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"White Collar Automation," by Thomas O'Toole, from the Reporter, De-
cember 5, 1963_.





From May to December 1963, the Subcommittee on Employment and Manpower conducted extensive hearings designed to plumb the depths of the Nation's manpower and employment problem. This was the first time a congressional committee had attempted to look at our employment problems on a comprehensive rather than piecemeal basis. Members of the subcommittee had been convinced for some time that piecemeal policies were no longer adequate if the national goal of full employment, first proclaimed in the Employment Act of 1946, was ever to be achieved in the United States. Many members had begun to sense that a profound change was taking place in the kind of labor force required to man an increasingly sophisticated technological economy. The pace of this change, it seemed, had accelerated and posed serious challenges to the course of future social and economic policy. We referred to this complex phenomenon as a "manpower revolution."

The subcommittee heard over 150 witnesses. Yet, despite the enormous volume of testimony gathered, it was quite evident that much information still remained to be gathered if the subcommittee's eventual recommendations were to have any applicability to reality. This document supplements the testimony of witnesses heard by

the subcommittee.

In the hearings, an attempt was made to give voice to the full range of opinion on controversial issues. The same policy has been followed in selections for this volume. No member of this subcommittee agrees with the views of all of the authors. They cannot, for many of the views are diametrically opposed. Nevertheless, it is from the factual material and various viewpoints presented in the hearings, this volume, and other similar volumes which will follow, as well as other Sources, that the subcommittee members will form the conclusions which are embodied in their final report and recommendations.

Since the selected materials included herein will be essential to the subcommittee in its deliberations and enlightening for the Senate and Congress as a whole, I order this document to be printed. JOSEPH S. CLARK, Chairman, Subcommittee on Employment and Manpower.


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