difperfed, their bufinefs might revive; they would have fome advantage in the lower price of labour; they would probably fucceed well in the low-priced goods; while thofe in the fouth would be moft famous for the fine; and in this state the country would become famous, and an extenfive foreign commerce might be established and fupported to the benefit of the nation for many years. It would however be limited and counteracted by foreign rivals, fometimes lofing and fometimes gaining ground, as the varying price of labour and exertions of ingenuity Thould reciprocally take place; and if the price of labour fhould gradually rife in this country more than in the neighbouring nations, many articles might be loft; we might be beaten out of fome diftant markets, and the manufactory might gradually decline from this circumftance of the price of labour only.

Fourthly. But fuppofing the goods to be well and fkilfully manufactured, and a very extenfive commerce eftablished; fuppofing likewife the advancing price of labour was in fome measure counterbalanced by the aid of machines, and peculiar care and skill in finishing the goods, yet it is poffible that by a very general and unsuccessful war, by the advanced prices of freight, infurance, &c. our manufactories might experience unufual difficulties, and, be in great danger of ruin for want of foreign markets to which our manufacturers could have acceís.

In fuch a state of things, which I am forry to obferve is nearly our prefent condition, what is to be done? Are we to fit tamely down, and view with idle and ineffectual lamentations our approaching diftreffes? Or muft we exert ourselves like men, and refolve by the molt rational means to avoid them? It will answer po

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good end to deny the truth, and ridiculously to boat of our health when every fymptom of a fatal difeafe is manifelt. Some of our markets are lost; others are rendered difficult of accefs; the homė confumption is greatly diminished; Ireland, without a proportionate load of debt, will meet our manufacturers of wool at home and at fo reign MARKETS; and every one who is accustomed to commercial and political queftions knows that one third at least of the value of every piece of goods finished in this nation arifes from taxes; perhaps confiderably more. This is the weight that our manufactures of all kinds have long exifted under. It operates as fo much duty upon the exportation of them. To the abovementioned circumstances we must now add the extraordinary advance of infurance, freight, &c. brought on by the war; and then no man can wonder that their wool lies upon the farmers hands; that rents are not paid; and that all the landed property in the kingdom has funk one third in value. That is, in a few years we have completely undone the bufinefs of a century; money being advanced, and lands lowered to the prices they were at about one hundred years ago!

It must be evident to any perfon who calmly confiders the prefent fate of things in this country, that our manufactures and all our property muft till fuffer more, unless fome speedy and powerful remedies be applied.

The grand object must be, to remove, as far as is practicable, all the obstructions between us and our old markets; and as Ireland is to fhare with us in a free trade, if poffible to find new markets, that there may be room enough for us all.

• But we can neither fupply old markets nor new ones, if our heavy taxes, and confequently the price of labour, already much too high, fhould daily advance.

There are feveral ways of lowering the price of labour in a country. The first, most falutary, and most confillent with true policy, is lowering the expences of government.

The fecond, which would alfo be very judicious, and make our Connexions with the East Indies fomewhat lefs alarming, as well as our property more real, to take as much fictitious money out of circulation as poffible immediately, and gradually to diminish it. The contrary policy is one principal caufe of the prefent deplorable con'dition of this country. This principle will explain to the intelligent Treader why Europe, fo long as its prefent policy exifts, can never fafely have a free trade with the East Indies, into which the riches of Europe have been flowing for ages, without considerably advancing the nominal prices of labour. Much inore might be faid upon this very curious and interesting fubject: but I must leave it to public confideration, and proceed to the third method of reducing the price of labour, which high taxes and expenfive habits of life force manufacturing countries to adopt; and that is the use and conflant improvement of machines, to counterbalance taxes, and fhorten labour.

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If all these measures were adopted; if the taxes were reduced; if confiderable quantities of paper money were taken out of circulation; and if our manufacturers of wool, in particular, were to adopt

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