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Compassed cape, a round cape. Coted, quoted, regarded. Curiosity, curiousness, finiral de
Compassed window, a bow-window. Cotsale, Cotswood in Gloucest. licacy.
Compassionate, plaintive. Couch, to lie with.

Curious, scrupulous.
Compose, to come to a composition. Count, to reckon upon.

Curled, ostentatiously dressed. Composture, composition. Countenance, favour; also, false Currents, occurrences. Composition, bargain; also, con- appearance, hypocrisy. Cursed, under the influence of a sistency. Counter, a hunting term.

malediction. Competitors, confederates. Counter-caster, one who reckons Curst

, petulant, ill-tempered Complements, accomplishinents. with counters.

crabbed, harsh. Complexion, humour.

Counter-check, a term in chess. Curstness, ill-humour,
Comply, to compliment.
Counterfeit, a portrait.

Curtail, a little cur.
Comptible, submissive.

Counterpoints, counterpanes. Curtal, a docked horse. Conceit, imagination, wit, idea. County, count, earl.

Curtle-axe, a cutlass, broad-sword. Conceited, ingenious. Couplement, a couple.

Customer, a strumpet. Concent, connected harmony. Courses, the mainsail and foresail Cut, a horse. Conclusions, experiments. Court-cupboard, sideboard. Cut and longtail, poor and rich. Concupy, concupiscence. Court confect, a spurious noble- Cuttle, a knife used by sharpers. Condolement, sorrow.

Cyprus, a transparent stuff.
Conduct, conductor.

Court holy-water, flattery.
Coney-catched, tricked.
Covered, hollow.

Coney-catcher, a cheat.

Cowed, awed.
Confession, profession
Cower, to sink down.

Daff, or doff, to put off.
Confineless, boundless.

Cowlstaff, a staff used in carrying Dally, to trifle. Confound, to destroy.

a basket.

Damn, to condemn
Conject, conjecture
Coy, to soothe.

Danger, controul.
Consent, will, conspiracy Coyed, yielded reluctantly. Dank, wet, rotten.
Consider, reward.

Coystril, a coward cock, a pol. Danskers, natives of Denmark. Consigned, sealed.


Darkling, in the dark. Consist, stand.

Cozier, a tailor, a botcher. Darraign, to arrange. Consort, company

Crack, dissolution; also, a boy. Daub, to disguise. Conspectuity, sight.


Daubery, falsehood, counterfeit. Constancy, consistency. Cranks, windings.

Day-bed, a couch. Constantly, certainly.

Cranking, or crankling, the rush Day-light, broad day. Contemptible, contemptuous.

of a river.

Day-woman, dairymaid. Continuate, uninterruptea. Crants, garlands.

Dealt, fought by proxy. Continue, to spend.

Crare, a small trading vessel. Dear, immediate, consequential Continent, containing.

Crash, to be merry over. Dearn, direful, lonely, solitary. Contraction, marriage-contract. Craven, a cowardly cock, mean, Death-tokens, spots on those in. Contrarious, different.


fected with the plague. Contrary, to contradict. Create, compounded, made up of. Death's-man, executioner. Contrive, to spend, to wear out. Credent, credible.

Debitor, debtor. Control, confute.

Credit, account, information, cre- Deboshed, debauched. Convents, agrees, is convenient. dulity.

Decay, poverty, misfortunes. Convented, summoned.

Cressets, lights set upon a beacon. Deck of cards, a pack. Conversion, change of condition. Cressive, increasing.

Decked, sprinkled. Converse, associate, interchange. Crest, the summit

Decline to run through (as in Convertite, a convert.

Crestless, those who have no right grammar) from first to last. Convey, to steal.

to armorial bearings.

Declined, the fallen.
Conveyance, slight of hand, theft. Crewel, worsted.

Deem, opinion, surmise.
Conveyers, thieves.
Crisp, curled, winding.

Deer, animals in general.
Conveyed himself, derived his Critic, cynic.

Default (in the), at a need.
Critical, censorious.

