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(1) If it is determined that the property so reported is not excess to the needs of the entire Marine Corps, redistribution of the property within the Marine Corps will be directed.

(2) If it is determined that the propérty is excess to the needs of the entire Marine Corps, it will be further reported to the Materiel Redistribution Division, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, for Department of Defense screening, provided that the property concerned is in a reportable category. If the property is in a non-reportable category, appropriate disposition instructions will be issued.

f. In the event property once reported as excess is later desired by the reporting activity, a Standard Form 120, original and four (4) copies, withdrawing the property concerned should be forwarded to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CSQ). Justification for the withdrawal will be stated in an enclosure to the Standard Form 120. The Standard Form 120 should be conspicuously marked with the word, "WITHDRAWAL".

g. Material determined to be scrap, salvage or waste material in accordance with paragraph 60051 will be reported to the nearest authorized selling activity (including Navy) listed in paragraph 60122. If no such facilities are immediately available such material will be reported to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code CSQ) for instructions. Salvage material will be reported to authorized selling activities on Standard Form 120, original and four (4) copies; scrap and waste material will be reported by letter, original and two copies. (See also paragraph 51244.) In each case the appropriate form will be transmitted by letter, stating location of the material, the name, location and telephone number and extension of the official to be contacted by prospective purchasers desiring to inspect; days and hours when material will be available for inspection, and any special requirements or instructions affecting disposition. The Marine Corps selling activities listed in paragraph 60122 will dispose of all locally generated scrap, salvage and waste material, and quantities of such material reported to them for disposition, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. If the Redistribution Officer at the selling activity determines that property which has been recommended for disposal as scrap, salvage or waste, is usable, the report shall be referred to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code CSQ) for disposition, notifying the holding activity of his action. Disposition of certain scrap metals, on which specific limitations have been placed, will be as directed by the Commandant of the Marine Corps in separate correspondence. Under


circumstances will property be shipped from a non-selling activity to an authorized selling activity for sales purposes except with express permission of the authorized selling activity.

h. Subject to approval of the Commandant of the Marine Corps, excess usable personal property may be reported to the nearest authorized selling activity (including Navy) listed in paragraph 60122, on Standard Form 120, original and two (2) copies, for disposal by sale in the same manner prescribed for scrap, salvage and waste material in paragraph 60052-1g.

i. Except for requests for donation of surplus property in a nonreportable category to Service Educational Activities and Education and Public Health Institutions covered by paragraphs 60055.3 and 60055.4, all other requests received by Marine Corps activities from colleges, universities, etc., for donations, and requests from other Government agencies for the transfer of property will be forwarded to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code CSQ) for instructions.

j. To facilitate disposal action, nonselling activities should maintain close liaison with the selling activities operation in order to minimize errors by non-selling activities such as referral of property for sale or scrap when it should be referred to as salvage material or usable property, or vice versa, and the reporting of a small lot as organization excess, etc. Non-selling activities may request advice and instructions regarding scrap and salvage determinations from the nearest selling activity in advance of actual referral of material for sale or reporting. It is extremely important that the description of material referred to the authorized selling activity be complete and accurate in all respects; see paragraph 6001. Authorized selling activities are authorized to reject any referral of property for sale or reporting which is not properly described and presented.

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2. Information Required. Standard Forms 120 and 120a will be filled out completely in accordance with instructions on the reverse of the forms and in accordance with the following subparagraphs:

a. Block 1. Reports will be numbered by assigning a report number-fiscal year combination. The number series will begin with number 1 on the first report starting with each fiscal year (Example: 1-54, 2-54, 67-54, etc.). Reports which amend previous reports or which effect withdrawal of material will be assigned the number of the previous applicable report, followed by a small letter suffix (Example: la-54, 2a-54, 67a-54, etc.). Codes, symbols, or control numbers required for local control may be entered in the upper left hand corner of the form opposite Standard Form 120, but not in block (1) of the form. The applicable Federal Stock Number (FSN) and Federal Item Identification Number (FIIN) will be included in the detailed description of each line item (block (17)), when such cataloging information is available in order to effect maximum identification and utilization of material.

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commonly understood abbreviation may be used.

j. Block 10. Enter the name, title, address and telephone number of the person who may be contacted for further information about the property.

k. Block 11. Enter Commandant of the Marine Corps (CSQ), Headquarters Marine Corps, Washington 25, D. C.

Block 12. If property is at a location to be abandoned or to be put in a standby status, enter the date for such abandonment or standby status. If located on excess realty, indicate such fact by an (x) in the appropriate square.

m. Block 13. The only property which will be indicated in Block 13 as reimbursable is Marine Corps Stock Fund material held by stores reporting activities or by Individual Clothing Accounts (organic) of the regular Marine Corps or other property financed by working capital funds. When reimbursement is required for the property the appropriation or fund to be reimbursed will be cited. Reimbursement will not be construed to mean reimbursement for property when the proceeds are ultimately to be credited to Miscellaneous Receipts.

n. Block 14. When excess contractor inventory property is reported, in addition to checking the appropriate square in block 14, the applicable contract number will be entered. Other property will not be included in a report of contractor inventory.

o. Block 15. Enter the name and title of the person authorized to approve the report. The original of the report will be signed by such person.

p. Block 16. Enter appropriate Federal Supply Classification Group number (two digits) as listed in Cataloging Handbook H2-1 of May, 1955.

q. Block 17. Description. The description of property reported will be in commercial terminology. A complete and accurate description is of paramount importance since the description of reported property is the sole means by which potential users can determine its suitability to fill requirements. When necessary, the description will refer to technical manuals of manufacturers' catalogs for additional information but under no circumstances will catalog numbers or stock numbers alone be considered as sufficient information for screening purposes. The description of each line item will include the applicable federal stock number (FSN) or the federal item identification number (FIIN)

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Used property, in good condition but considerable repairs required; estimated cost of repairs would be from 11% to 25% of acquisition cost.

