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ary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. The months are not all of the same length some of them contain thirty days; others thirty-one; and one month, February, has only twenty-eight days. If you learn this little verse, you will know how many days are in each month.

Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November;
February hath twenty-eight alone;
All the rest have thirty-one.

Leap year happens once in four years, and then there are twenty-nine days in February, instead of twenty-eight. And now you have learned how many days there are in each month, can you tell me how many there are in a year? There are three hundred and sixty-five days in one year. What a great number that is! I dare say you think this a very long time indeed. But yet, when a year is gone, it seems far shorter than a year to come; and old people, who have lived a great many years, think all their life seems short, when they look


All time seems short when it is past; but eternity is very long, for it will never be past. Eternity is time that has no end. Our souls will live to all eternity: they will never die. Our bodies will be raised up at the last day; and then they, too, will live eternally.

Where shall we live through all eternity? Either in heaven or in hell. If we live now as God's children, if our sins are washed away


with the blood of Jesus, and our hearts made clean by the Holy Spirit, we shall live with God in heaven; we shall be more happy than tongue can tell. But if we will not follow Jesus here, and walk in his ways, we shall be sent to hell, and dwell there in dreadful torment, for ever and ever. How very very dreadful that must


Oh, let us spend our time well, that we may spend eternity happily. Let us not delay to pray to God to forgive our sins, for the sake of Jesus Christ; and to give us his Holy Spirit, to make us holy. This is the great use of timeto become fit for heaven.

Or what is time made up?
How many days make a week?
Repeat the days of the week.

Which of these days should we like best?

Give me another name for Sunday.

Why is it called the Lord's day?

How many weeks make a month ?

How many months a year?

Name the months.

Have they all the same number of days?

How many days make a year?

Which is the shortest month?

Has February ever more than twenty-eight days in it?

How often does leap year come?

How does time seem to us when it is past ?

What is eternity?

What part of us never dies?

Where must eternity be spent?

What can alone enable us to spend eternity in


What is the great use of time?

Who must fit us for heaven?

Then have we nothing to do ?—Yes, we must ask God for his Holy Spirit; and here is his promise, Matt. vii. 7.


FAITH is a short word, that we meet with very often in the word of God. It is a very important word, and we should seek the right meaning of it. To believe what any one tells us, is to have faith in that person; and to believe what God says in his word, is to have faith in that word. Where do we find the word of God? In the Bible.


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I am now going to tell you how a very pious clergyman taught his daughter the meaning of faith. This clergyman preached in a church in London; his name was Mr. Cecil. When his daughter was quite a little girl, he one day came into the room, and saw her playing with some beads. You shall hear what he said and did. "My dear," said he, " you have some pretty beads there." Yes, papa." "And you seem vastly pleased with them. Well, now, throw them into the fire." The tears started into the little girl's eyes, and she looked earnestly at her father, as if to know the reason why he wished her to make such a sacrifice. "Well, my dear," said he, "do as you please; but you know I never told you to do any thing which I did not think would be for your good.' She looked at him a few moments longer, then, summoning all

her fortitude, she dashed the beads into the fire. "Well," said her father, "let them lie there; you shall hear more about them another time."

Some days after this, he brought her a box full of larger and prettier beads. When he came home, and opened the box in her presence, the little girl burst into tears of joy. * These, my dear child," said Mr. Cecil, 66 are yours, because you believed me when I told you to throw those pretty beads into the fire: your obedience has brought you this treasure. But now, my dear, remember as long as you live what faith is. I did all this to teach you the meaning of faith. You threw your beads into the fire, because you had faith in me that I never advised you but for your good. Put the same confidence in God, believe everything he says in his word. Whether you understand it or not, have faith in him that he means your good.'

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Thus did this good clergyman instruct his daughter what faith means. Now do you, my dear young readers, always remember this story, and always remember to take God at his word. Believe every thing you read in the Bible; and pray to God to help you, by his Holy Spirit, to live so that every one may see that you do believe.

WHAT gift is faith? See Ephes. ii. 8.

What is the meaning of the word faith?

What does the Bible call upon us to believe ?—All that is written therein.

Why should we believe the Bible?-It is God's word.

What must we specially believe in God's word, if we wish to be saved?-That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

Of whom have you been reading in the story on faith?

What did he wish to teach his little girl?
Repeat their conversation.

Did the child do what her father bade her?
What did she show by this?

How did he reward her confidence, or faith, in him? Shall we not always find God equally good, if we trust him?

Who must help us to take God at his word?


O SAY, what is that thing call'd light
Which I must ne'er enjoy?

What are the blessings of the sight?
O tell a poor blind boy.

You talk of wondrous things you see;
You say the sun shines bright.
I feel him warm; but how can he
Or make it day or night?

My day and night myself I make,
Whene'er I sleep or play ;
And, could I always keep awake,
With me 'twere always day.

With heavy sighs, I often hear
You mourn my hapless woe;
But sure, with patience, I can bear
A loss I ne'er can know.

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