Defeat, to free, to disembarrass.
Convicted, overpowered, baffled. Crone, a very old woman. Defeature, alteration of features.
Convince, to convict, to subdue. Crosses, money stamped with a Defence, art of fencing.
Convive, to feast.

Defend, to forbid. Copatain hat, a hat with a conical Crow-keeper, a scarecrow. Deftly, adroitly, dexterously. Crownet, last purpose.

Defy, to reject.
Cope, encounter, covering. Crulentious, cruel.

Degrees, steps.
Copped, rising to a top or head. Crusado, a Portuguese coin. Delay, to let slip.
Copy, theme.
Crush, to drink.

Demerits, merits.
Coragio, courage, be of good Crush a cup, to crack a bottle. Demurely, solemnly.
Cry, a pack of hounds.

Denay, denial.
Corinth, a brothei.
Cry aim, to encourage.

Denayed, denied
Corinthian, a wencher.
Crystals, the eyes.

Denier, a coin.
Corky, dry, withered.

Cub-drawn, alluding to a bear Denude, to strip, livest. Corollary, surplus.

whose dugs are dry.

Deny, to refuse. Corporal, corporeal,

Cue, a theatrical term, the last Depart, to part. Corrigible, corrected.

word of the preceding speech. Departing, separation. Costard, a head.

Cuisses, armour for the thighs. Depend, to he in service.
Coster-monger, a dealer in costers Cullion, a paltry fellow.

Deprive, to disinherit.
or apples.
Cunning, knowledge.

Deracinate, to root up.
Cute, to overtake.

Curb, to bend or truckle. Derogate, degraded

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Descant, to harangue upon; also, Drawn fox, one which is trailed Envy, aversion, malice. a term in music,

over the ground, to deceive Enviously, angrily. Deserved, deserving.

the hounds.

Ephesian, a cant term.
Design, to inark ont.
Drachmas, a Greek coin.

Erring, errant, wandering.
Despatched, bereft.

Dressings, appearances of virtue. Escape, illegitimate child.
Detected, suspected.
Drew, assembled.

Escoted, paid.
Ditch, do it.

Drive, to fly with impetuosity. Esil, or Eisel, a river. [family Dickon, Richard.

Drollery, a puppet-shew. Esperance, motto of the Percy
Die, gaming.
Drugs, drudges.

Espials, spies.
Diet, to compel to fast.
Drumble, to act lazily.

Essential, existent, real.
Diffused, wild, irregular.

Ducdame (duc ad me), bring him Estimate, price. Digress, to deviate from what is to me, the burthen of a song. Estimation, conjecture. right.

Dudgeon, the handle of a dagger. Estridges, ostriches.
Digression, transgression.
Due, to endue, to deck.

Eterne, eternal.
Dildos, the burthen of a song.
Dullard, a stupid person.

Even, to make even, or evident.
Dint, impression.
Dump, a mournful elegy.

Even christian, fellow-christian. Disable, to undervalue. Dup, to do up, to lift up.

Evils, jakes.
Disappointed, unprepared. Dull, gentle soothing.

Examined, doubted.
Discandy, to dissolve.
Dumb, to make silent.

Excellent differences, distinguished
Disclose, to hatch.
Duke, a leader.

excellencies. Discontents, malcontents. Durance, some lasting kind of Excrement, the beard. Discourse, reason.


Execute, to use or emp.oy. Disease, uneasiness, discontent.

Executors, executioners. Diseases, sayings.


Exercise, exhortation. Disgrace, hardship, injury. Eager (from aigre, Fr.), sour, Exhale, to breathe one's last. Dishabited, dislodged.


Exhaust, to draw forth.
Dislike, displease.
Eanlings, lambs.

Exhibition, allowance.
Dislimn, to unpaint, obliterate. Ear, to plough:

Exigent, end, exigency.
Disme, tenth, or tithe.
Ear-kissing, whispering.

Exorcism, the raising of spirits
Disnatured, wanting natural af- Easy, slight, inconsiderable. Expect, expectation.
Eche, to eke out.

Expedience, expedition. Dispark, to destroy a park or in- Ecstasy, madness.