Used property, in fair condition but extensive repairs required; estimated repair costs would be from 26% to 40% of acquisition cost. Used property, in poor condition and requiring major repairs; badly worn, and would still be in doubtful condition of dependability and uneconomical in use if repaired; estimated repair costs between 41% to 65% of acquisition cost.

Salvage; personal property that has some value in excess of its basic material content but which is in such condition that it has no reasonable prospect of use for any purpose as a unit (either by the holding or any other federal agency) and its repair or rehabilitation for use as a unit (either by the holding or any other federal agency) is clearly impracticable; repairs or rehabilitation estimated to cost in excess of 65% of acquisition cost would be considered clearly impracticable for purposes of this definition.

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necessity of dismantling, testing, or other reasons which would preclude an estimate by visual inspection alone. If the condition codes do not adequately reflect the condition of the material reported, a narrative description will be included, showing major components damaged or missing.

3. Withdrawal of Property. At any time prior to its actual redistribution or disposal, property which has been reported for screening, but withdrawal of which becomes desirable in order to serve a current use or known requirement, may be withdrawn by the reporting activity. Standard Form 120 will be used and an original and four (4) copies will be forwarded to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CSQ).

4. Reporting of Excess Personal Property. Excess personal property falling into the following categories will be reported to this Headquarters on separate Standard Forms


a. Marine Corps Appropriation Stores Account Material in N-1, N-2, N-3, E-1, E-2, E-3, O-1, 0-2, 0-3, R-1 and R-2 condition with a line item value of $300 or more.

b. Marine Corps Appropriation Stores Account Material in N-4-E-4, O-4, R-3 and R-4 condition with a line item value of $300

or more.

c. Marine Corps Appropriation Stores Account Material in Federal Supply Classification Groups 51, 52, 53, 56, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80 and 84 in N-1, N-2, N-3, E-1, E-2, E-3, 0-1, O-2, O-3, R-1 and R-2 condition with a line item value of $100 or


d. Marine Corps Stock Fund Account Material in N-1, N-2, N-3, E-1, E-2, E-3, 0-1, 0-2, O-3, R-1 and R-2 condition with a line item value of $300 or more.

e. Marine Corps Stock Fund Account Material in N-4, E-4, O-4, R-3 and R-4 condition with a line item value of $300 or more.

f. Marine Corps Stock Fund Account Material in Federal Supply Classification Groups 51, 52, 53, 56, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, and 84 in N-1, N-2, N-3, E-1, E-2, E-3, O-1, O-2, O-3, R-1 and R-2 condition with a line item value of $100 or more.

5. Small Lots. Small lots of excess personal property, as defined in Paragraph 60001.1, are in a nonreportable category, and may be disposed of by sale without reporting to Headquarters Marine Corps on Standard Form 120. This action, however, is contingent upon the receipt of instructions

from the cognizant supply section of Headquarters Marine Corps that the property concerned is no longer desired in the supply system. Property in this category, however, will be made available to the following activities for a period of ten (10) days prior to being offered for sale:

a. Service Educational Activities listed in Paragraph 303.1, Navy Property, Redistribution and Disposal Regulations No. 1.

b. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.


1. GENERAL. Property may be donated only after it has been determined to be surplus, a disposal by donation being the final alternative to its sale, destruction, or abandonment. Any need by a federal agency is paramount to a donation if it is brought to the attention of the holding activity or authorized selling activity prior to shipment or delivery to the prospective donee. Similarly, the donation of surplus property to an authorized donee is paramount to the sale, destruction, or abandonment, but once an invitation or sales letter has been distributed or a sale advertised no property included in the invitation letter or advertisement will be withdrawn from the sale for purposes of donation.

2. PROPERTY WHICH MAY BE DONATED. In general any personal property which has been determined to be surplus may be donated, except that contractor inventory material may be donated only as an alternative to its destruction or abandonment. Property of a security nature or dangerous to public health or safety will not be donated without prior approval of the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CSQ).

3. DONATIONS TO SERVICE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES. Upon receipt of a written request, surplus property in a nonreportable category (including Marine Corps Stock Fund Account Material) may be donated to Service Educational Activities listed in Paragraph 303.1, Navy Property, Redistribution and Disposal Regulations No. 1. Written requests for donation to these activities shall contain as a minimum, (a) name of designated educational activity, (b) complete identification of personal property requested and (c) certification by the designated educational activity that the personal property requested is usable and necessary to it. No other approval is required. A report of the dollar value (estimated if not known) of property donated in accordance with this paragraph will be submitted each month as an addendum to NAVMC Form 10306-SD.

4. DONATIONS TO EDUCATIONAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTIONS. Upon receipt of a written request, surplus property in a nonreportable category (including Marine Corps Stock Fund Account Material) may be donated to Educational and Public Health Institutions. Such requests, however, must be approved by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the General Services Administration or responsible regional representative. A report of the dollar value (estimated if not known) of property donated in accordance with this paragraph will be submitted each month as an addendum to NAVMC Form 10306-SD.


1. Local area screening is now on a permissive basis and restricted to military activities within a radius of 100 miles of the selling activity concerned. Selling activities are authorized to discontinue local area screening if past results indicate that the effort and labor involved are not justified.

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