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NOTHER volume of the Annual Register

is now offered to the attention, and, as we trust, the approbation of the Public. It contains the history of a most important, interesting, and eventful period. It involves all the extraordi. nary events, which, through this year, have agitated Europe ; and the progressive state of the French Revolution, which is the parent of them. The Reader, therefore, when he finds that our historical department is greatly enlarged, will do us the justice to believe, that we are governed by those considerations which will support our pretensions to his favour ; that we accommodate our labours to the nature of our work, as it may present itself before us ; and that we are not deterred by any extraordinary demands which


may be made upon our exertions, by the multiplying events, both foreign and domestic, of the times that are passing by us.

In the Preface to the volume with which the work commenced, its nature and design were fully explained; and, by the encreasing favour which has attended its progressive publication, its object may be said to have been completely obtained. Nor shall we hesitate to add, that the nation at large has been furnished, by its means, with a copious source of solid information and elegant amusement; with knowledge, which at once instructs and adorns the mind, and, by its diversity, heightens the intercourse of social life. It has, indeed, been long and universally acknowledged, that the Annual Register has amply gratified the taste it has contributed to improve. To this opinion of the original work, we must beg leave to add, in behalf of ourselves, who have undertaken to continue it, that we shall keep in view the merits of its original writers ; and, as we shall endeavour to observe the same impartiality, to look to the fame resources, and


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to practise the same industry, may we not, without presumption, encourage the hope, that we fhall receive the same approbation.-Nor will it furely be considered as a waste of professions, when we represent ourselves as being influenced by the genuine spirit which characterises every true Briton ; that we are firm supporters of our molt happy and glorious constitution, which has fo long preferved, and will, we doubt not, continue to preserve to us, a state of unrivalled freedom and prosperity; that, in every situation and circumstance, our country will be most dear to us; and that it is not as literary men alone, we shall be ever ready to devote ourselves to its service.

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The volume, for the year 1791, has been published by gentlemen with whom we have no concern. They have also announced a succeeding volume for 1792, which does not appear to be yet compleated. To revive, therefore, the languid expectations of the former purchasers of Dopsley's Annual Register, and to freethem from any disappointment in the delivery of those vo


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lumes, which are wanting to render the work complete to the present time, the proprietors confider it as their duty to declare, that they will publish two volumes every year till that object is attained. It is also their fixed intention to publish the volumes for the years 1791 and 1792, with all possible expedition. At the same time, they beg leave to announce the Annual Register, for the year 1797, to be in such an advanced state, as to promise a very early appearance. - In short, with every other endeavour to merit a continuance of the public patronage, they will not fail to observe the same punctuality that distinguishes the volume which is now presented to it.

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Candid of France. Opening of the Scheldi. The French Decree of Fraterzi). Clubs and Societies of Republicans and Levellers. Asociations formed to counteract them in London and every part of the Kingdom. Militia Esbedied. Parliament fummoned. Internal condition of France. Dimention of the Party in Opposition. Speech from the Throne. The Address moved. Debate on the Address; in the House of Commons and House of Lords

. Debate in the House of Commons on bringing up the Report of ibe Address. The Motion of Mr. Fox for sending a Minister to negociale Bib France. Debate on that Motion, General Reflexions.

now approach the period ary principles; the emissaries which

when Great-Britain relin- it encouraged in this country; the quifhed its neutral character, and connection it had formed with cerbecame a party in the war that had tain political societies established traversed the Austrian Netherlands, in London; and the manner in and threatened the dominions of which deputies from them had been the United Provinces.

received at their bar, had already, The zeal with which the French it was alleged, excited the vigi. Convention propagated revolution. lance of the British government,




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