Expedient, expeditious. closure.

Effects, affections; also, actions, Expediently, expeditiously. Disperge, to sprinkle.

deeds effected.

Expostulate, to discuss. Disponge, to discharge as a Eftest, readiest.

Exsufilicate, bubble-like.
Egypt, a gipsy.

Extend, to seize.
Dispose, disposal, command. Eld, old time; also, aged persons. Extent, violence, seizure.
Dispose, to make terms.
Element, initiation.

Extern, external.
Disposition, frame.

Elf, done by elves, or fairies. Extremity, calamity.
Disseat, displace, depose. Elvish-marked, marked by elves. Expiate, to end.
Dissemble, to gloss over, disguise. Emballing, distinguished by the Exposture, exposure.
Dissembling, putting dissimilar ball, the emblem of royalty, Express, to reveal.
things together.
Embare, to expose.

Expulsed, expelled.
Distained, unstained.

Embarquements, impediments. Extracting, distracting.
Distaste, to corrupt.

Embossed, inclosed, swollen, puffy. Extravagant, wandering.
Distemper, intoxication.
Embowelled, exhausted.

Eyas musket, a young hawk. Distemperature, perturbation. Embraced, indulged in.

Eyases, nestlings.
Distempered, out of humour.
Empericutick, empirical.

Eyliads, eyes.
Distraught, distracted.

Empery, sovereign power. Eyne, eyes.
Distractions, detachments, cepa- Emulous, envious, jealous. Eyry, a nest of hawks,
rate bodies.
Emulation, envy.

Eysel, vinegar.
Divert, to turn aside.

Encave, to hide. Division, a term in music. Endart, to dart forth.

F. Doff, to put off.

Enfeoff, to invest with possession. Pace, to carry a foolish appea. Dole, alms, distribution, lot. Engross, to fatten. Dolphin, the dauphin.

Engaged, delivered as an hostage. Face-royal, a privileged face.
Don, to put on, to do on. Engrossments, accumulation. Facinorous, wicked.
Done to death, killed.
Enkindle, to stimulate.

Fact, guilt.
Done, expended, consumed. Enmesh, to inclose, as in meshes. Factions, active.
Done upon the gad, suddenly. Enmew (in falconry), to force to Faculty, exercise of power.
Dotant, dotard.

lie in cover.

Fadge, to suit.
Double, full of duplicity.
Enridged, bordered.

Fadings, a dance.
Double vouchers, a law term. Ensconce, to secure in a safe Faith, fidelity.
Doubt, to fear.

place, to fortify.

Faithfully, fervently
Dout, to do out, extinguish. Enseamed, greasy.

Fain, fond.
Dowle, a feather.
Enseer, to dry up.

Fair, for fairness.
Down-gyved, hanging down, like Enshield, concealed.

Faitors, traitors. what confines the fetters Ensteeped, immersed.

Falsing, falsifying. round the ancles.

Entertainment, pay; also, being Falsely, illegally, dishonesty. Draught, the jakes.

received into service. Familiar, a demon. Draw, to withdraw.

Entreatments, favours; also, ob- Fancies and good-nights, Little Drawn, embowelled.

jects of entreaty.

poems so called


Fancy, love.

Flecked, spotted, streaker. Galliasses, ships.
Fancy-free, clear of love. Fleet, for float.

Gallimaufry, à medley.
Fang, to seize.
Fleshment, performance.

Gallow, to scare.
Fans, ancient.
Flewed, deep-mouthed.

Gallow-glasses, Irish foot-soldiers
Fantastical, imaginative.
Flibbertigibbet, a fiend.

Garboils, commotions. Fantasticoes, affected persons. Flickering, fluttering.

Gaping, shouting.
Fap, beaten, drunk

Flight, a sort of shooting. Garish, gaudy.
Farced, stuffed.
Flote, wave.

Garnered, treasured up.
Fardel or Farthel, a burthen. Flourish, to ornament; also, to Gasted, frighted.
Fashions, the farcens, a disease of sanction.

Gaudy, a festival. horses.

