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be presented to the Academy at its first stated session in each year, and referred with the accounts to the auditing committee.

III. A committee of arrangements consisting of five members shall be appointed by the president for each stated session of the Academy. This committee shall meet not less than two weeks previous to each session. It shall be in session during the meetings to make arrangements for the reception of the members; to arrange the business of each day; to receive the titles of papers, reports, etc.; and to arrange the order of reading, and, in general, to attend to all business and scientific arrangements.

IV. At the meetings, the order of business shall be as follows:

1. Chair taken by the president, or, in his absence, by the vice-president.

2. Roll of members called by home secretary.

3. Minutes of the preceding meeting read and approved.

4. Stated business.

5. Reports of president, secretaries, treasurer, and committees.

6. Business from council.

7. Other business.

8. On the last days of the session, the rough minutes of that day's proceedings are to be read for correction.

V. The rules of order of the Academy shall be those of the Senate of the United States, unless suspended by unanimous consent.

VI. Unless otherwise ordered by the Academy, the scientific meetings shall be convened at noon.

VII. The death of members shall be announced by the president on the last day of any session, when a member shall be selected by the president to furnish a biograpical notice of the deceased at the next stated session. If such notice be not then furnished, another member may be selected by the president in place of the first, and so on until the duty is performed.

VIII. All discussions as to the claims and qualifications of nominees at meetings of the Academy will be held strictly confidential, and remarks and criticisms then made may be communicated to no person who was not a member of the Academy at the time of the discussion.

IX. The secretaries will receive memoirs at any time, and report the date of their reception at the next session. But no memoir shall be published unless it has been read before the Academy.

X. Memoirs shall date in the records of the Academy from the date of their presentation to the Academy, and the order of their presentation shall be that in which they were registered, unless changed by consent of the author.

XI. Papers from persons not members, read before the Academy, and intended for publication, shall be referred, at the meeting at which they are read, to a committee of members competent to judge whether the paper is worthy of publication. Such committee shall report to the

Academy as early as practicable, and not later than the next stated session.

XII. An annual of the Academy shall be prepared and published by the secretaries.

XIII. The printing of the Academy shall be under the charge of a committee of publication, to consist of the home secretary, and four other members to be named by the president, with the advice and consent of the council.

XIV. The annual report of the Academy may be accompanied by a memorial to Congress in regard to such investigations and other subjects as may be deemed advisable, recommending appropriations therefor when necessary.

XV. The proper secretary shall acknowledge all donations made to the Academy, and shall report them at the next stated session.

XVI. The books, apparatus, archives, and other collections of the Academy shall be deposited in some safe place in the city of Washington. A list of the articles so deposited shall be kept by the home secretary, who is authorized to employ a clerk to take charge of them.

XVII. A stamp corresponding to the corporate seal of the Academy shall be kept by the secretaries, who shall be responsible for the due marking of all books and other objects to which it is applicable.

Labels, or other proper marks of similar device, shall be placed upon objects not admitting of the stamp.

XVIII. On the first day of each stated session, immediately after calling the roll of members, a recording secretary shall be elected by a plurality of members present, to assist the home secretary in keeping the records of the session.

XIX. It shall be the duty of the committee of arrangements to fix the length of time to be devoted to reading of all papers submitted, and to limit the time to be occupied in their discussion.

XX. Ballots for election of members may be sent by sealing them up in a blank envelope, and inclosing this in another, across the back of which is written the name of the sender, and which is addressed to the home secretary; such envelopes will be opened only by the tellers. XXI. Any rule of the Academy may be amended, suspended, or repealed on the written motion of any two members, signed by them, and presented at a stated session of the Academy, provided the same shall be approved by a majority of the members present.

XXII. Nominations for membership should state the full name, residence, the official position, and the special scientific studies of the candidate. A form of nomination shall be prepared by the home secretary.

By a resolution adopted January 12, 1864, the president is, ex officio, a member of all Government committees of the Academy.

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On Reserving Public Lands on and near Mount Whitney, California, for Scientific Purposes.

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