Flout, to wave in mockery. Gaunt, meagre.
Fat, dull.
Flush, mature.

Gawd, a bauble.
Favour, countenance.

Foeman, an enemy in war. Gaze, attention. Favours, features.

Foin, to thrust in fencing. Gear, things or matters.
Fear, to intimidate, danger! Foizon, plenty

Geck, a fool.
Feared, afraid.
Folly, depravity.

General, generality.
Fearful, timorous; also, formid Fond, foolish.

Generosity, high birth. able,

Fools' zanies, baubles surmounted Generous, nobly, born. Feat, dexterous.

with a fool's head.

Gennets, Spanish horses.
Feated, made ncat.

Foot-cloth, horse-covering. Gentle, noble, high-born.
Feature, beauty.
For, because.

Gentry, complaisance.
Federacy, confederate.
Force, to stuff.

German, akin.
Fee-grief, a peculiar sorrow. Forced, false.

Germins, seeds begun to sprout.
Feeder, a dependant.
Forbid, accursed.

Gest, a stage or journey.
Feeding, maintenance.
Fordid, destroyed.

Gib, a cat.
Feere, or pheere, a companion. Fordo, to undo.

Giglot, a wanton.
Feet, footing.
Foredone, overcome.

Gilder, a coin, value 2s.
Fell, skin.
Forefended, forbidden.

Gilt, gold money.
Fell of hair, capilitium, any part Forepast, already had.

Gimmal, a ring or engine. covered with hair. Fore-slow, to loiter.

Ging, a gang. Fell-feats, savage actions. Forgetive, inventive.

Gird, a sarcasm.
Fence, the art of self-defence. Forked, horned.

Glaire, a sword.
Feodary, a confederate.
Formal, in form.

Gleek, to joke.
Festinately, hastily.
Former, foremost.

Glib, to geld.
Festival terms, elegant phrase. Forspent, exhausted.

Glooming, gloomy
Fet, fetched.
Forspoke, contradicted.

Gloze, to expound.
Few, in brief.
Forslow, delay.

Glut, to swallow.
Fico, a term of contempt. Forwearied, worn out.

Gnarled, knotty. Fielded, in the field of battle. Fox, a sword.

God 'ield you, God yield you. Fights, clothes hung round a ship Foxship, mean, cunning. Gongarian, Hungarian. to conceal the men from the Frampold, peevish.

Good-deed, indeed. enemy. Frank, a sty.

Good-den, good evening File, a list.

Franklin, a small freeholder. Good-jer, the venereal disease Filed, defiled. Frayed, frightened.

Gorbellied, corpulent. Filed, gone an equal pace with. Free, artless.

Gospelled, puritanic. Fills, the shafts.

Fret, the stop of a musical in. Goss, furze. Filths, common sewers.


Gossamer, atoms that float in he Finch egg, a gaudy fellow. Friend, a lover.

sun-beams. Fine, the conclusion, to make Friend, for friendship, to befriend. Gourds, dice. shewy, artful.

Frippery, an old clothes shop. Gouts, drops. Fine issues, great consequences. Frize, a Welch cloth.

Go your gait, go away. Fineless, boundless, endless. From, in opposition to.

Grained, furrowed, like the grain Finer, final. Fronted, opposed.

of wood: also, died :ngrain. Firago for Virago. Frontier, forehead.

Gramercy, great thanks. Fire-drake, will-o'-the-wisp, or a Frontlet, a forehead cloth. Grange, a lone farm-house. fire-work.

Frush, to break or bruise. Gratillity, gratuity.
Fire-new, quite new.
Fulham, false dice.

Grats, pleases.
Firk, to chastise.
Fulsome, obscene.

Gratulate, to be rejoiced in.
First-house, chief branch of the Furnishings, colours, pretences. Grave, to entomb.
Fustilarian, fusty fellow.

Grave-man, a man in his grave.
Firstlings, first produce. Fulfilling, filling to the brim. Graves or Greaves, leg-armour.
Fit, a division of a song.
Full, complete.

Greasily, grossly.
Fitchew, a polecat.
Fumiter, fumitory.

Greek, a bawd.
Fit o'the face, a grimace. Furnished, dressed.

Greenly, unskilfully: Fits o' the season, disorders of the

Green-sleeyes, an old song. G

Grise or Grize, a step. Fives, a distemper in horses. Gabardine, a loose cloak. Grossly, palpably. Fixure, position.

Gad, a sharp-pointed instrument. Groundlings, those who sat or Flap-dragon, inflammable d'uff Gain-giving, misgiving.

stood on the ground in the swallowed by topers. Gamester, a wanton.

old theatres ; the common Plaz, ack, a pancake. Gait, passage.

people. Flaw, a sudden gust of wind. Galliard, a dance

Guard, to fringe.


Guarded, ornamented.
Hurly, noise.

Intending, regarding.
Guerdon, a reward.
Hurtle, to dash against.

Intendment, intention.
Gules, (in heraldry) red.

Hurtling, boisterous merriment. Intention, eager desire.
Gulf, the swallow, the throat. Husbandry, thriftiness.

Intentively, attentively.
Guiled, treacherous.
Huswife, a jilt.

Interressed, interested.
Guinea-hen, a prostitute.
Hyen, hyæna.

Intergatories, interrogatories. Gun-stones, cannon-balls.

In that, because. Gurnet, a fish.


Intrenchant, which cannot be cut.
Gust, to taste.
Icebrook, temper.

Intrinse, intricate,
Gyve, to shackle.
Idle, barren.

Inwardness, intimacy.
Gyves, shackles.
Ifecks, in faith.

Iron, clad in armour.
Ignumy, ignominy.

Irregulous, licentious.
Iů-inhabited, ill-lodged.

Issues, consequences.
Hack, to become cheap. Illustrious, without lustre. Iteration, repetition.
Haggard, wild; also, wild hawk. Images, children, representatives. Itination, recitation.
Hair, complexion, or character. Imbare, to expose.
Hall! make room.
Immanity, barbarity.

Happily, accidentally.

Immediacy, close connexion. Jack-a-Lent, a puppet thrown at Happy, accomplished. Imp, progeny:

in Lent. Hardiment, bravery.

Impair, unsuitable, unequal. Jack-guardant, a jack in office.
Harlocks, wild mustard.
Impartial, partial.

Jack-sauce, a saucy fellow.
Harlot, a male cheat.
Impawned, wagered.

Jaded, worthless.
Harness, armour.
Imperious, imperial.

Jar, the noise made by the penduHarrows, subdues.

Impetticos, to impetticoat, or im- lum of a clock. Harry, to harass.


Jaunce, jaunt.
Having, possessions

Importance, importunity. Jauncing, jaunting.
Haviour, behaviour.
Important, importunate.

Jay, a wanton.
Haught, haughty.
Impose, injunction.

Jesses, straps of leather, fastened
Haughty, elevated.
Impositions, commands.

round hawks' legs. Halcyon, a bird. Impossible, incredible.

Jest, to play a part in a mask.
Hallidon, doom at judgment-day. Impout, to supply the deficiency Jet, to strut.
Handsaw, hernshaw, a hawk I'mpress, a device or motto. Jig, a ludicrous dialogue in verse.
Hangers, that which suspends Incapable, unintelligent. Journal, daily.
the sword.
Incarnadine, to dye red.

Jovial, belonging to Jove.
Harlotry, vulgar, filthy.
Incensed, incited!

Jump, to suit, just.
Hatch, to engrave.
Inclip, to embrace.

Justicer, a judge.
Haunt, company:
Include, to conclude.

Jut, to encroach.
Hay, a sencing term.
Inclusive, enclosed.

Jutty, to project.
Heat, heated.

Incompt, subject to account. Juvenal, a youth. Hebenon, henbane.

Incony or Kony, delicate, pretty. Hefted, heaved, agitated. Incorrect, ill-regulated.

K. Hell, a dungeon in a prison. Indent, to sign an indenture.

Kam, awry.
Helmed, steered through.

Index, something preparatory. Keech, a lump of tallow.
Hence, henceforward.
Indifferent, impartial.

Keel, to cool.
Henchman, a page of honour. Indigest, shapeless.

Keisar, Cæsar.
Hent, to seize.
Indite, to convict.

Kernes, light-armed soldiers. Herb of grace, rue.

Induction, preface, prelude. Key-cold, cold as iron.
Hermits, beadsmen.
Indurance, delay.

Kicksy-wicksy, term of endea.
Hest, command.
Informal, deranged.

ment for a wife.
Hight, called.
Infinite, extent or power.

Kindly, natural.
Hilding, a poltroon.
Ingaged, unengaged.

Kinged, ruled.
Hiren, a harlot.
Ingraft, rooted.

Kirtle, a woman's garment.
His, often used for its.

Inhabitable, not habitable. Knap, to break short.
Hoar, hoary, mouldy.
Inherit, to possess.

Knave, servant.
Hob-nob, as it may happen. Inhibit, to forbid, decline. Knots, figures planted in box
Hoist, hoisted.

In his eve, in his presence. Kwow, to acknowledge.
Hold, to esteem.
Inhooped, inclosed.

Know of, to consider.
Hold-taking, bear-handling. Ink-horn mate, a book-mate,
Holla! a term of the manege.
Inkle, worsted tape.

Holy, faithful.
Initiate, young.

Labras, lips.
Hoodman-blindman, blindman's- Inland, civilized.

Laced mutton, a prostitute. buff, Innocent, a fool.

Lackeying, moving like a lackev Horologe, clock. In place, present.

Lag, the rabble. Hot-house, a bagnio.

Insane, that which makes insane. Lakin, ladykin, or little lady. Hox, to ham-string Insanie, insanity.

Lances, lance-men. Huggermugger, secretly. Insconce, to fortify.

Lands, landing-places. Hull, to float without guidance. Insculped, engraven.

Land-rakers, wanderers on foot. Humming, o'erwhelming. Inseparate, inseparable.

Large, licentious.
Humorous, humid.
Instances, motives.

Lass-lorn, forsaken by his mis
Hungry, unprolific.
Insuit, solicitation,

tress. Hunt-counter, worthless dog. Integrity, consistency,

Latch, to lay hold of. Hunts-up, a bunting tune. Inteod, to pretend.

Latched or Letched, licked over


Lated, benighted.

Lover, sometimes for mistress. Merit, a reward.
Latten, thin as a lath.
Lowt, a clown.

Mermaid, a syren
Launch, lance.

Lowted, treated with contempt. Metaphysical, supernatural.
Laund, lawn.
Lozel, a worthless fellow.

Mete-yard, measuring yard.
Laundering, wetting.
Lubbar, a leopard.

Mewed, confined.
Lavoltas, a kind of dances. Lullaby, cradle.

Micher, a truant.
Lay, a wager.
Lunes, lunacy.

Miching Mallecho, a secret mis
Leaguer, a camp.
Lurch, to win, to purloin.

chief. Leasing, falsehood.

Lure, a decoy for a hawk. Mince, to walk affectedly.
Leather-coats, apples.
Lush, rank, luscious,

Minding, reminding.
Leavened, matured.
Lust, inclination, wil!.

Minnow, a very small fish.
Leech, a physician.
Lustic, lusty, cheerful.

Minstrelsy, office of minstrel. Leer, feature, complexion. Lusty, saucy.

Minute-jack, Jack-'o-lantern. Leet, petty court of justice. Luxurious, lascivious.

Miscreate, illegitimate, spurious, Leg, obeisance. Luxury, lust.

Misdoubt, to suspect. Legerity, nimbleness.

Lym, or Lyme, a bloodhound. Miser, a miserable being. Leges, alleges.

Misery, avarice. Leiger, resident.


Misprised, mistaken.
Leman, a kser or mistress.
Mace, a sceptre.

Misprising, despising
Leno, a paguer.
Mad, wild, inconstant.

Missives, messengers.
Lenten, spare.
Magot-pie, a magpie.

Mistempered, angry.
Let, to binder.

Magnifico, a Venetian potentate. Mistful, ready to weep.
Lethe, death.
Magnificent, boastful.

Misthink, to think ill.
L'Envoy, end of a poem. Mailed, wrapt in armour. Mistress, the jack in bowling.
Lewd, idle.
Make, to bar, to shut.

Mo, more.
Libbard, or Lubbar, a leopard. Makeless, mateless, widowed. Mobled, veiled, muffled.
Liberal, licentious in speech. Male, a bag.

Model, mould.
Liberty, libertinism
Malkin, a trull.

Modern, new-fangled.
License, licentiousness.
Mallecho, mischief.

Modesty, moderation.
Liefest, dearest.
Maltworms, tipplers.

Module, model.
Lieger, an ambassador.

Mammering, stammering. Moe, to make mouths.
Lister, a thief.
Mammets, puppets.

Moiety, a portion.
Lignt o’love, a dance tune. Mammock, to tear.

Moist star, the moon. Lightly, commonly.

Man, to tame a hawk; the devil. Mollification, softening. Like, to compare.

Mandragora, a soporific plant. Mome, a blockhead.
Liking, condition of body. Mandrake, a root.

Momentany, momentary.
Likelihood, similitude.
Mankind, a wizard.

Monster, to make monstrous.
Likeness, speciousness.
Manacle, a handcuff.

Month's mind, a popish anniver. Limbeck, å vessel used in dis- Manner, in the fact.

sary. tilling:

Man-queller, a man-killer. Mood, anger, manner. Linbo, a place supposed near hell. Marches, confines.

Moody, melancholy.
Lime, bird-lime; to cement. Marchpane, a sweetmeat.

Moonish, variable.
Limited, appointed.
Margent, margin.

Mops and Moes, ludicrous an-
Limits, estimates.
Martial hand, a careless scrawl.

tics. Lined, delineated.

Martlemas, the latter spring. Moral, secret meaning. Linstock, the staff to which the Mated, confounded.

Morisco, Moorish. match is fixed when ordnance Material, full of matter.

Morris-pike, Moorish pike. is fired.

Maugre, in spite of, notwithstand Mort of the deer, a tune on the List, limit.


death of the deer.
Lither, flexible.
Maund, a basket.

Mortal, murderous, fatal.
Little, miniature.
Meacock, a dastard.

Mortal, abounding.
Livelihood, appearance of Xife. Mealed, mingled.

Mortal-staring, killing by a look. Livery, a law-phrase.

Mean, the middle; the tenor in Mortified, ascetic. Living, estate, property.


Most, greatest. Living, speaking, manifest. Means, interest.

Mot, a motto. Loach, a small prolific fish. Measure, the reach; a solemn Mother, the hysteric passion, Lob, a dullard, a looby.

dance; means.

Motion, divinatory agitation. Lockram, a kind of linen. Meazels, lepers.

Motion, desires.
Lode-star, the polar star. Medal, portrait.

Motion, a puppet.
Loffe, to laugh.
Meddle, to mingle.

Motions, indignation.
Loggats, a game.

Medicine, a she-physician. Motive, a mover.
Long purples, a flower.
Meet, a match.

Mouldwarp, the mole.
Longing, belonging.
Meiney, domestics.

Mouse, to tear to pieces.
Longly, longingly.
Memories, memorials.

Mouse, a term of endearment. Loofed, brought close to the wind. Memory, memorial.

Mouse-hunt, a weasel.
Loon, a base fellow.
Mends, the means.

Moy, a piece of money; also, 1
Looped, full of apertures. Mephistophilus, a familiar spirit. measure of corn.
Lop, the branches.
Mercatante, a merchant

Much, strange, wonderful.
Lordling, a little lorda
Merchant, a low fellow.

Muck-water, drain of a dunghill.
Lot, a prize.
Mere, entire, absolute,

Muffler, a wrapper fo: the lower Lottery, allotzert.

Mered question, the sole question. part of the face, Love in iden23, a icwer. Merely, entirely.

Muleters, muleteers.

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